Last updated 3 years ago
How do we focus our community's desire to correct imbalances?
A specific challenge addressing mission-driven initiatives.
This is the total amount allocated to Mission Driven Challenge.
In Project Catalyst's short history we have seen mission-driven proposals in practically all of our funding categories. It should be easier.
Well-written and thoughtful proposals that enable people everywhere possible to improve their lives would arrive in waves.
The number and quality of funded proposals as well as the impact observed.
In Project Catalyst's short history, we have too often seen mission-driven proposal ideas attempt to adapt their desire to serve to funding categories' requirements.
Let us resolve this tension by giving mission-driven initiatives a permanent home in our funding rounds.
The amount of funding I am proposing equals 6.25 % of the total available for Fund 7. My suggestion is that this is a nice percentage to use as a guide for future rounds with increased funding. Like the Goldilocks fairy tale, it's not too much for the capitalists among us, not too little for the more charitable among us.
I'd like to be clear that there is no attempt on my part here to earn any reward for this proposal. I do not believe it needs a team for autonomous people to be able to make proposals that help others. I trust the community to make constructive comments and I trust the improving assessment process to weed out charlatans.
In my opinion, this just seems like a smart way to go for the whole community.