Last updated 3 years ago
Lack of WiFi & availability of affordable computers, available to Africans impedes their progress, we must make it easier & affordable.
Subsidise WiFi access, make more recycled handsets & computers available, particularly in rural areas. Make online training available
This is the total amount allocated to WiFi Hotspots & Internet Cafes.
Subsidise WiFi access, make more recycled handsets & computers available, particularly in rural areas. Make online training available
43 Years in business, seen needs by the poor & developing first hand
Thank you for visiting this proposal,
Ex-colonialisation, lack of knowledge & conditioning has led many Africans to apathy relating to improving their life & excelling, they need the information to show them how to succeed.
To grow Cardano in Africa, we need to show that Cardano is facilitating access to the internet widely and if possible free. This needs to be with hardware as well as software, rolling out programs to supply affordable WiFi routers to shops, cafes and other areas where people gather. Also, though recycling programs supplying computers and smartphones.
We should translate online information into as many African languages & dialects possible.
Lead by example, break the mental links to the past. Show what is possible, from village life to success with solid African examples & fund African mentors to speak to them.
I am proposing to set up the initial system & framework, build a team to find suitable sites and source recycled equipment. This would be followed by building a decentralised organisation to expand on the work in multiple African countries.
Thank you for reading our proposal, looking forward to responding to any queries.
Best wishes,
Carl Henry
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Road Map Overview
This project is ready for immediate launch, long term funding will be by launching the "CHG" Cardano native Token.
Cardano Native Token Created "CHG"
3 Month Roadmap
Start building teams in African countries to find potential sites for WiFi Hotspots & internet cafes (Target 50)
Identify the networks of internet services in Africa to link up with.
Lay the foundation for a decentralised organisation to co-ordinate sites & equipment distribution.
Secure sources of recycled routers, computers & smartphones.
Establish budgets for subsidising internet access.
Prepare proposals for Fund 7
6 Month Roadmap
Find more potential sites for WiFi Hotspots & internet cafes (Target 100 to 200).
Develop plans for a decentralised organisation to co-ordinate sites & equipment distribution.
12 Month Roadmap
We will have established a fully decentralised organisation to provide free or subsidised WiFi hotspots and to distribute free or affordable recycled computers & smartphones.
Social Media - Carl Henry Global
Cardano IdeaScale - 27 Insights & 10 Projects Submitted
Carl Henry Global is committed to working with the Cardano Ecosystem and working to improve it, if you would like to see our other submissions please visit our profile:
Budget Line Items
$3,000.00 Website with design and specification software
$8,000.00 Administration, data entry & Research
$5,000.00 Translations - African Languages
$9,000.00 Outreach, Marketing & social media costs
43 Years in business, seen needs by the poor & developing first hand