Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano blockchain doesn't have content in Romania and community is struggling if they don't speak English very well
Create content in romanian for romanian community in the form of a knowledge library i.e. wiki format
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Romania Community Knowledge.
Create content in romanian for romanian community in the form of a knowledge library i.e. wiki format
Active on local tech and crypto community with 15+ years in co-creating value in the IT sector with expertise in cloud services and ISO27001
We aim to create a Romanian repository of knowledge for local community in a format of a wiki space for Romanian community to be able to use and re-share in the interest of expanding the space.
Our plan is to:
- establish the knowledge platform initially;
- create a library of knowledge and publish weekly at least one article on a major topic;
- create a distribution list and start spreading the knowledge to interested users in the community.
Active on local tech and crypto community with 15+ years in co-creating value in the IT sector with expertise in cloud services and ISO27001