Prioritise access to a community owned crowd-funded healthcare service, digitising tangible assets, and rewarding healthy behaviours
Existing, unchained, healthcare system being served by 200 health professionals in a unique Wutano model that will grow through a BLC token
Problem Statement
- Africa's 150 Billion Dollar healthcare market is as fragmented as its 40 inflationary currencies and 2000 languages, plagued by corruption, mismanagement, and profiteering. In summary mistrust.
- This causes a perpetual spiraling of healthcare costs with 90% of the citizens having no cover of any sort.
- There is an unserved population of 13.5 million people in Zimbabwe (an African state) due to the fact that they do not meet the strict rules of the insurance actors, but not necessarily because they do not have the money.
- Amongst other hardships faced in a region suffering inflation and economic collapse, there are no social welfare initiatives to rely on. An unforeseeable medical condition could literally be your death sentence.
- The impact of the government's fiscal policies on the health sector has been devastating. An attached report by Transparency International in 2015 is still very relevant, and the situation was only made direr by the passage of time.
- African healthcare, can not be solved strictly by medical insurance models, or westernized approaches.
- The financial model used by leading medical insurance companies (pay as you breathe models) in the neighboring country of South Africa has generated untold riches for their stakeholders but has not delivered universal healthcare.
Medical insurance companies profit through;
- Justifying higher premiums, by faulting the behaviors of the patients
- Creating, and mis-advertising, the coverage of the medical scheme
- Putting in comprehensive processes tailored to reject health claims
- Outsourcing actual service of healthcare, leading towards collusion
- Medical institutions inflate costs, relying on the guarantee of payment from insurance companies
Clearly, the problem is large, but there is hope yet in Blockchain!
Our Solution
We are not rushing to create the holy grail of medical insurance for Africa. We are going to tackle this problem in stages and we need everyone's help to create a concept, then MVP, then roll it out into a test pilot project
We at Wutano do not believe we need to re-think healthcare. Sacha Robinson, the founder of Wutano and member of the Zimbabwean diaspora, has had a United Kingdom experience and discovered the peace of mind afforded by the UK Nation Health Service, the best system of healthcare in the world and affordable for all. If you are in need you will get treatment on the NHS without discrimination on income or status grounds.
- The Wutano model offers to buy the services of a health practitioner on a capped compensation basis (equating to a full salary in some cases) and in return, the health specialist does not charge any of our Wutano members at the point of service.
- Wutano brings to Zimbabwe the practices of NHS, relying not on taxation, but crowd-funded healthcare services governed through fair usage policies. The Wutano, off-chain network has already grown to 200 healthcare providers, with a growth rate of 50 users every month which is being controlled to ensure the community funds pot can afford payments to providers.
- The model is also supported by: fair usage practice, share the risk, prioritize access to services based on health-promoting behaviors, and protect the Wutano treasury from bad actors.
Anthony Jackson, a Catalyst Community member, and kindred Zimbabwean visionary believes the value proposition of Wutano and the social impact that digitization of the company would bring to Zimbabwe is too great to be limited by the current capacity of the team.
- Alongside the existing mechanisms, as summarised above, we desire a smart contract whereby the excess of your medical aid premium is invested on your behalf. In effect, your medical aid contributions to Wutano become an investment, and even possibly a pension. And the very same collective is the healthcare instrument that would provide for the sick, and elderly.
- This proposal does not seek to create that smart contract. Wutano has limited comprehension as to what that might entail. Furthermore, without community adoption and suggestions from Blockchain experts, a proposal of that nature would be premature.
Use Of Grant Funds
This grant would be used to develop a real-world use case, with the grand design in mind. Using secure no-code platforms, we will rapidly develop the idea and follow patterns that translate to Blockchain.
We have approached healthcare providers in the Wutano network, who are interested in piloting the adoption of Blockchain and are willing to invest their services and assets towards a more liquid healthcare model more resilient and capable of meeting the demands of the sick.
We consider this a soft touch of Cardano with the team, to develop value proposals that inspire collaboration and participation in Catalyst from the healthcare providers, while simultaneously developing competencies and relationships needed to fully realize the vision.
We are looking to partner with Blockchain experts and thought leaders in this space, and welcome any collaboration as part of this initiative. We believe strongly in the potential of Wutano, and wish to serve the people as soon as the technology allows.
Project Activities
- Hire developers to design (not build) a token, and build BLC data repositories for the pilot project and treasury function
- A Minimum Viable Product concept is most desired at this stage
- Design on paper the security and distributed audit features, the customer journey
- Have an appreciation of the marketing for Wutano health token, and its association to Cardano.
- Think-tank to design input of data onto the blockchain such as income, expenses, usage, occupancy, service reviews.
- Wutano Token valuation model inside a new ecosystem.
- Have the full discussion on the outlook of an eventual white paper.
What is the work plan or approach being taken? - Just Planning and Ideation
- Find competent resources
- Developers to map patient journeys in a distributed health approach
- Map registry, treasury function, agency network, and procurement/logistics functions - Acquire input from a local medical center
- - Purely to offer digital asset mapping rather than an overt offer of blockchain
- Vendor outreach programs on the same premise of the above point
Other activities will include: Wutano's Overton Window Journey
- Policy – ideate the digital blockchain policy
- Popularise -marketing department to discuss plans for meme-ology, tribe creation, and virality of the token when launched.
- Sensible Actions - assess the services required to the pre-signing agency network. Think sessions to describe a full network proposal
What will be the output from the project?
- A concept blueprint for a Wutano ADA wallet
- A complete outline of a wallet with input from collaborators of the process.
- Readiness to go into the second phase of creating the actual token and whitepaper based on results from the ideation phase
- Draft whitepaper
- Draft wallet of the Wutano ADA health token.
- Outline of a digitized medical outlet
- Audit and security processes defined
- Describe whitepaper format and features available to users, service providers, and investors
Geographical Area Served
- The pilot project will be in Zimbabwe where Wutano already has a signed-up database of doctors, pharmacies, and medical centers which are ready to be part of a minimum viable concept discussion.
Timetable and major milestones
- Find development team ~ 2 weeks
- Get estimates ~ 1 week
- Development workshop meetings ~ 3 to 6 weeks
- External consulting phase -7th Week to 8th week
- Adoption of Think-Tank Conclusions ~ 8-24 weeks
- Full and final report on all procedures, data, processes - ongoing for 8 to 24 weeks
Community or Cause
=> What cause would be advanced
- The Wutano ADA project will ultimately advance the delivery of healthcare to 13.5 million marginalized Zimbabweans with no viable alternatives or usable currency to purchase vital services.
- This first step will be a huge part of designing a new future of decentralized hospitals and other healthcare assurance
Other Stakeholder Causes Advanced by the Wutano ADA Token
- Tech Experts and Developers involved in the creation of Wutano will be valuable and enriched for future developmental work
- Cardano Blockchain World
- WADA and hackathon participants
Team Qualifications
Sacha Robinson
- Founder & CEO of Wutano
- Founder and Chair of Dung Beetle Farms (200+ investors)
- Zimbabwean, born & raised in Harare
Anthony Jackson
- Zimbabwean, born and raised in Bulawayo
- Software Architect (10+ yrs)
- Business Owner
Why is the proposer qualified to address the issue or subject for which funds are being sought?
Anthony Jackson and Sacha Robinson are both seasoned business owners. Anthony, a Software Architect, is the Founder of Betaplum. 10+ years of experience in FinTech as well as numerous industries related but not limited to health care, government services, banking, and Big Tech business partners. He will make all technology-related decisions.
Sacha as an entrepreneur launched Wutano, which is already a recognized brand in the health, wellbeing, and happiness promotion of its subscribed members. Wutano is an active project with an engaged user base. The business model is very inclusive, with an ever-growing partner network. Sacha Robinson will take a leading role in marketing and business development, leveraging his network and team to maximize the value proposition of Blockchain. Sacha, has a Master's degree in Business Administration, a Higher Diploma in Strategic Innovation, 20 years of experience as a business owner and director in blue-chip companies. Founder of Dung Beetle Farms, with over 200 investors, and Founder of Wutano Life Trust which has a supplier network of over 100 healthcare value chain professionals and pharmaceutical suppliers providing services to Wutano members.
Partnerships and Collaboration
Community Support
- Signed up a network of doctors, specialists, nurses, care agencies, ambulances, and other value-adding providers of the Wutano community.
- A prominent Cardio and Diabetic Specialist Center that are especially keen to test a distributed health token scheme.
Other Partners
- Betaplum
- Wutano Life Trust
Similar Organisations
- There are no other BLC health token programs in Zimbabwe and all of Africa
- We will work cooperatively with FinTech, BLC Vendors, Private Hospitals, Clinics, Pharmacies, Citizens, Selected Insurance Firms, Community Groups during the assessment of the health token idea
Vision of Success
- ADA-wallet-ready whitepaper draft
- Data migration format and assessment done
- Identified accelerator programs through a hub, and future development partners
- a clear idea of how to have future data engine oracles of accurate and immutable records
- A mapped plan of token transfer protocols/ and local agents network that will make the token popular and tradeable.
- Knowledge of how to denote assets onto the blockchain to create verifiable and auditable service centers.
- Draft policies of a Compensation mechanism for the healthcare workforce on the blockchain
- Investor handling and components of what to include in the algorithm
- Soft tests and feedback done
Evaluation Plan - Funding Period
- Developer Signups and Collaborator network
- Soft test on the Cardano network
- Final feasibility report and access to next round of funding
Challenges - Risks
- Resistance to the Wutano ADA wallet by medical centers or health workforce
- Tech challenges in getting staff and management to accept interference by Wutano's teams with a technology they do not yet fully comprehend.
Risk Management - Addressing The Challenges
Mitigating resistance to adoption of test wallet by patients and medical centers
- Identify blockchain savvy people that can cooperate in the pilot
- Use of role-playing and live scenarios of existing projects
Project Funding Information
- Amount requested - 15 700
Key Resources
- The Project CTO, Anthony Jackson, will provide daily oversight of the grant and will be considered key staff and spending hours developing the smart contract away from his own business
- The developer coordinator will coordinate project services and project activities, including training, communication, and information dissemination.
- The clinical Director or Doctor will provide necessary medical directions on future onboarding of digital information and guidance to staff for his staff under this project. His business's costs will be met by the project.
- Sacha will be on the ground to provide the token's real-world architecture. marketing insights, the model and general guidance.
- Local travel is needed to attend local meetings, project activities, and training events.
Budget Narrative
- Gather design team and optionally early partnerships
40hr x $30 = $1200 - Ideation, background work, and development of whitepaper
5 people * 20 hr/week * 4 weeks * $50/hr avg = $20000 - Memorandum of Understanding, and Business Model review
80hr x $30 = $2400 - Developer outreach and team selection
80hr x $30 = $2400 - Interview rewards for medical staff
200hr * $30 = $6000 - Market assessment, business outreach, for strategy report
200hr * $40 = $8000 - Fund7 proposal preparation
80hr x $50 = $4000
- Travel budget
$1000 maximum
These are high-level estimates.
Total: $45,000
The Social Links
Anthony Jackson
Sacha Robinson
Applicant's most recent activities report
- CheCha, a smart digital voucher system invented by Anthony Jackson (co-proposer) provides a real-world solution for patients to use their small change tokens to pay for their healthcare subscriptions. The project proposers anticipate synergistic value between Checha and Wutano. We strongly believe CheCha will become a street and countrywide voucher that will evolve to match its users' imaginations. We foresee government cooperation in its use that we liken to MPESA of Kenya but with great gas from blockchain that transcends borders to deliver unparalleled and instant convenience.
- Wutano has an active project with an engaged user base. Their business model is very inclusive, with an ever-growing partner network. Sacha Robinson will take a leading role in marketing and business development, leveraging his network and team to maximize the value proposition of a Health Blockchain. with over 200 health workforce signed up to serve Wutano subscribers, we anticipate great cooperation and collaboration that will drive adoption of our token model
- An existing, thriving piggery project was created with the crowd-farming method and gives us the confidence we can blockchain a Wutano Health token easily. more than 200 families and therefore potential reach of 1000 lives are already an attentive audience through the crowd farming Dung Beetle model. This puts us on a good path to distribute our token idea.