Last updated 2 years ago
No public facing directory of all Catalyst proposals and funded projects: limits the potential to audit, iterate, and innovate.
A non-gated, filterable repository of all proposals. Funded projects are followed, measured & updated in a public space. API for toolmakers
This is the total amount allocated to Treasury & Catalyst Proposal API.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
A non-gated, filterable repository of all proposals. Funded projects are followed, measured & updated in a public space. API for toolmakers
Darlington: 14+ years of software engineering, 7 years of cloud engineering, 9 years of business and cloud technology consulting.
We have built a first iteration of the directory, currently living at This initial version of the directory already allows users to view all proposals, search by title keywords, or filter by fund, challenge, funded status, and over-budget proposals. Users can sort proposals by requested budget and yes votes. Directory listings include proposal problem/solution outlines, infographics, project team details, and website links.
Funding this proposal will enable us to set up infrastructure and provide an API that toolmakers can use to build oracles and other interesting interfaces for improving and growing audibility.
## Partnerships
Our work complements what's being done by the fine folks, George and Jakob, over at PACE. PACE received funding in round 5 to begin standardizing catalyst data. LIDO Nation is cooperating with PACE on this effort, and looking to extend their work by creating an API for the community. it In this fund we will also work together to add additional rich data if these proposals are funded:,, and
The big idea is to take the data from the PACE collaboration, combine it with data in our directory and provide an open API for the community as well as an open source data repository. This data can be used in many ways including but not limited to:
## About Us
We are two blockchain enthusiasts. Darlington is an engineer by day and at all times a dancer, humanitarian, idealist and entrepreneur.
Stephanie is a teacher and technologist with a passion for helping non-profits navigate and capitalize on technology.
## Definition of Success
## Roadmap
Future: If the directory is providing value to the community, we will continue to iterate in response to the community need and feedback. We hope future funding will be secured by donations and/or another proposal depending on the challenges chosen. The LIDO Nation pool is also committed to providing some funding from pool rewards.
## Budget
infrastructure: $4,200: $700/month for testing and production infrastructure for, messaging, and database infrastructure x 6 months.
Development and Documentation ($12,000): Already spent about 120 hours developing and sanitizing current beta. Estimating an additional 200 hrs of development and documentation @ 65/hr. Darlington will donate any additional coding hours.
Darlington: 14+ years of software engineering, 7 years of cloud engineering, 9 years of business and cloud technology consulting.