Last updated 2 years ago
The extensive library of educational content for the development in Cardano is inefficiently dispersed and barely translated into Spanish.
Visibility, organize and efficiency guide of the educational content translated into Spanish by the community in a single website.
This is the total amount allocated to Educational Content in a Single Web.
Visibility, organize and efficiency guide of the educational content translated into Spanish by the community in a single website.
Experience in the communication and organization of audiovisual educational content to the public, both in person and virtually.
Innovatio's proposal for the expansion of Cardano's know-how
The Cardano community is growing day by day, translating and creating multiple contents such as video tutorials, courses, papers, and activities oriented to the education, implementation, and development of the Cardano blockchain technology.
However, the content is distributed across many platforms and communities, making it difficult to translate and consume efficiently. Even native Spanish-speakers who can educate themselves with English content, if it is not organized correctly, end up being overwhelmed and abandoning learning.
Why is the content in Spanish difficult to find or consume?
1) The Catalyst community, being in English, has little focus on organizing educational content in other languages.
2) The content translated or generated in other languages tends to be in specific communities with little reach to users outside the blockchain world.
3) The information and content tend to be dispersed, complicating learning or obtaining it efficiently.
How will the Innovatio community achieve this proposal?
1. Organization of the translated audiovisual content generated by the Spanish-speaking community on a single website that facilitates efficient consumption.
2. Sharing videos and content from Spanish-speaking influencers that promote awareness, adoption, and education about the Cardano blockchain.
3. Organization of the different Project Catalyst communities with their target audiences and educational goals through a general infographic that provides an overview of the ecosystem at a glance.
How does success look like?
1) Website with a high educational value in Spanish and English that facilitates the adoption and education of Cardano's technology.
2) General knowledge of the ecosystem so that each member can decide where to get involved and contribute.
3) Communities providing the translated and generated content to give visibility to their contribution and facilitate reaching external users to the blockchain world.
1) Number of English and Spanish communities contributing content to the website.
2) Amount of educational content available on the website.
3) Visits and readership of the content uploaded to the website.
Breakdown Budget
Full Stack Developer and Graphic Designer for the Website and Infographics: $ 2.300
1 Community Ambassador of Innovatio to connect with other Communities $800 x 6 months = $ 4.800
SEO Activity for Google Search: $ 300
Website Maintence: 66 x 6 months: $ 400
Total Budget = $ 7.800
Social Networks
Spanish Telegram Group:
English Telegram Group:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Experience in the communication and organization of audiovisual educational content to the public, both in person and virtually.