Share stories from change agents in Africa and diaspora, engaging with Cardano in cascading disruption, creating a better tomorrow, today.
Economics, Sustainability, Humanities, Social Sciences, NGO's, Social Entrepreneurs, Writers, Blogging, Video Editing, Figma, Canva
- Sustainable ADA plans to connect you to the real-life examples of how Cardano is enabling cascading disruption by change agents creating a better tomorrow, today throughout the continent of Africa & the Diaspora. Sharing the interconnectedness of these communities and how they are networked with one another and rapidly growing. We are going to share stories of empowering people taking actions in life-changing ways. Actions that ripple in globe shifting ways for a more sustainable, peaceful, and prosperous world for all.
- We want to share the wonderful projects and stories throughout Africa & the Diaspora; bridging people into a world where they are welcomed on their lifelong learning journey & invited into the Cardano community, ultimately enabling and empowering visitors to discover, acquire, and nurture an appreciation of what blockchain is, its limitations, and its possibilities.
- Provide resources for community members, non-Cardano community members, educators, and activists to confidently introduce blockchain technology into people's lives; highlighting the sustainable advantages and positive impact Cardano's blockchain technology has on communities and businesses on the ground in Africa and the Diaspora.
- Sharing feedback and the stories, focusing on progress from funded proposals in catalyst regardless of failure or success. Helping simplify the complexity of these solutions so it is transparent for anyone around the world. Looking at how African Fund5 proposals are self-sustaining and do not need further funding to keep operating, contributing to best practices shared.
Experience & Tools:
- The Sustainable ADA team has experience working with Figma, Canva, Wix, Final Cut Pro, Da Vinci Resolve 17, Adobe CC, Microsoft Products (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc).
- Sustainable ADA has the experience and a background in Sustainability, Economics, Humanities, Social Sciences. Along with work with NGOs, Social Enterprises, Freelance journalism, and blogging.
- Have experience working on a newsletter and additional content for the WADA Catalyst Conference.
- Recent long term partnership with WADA the West Africa Decentralized Alliance
What Success Looks Like:
- Reaching members from both the Cardano community and non-Cardano community to share and showcase the stories and strategies from using Cardano's blockchain technology; to improve the communities, businesses, and lives of anyone living across the continent. Sharing how Cardano is considered the best most sustainable public block-chain operating in Africa. Looking deep at how Cardano projects in Africa are not isolated but networked and growing.
- We plan to continue to highlight the work the West Africa Decentralized Alliance (WADA ) is doing and the impactful stories from their growing interconnected community spread across Africa and beyond.
Key metrics to measure:
- Record amount of African projects & participants shared via Sustainable ADA
- Record amount of African participants in the diaspora with a significant partnership with African based residents and how they collaborate with one another (projects, sustainability impact of project etc)
Proposing Team:
Sustainable ADA:
Cole is a recent graduate in Economics & Sustainability, Founder of Sustainable ADA, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, & Social Entrepreneur, Ecoquest Education Foundation - Sustainability Research, B Impact Clinic part of UNH's Changemaker Collaborative - Kikori, Sustainability Splash Program Organizer, Bronze UNH Sustainability Award Winner
Razali is an Educator, Editor and Writer, Digital Economy, Blockchain & Sustainability Researcher, Social Entrepreneur, Catalyst Proposal Mentor, Wada UN SDG and Education Coordinator, Co-Founder of Sustainable ADA & Catalyst School Core Member
Budget Break down:
Content Creations Supplies/Subscriptions:
- Website = (10$ a year) (IO = 49$ a year)
- WIX 30$ a month: $360 Year
- Canva = $13 month = $156 Year
- Vidvio (Video content) = 5$ month = $60 Year
- Adobe InDesign (CC Suite) = $21 Month = $252 Year
Monthly Total $69, Year Total = $887
- Content Creation Team: $4000 Articles, videos, (November 2021 - February 2022)
- Across Fund 7, creating content (targeting 2 articles weekly, 8 monthly = 32 articles approximately )
- Digital Marketing: $1000 for 12 months
- Additional resources for projects: $2000 (i.e travel costs to interview and investigate in person where applicable and low impact)
Budget Breakdown Total = $7,887
Road Map:
March - July 2021
- Registered domains both &
- Created Sustainable ADA website
- Presented at GimbaLabs Playground
- Created Mission & Vision Video
- Created a team
- Connected with Ekofolio Team
- Created Social Media Pages
August 2021:
- Created a flyer for WADA Catalyst Conference and promoted in social media
- In talks with Cardano Foundation
September 2021:
- Will be publishing a time stamped video of the event, and short montage with quotes from the event.
- Cardano Summit reporting - with an article focusing on sustainability related news
- Create newsletter connecting Sustainable ADA Logo to SDGs, & The Doughnut 21st-century economic model
- Complete Sustainable ADA website content pages (What is Blockchain, What is Sustainability, Cardano's connection to Sustainability?)
- During Fund 7, if funded, Sustainable ADA will produce articles and produce more content on the website, and shared across social media, that connect Cardano with Sustainability, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Doughnut Economics, Circular Economy and other sustainability and climate change focused projects in Catalyst.
Check out our video: