Last updated 10 months ago
African producers lack access to market, working capital and supply chains. They can't scale their business and earn income beyond survival.
The Waya DAO coordinates a network of local African producers, enabling them to serve international markets effectively.
This is the total amount allocated to Elevating Manufacturing in Africa.
The Waya DAO coordinates a network of local African producers, enabling them to serve international markets effectively.
We are a tech-savvy and diverse team based in Uganda and Europe. We are entrepreneurs with a background in blockchain, finance and business.
Spark a new economic paradigm by tokenizing all parts of production chains.
Building the first decentralized industrial network to replace and disrupt a historical exploitative industry with a decentralized and democratic network that incorporates all African producers. This allows them the participation in efficient and transparent value chains to produce at scale for the global market.
We believe in an Africa where everyone has the opportunity to fulfill their personal potential, where everyone can have access to a stable income and growth opportunities. We believe that African economies can grow and prevent mistakes the rest of the world has committed, while building a livelihood for millions of Africans.
We have observed a pattern in the way many African economies are built: The number of formal jobs is limited, so many people turn to run their own small or micro business, often in light manufacturing such as tailoring, carpentry, or else. However, because of a lack of formal education and professionalism, these small businesses only serve the limited domestic market, lack access to capital, and usually do not grow. This is especially evident in the fashion industry. It is the second-largest employer in Africa, but exports from African countries are just a tiny fraction of the global fashion exports.
We believe that this is a huge opportunity – all the resources are already there, they just need to be organized in a better way. With Cardano, we want to make these value chains transparent and efficient and give millions of small businesses access to the global market, as well as the tools to supply it. We aim to create a network that creates incentives to participate, trust and invest in the growth of Africa locally and globally.
Manufacturing is the only way to create necessary jobs and enable economic growth in Africa. We decided to start with the fashion industry.
The African continent is naturally decentralized, and imposing centralized industries will repeat all the suffering we can observe in textile production hubs of the world. Imposing centralized structures might also damage many of the natural advantages the African continent has.
Thanks to blockchain, those mistakes can be avoided. The Waya model builds on existing small businesses in the fashion industry and organizes them in a decentralized production system. By aligning incentives and creating a clear path to grow a production business, we open the way to an alternative model of industrialization.
This alternative model of industrialization is transparent, democratic, fair, and makes every participant a beneficiary of the overall growth.
How do we do this?
Access to market
The production of a garment is a complex task that includes designing, product development, and sewing, pattern making, fabric sourcing, tailoring, printing, packaging, and shipping. The Waya platform streamlines these production steps and makes it easy for international labels to produce clothing in Africa.
Using Cardano, we can decentralize and organize all these tasks transparently so that small businesses in Africa can take them up. Furthermore, the platform is an aggregator of production capacities. We can split tasks, i.e. divide 5000 pieces into five tailor shops when they only have a capacity of 1000. This way, we provide fashion production at the click of a button while creating value in Africa. Small African businesses can access orders, including the global market's instructions, capital, and materials on their phone.
Access to working capital
We want African businesses to grow within the network, take up big orders, and reward consistent high standards. That requires working capital. Because of our knowledge regarding the performance of businesses, we can determine a credit rating. This credit ranking is the basis of the platform's internal lending scheme. By providing capital to trustworthy partners, we bridge the funding gap many businesses in Africa struggle with while also fueling the growth of our network.
A transparent and effective value chain
Supply chains in Africa are usually peer to peer and informal. This often leads to higher prices and less efficient systems. We think that decentral value chains have big advantages too such as flexibility and robustness. With the help of Cardano, we can preserve those advantages and eliminate the disadvantages. We map out every part of the supply chain to make it transparent, efficient, and resulting in cheaper products.
For multiple reasons blockchain is the superior operating system for global and socially ambitious business ventures – and Cardano appears to be by far the cleanest implementation of that vision. Processing payments as well as orchestrating the shipping of real goods and user data at scale – and maybe more importantly, subject to complex and ever-growing business logic - sounds like a nightmare if it were to be handled in the traditional way, meaning: Centralized servers, expensive payment service providers, swathes of papers crossing jurisdictions. While those problems won't magically disappear, a DAO as the heart piece allows pushing the risky bits to the edges - allowing the whole system to at some point spread like ivy over the globe, unbeholden to contingent pettiness of singular fiefdoms.
We devised a somewhat complex scheme – a "game" if you will – to ensure the correct functioning of each part of the production process. Since we are already experienced working with Plutus (see - a DEX on Cardano) as well as all the other common constituents of the tech-stack – web-dev, app-dev, backend, even data science and AI ( – there is no way we can not build something truly beautiful here.
Definition of success after 3, 6, and 12 months
Progress made so far
We have…
3-month milestones
6-month milestones
12-month goals
Launch date
1st December 2021
About us
Antonia Lorenz
Antonia is an entrepreneur at heart and very passionate about all of her endeavors. She is on ground in Uganda for us which over the past two years also became her second home. She is creative, tech-savvy and has a great business mind. Before Waya Collective, she started the Podcast Foundality Africa and worked at E&P focus Africa, a consulting firm focused on African markets. She studied industrial engineering and management at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). Currently, she is also the Africa coordinator for Sigma Squared Society, a global entrepreneurship community. At Waya Collective, she is our CEO and responsible to lead the Ugandan Team to build the processes on ground.
Chris M. Hiatt
Besides being a computer scientist by trade, cognitive systems and the way society organizes itself in form of various games have always fascinated Chris. Also, he was always annoyed by involuntary waste of human potential. It is not surprising that this resulted in him becoming passionate about smart contracts, which are a computational way to re-organize society from the ground up and lower the barrier of entry to superorganism-inception by orders of magnitude, thus posing a challenge to incumbents. Waya constitutes his second project on the Cardano blockchain, after the Mirqur-exchange.
Carolin Baltzer
Carolin is our numbers expert. Passionate about logical connections, she studied Economical Mathematics at KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology). During her studies, she started to learn about entrepreneurship and started to work as a CFO at, a startup committed to helping farmers with soil moisture analysis, and for Plug and Play, an early-stage investment company. At Waya Collective she is responsible for Finances and for Operations.
Simon Peters - CEO Decus Network
Tom Pause - Managing Partner E&P Focus Africa
Dr. Michael Rabbow - Senior Advisor E&P Focus Africa, 34 years of experience in Africa & Asia
Gregorine Agbekponou - Consultant Accenture, Consultant for logistics & social impact
Ping Lu - Founder Customized Drinks GmbH, entrepreneur & mentor
This is the breakdown of expected costs for the next 6 months. We are currently building an MVP including accessing and partnering with production capacities in Uganda, customer acquisition in Europe and a DApp where every stakeholder can obtain governance tokens. We are also in the process of setting up our legal structure.
After those 6 months we will raise more money to complete our 12-month goals and to scale.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are a tech-savvy and diverse team based in Uganda and Europe. We are entrepreneurs with a background in blockchain, finance and business.