Last updated 3 years ago
Build a web portal in Bahasa Indonesia with simple language, easy to understand content and supported by the Indonesian Cardano Community
This is the total amount allocated to Indonesian Community Web-Portal.
Build a web portal in Bahasa Indonesia with simple language, easy to understand content and supported by the Indonesian Cardano Community
What We Want to Do
We want to build a one stop Cardano Community portal for Indonesian in local language with Simplicity in mind ; simple words, easy to understand and navigate (especially by young generation), and driven by the Community
With the raising demand of information and all things Cardano (including the Crypto space) in Indonesia, we noticed that;
With Indonesia entering its demographic bonus peak (2021-2030) we believe a trusted and well managed one stop hub (portal) in Bahasa that can reach younger generation are urgently needed.
What Success Looks Like
Active community contribution to support the content of the portal, a minimum ofweekly content all things about Cardano in Bahasa.
Regular community virtual meetup, expected to raise in registration and attendance. Will start on bi-weekly basis timed just after the mid-month and cardano360
Became the hub "all things Cardano" for Indonesian
[Month 1] Design & Build the Portal - working with SPO for feedbacks
[Month 2] Web portal live
Once live, the web/portal should aim to be in the page 1 of google search "Cardano Indonesia"
[Month 3]
Onboarded minimum of 70% the SPO telegram members listed on the Indonesian SPO Alliance (
Total $2,535
The Team
A team of two, and more!
This proposal is for the PHASE 1 ONLY of envisioned sCommunity Hub (Self-Sustained Community Hub in Indonesia)
This phase will built the web/portal and live within 3 months (Q4-2021) focusing on concept design & basic functionality.
The next phase will focus on how to maintain and develop the Community Hub across Indonesia
The next phase is building the economy behind the project - which in Indonesia the concept of "Koperasi" or "Cooperative" with the approach of "dari Kita untuk Kita" . This phase can developed in parallel with Phase 2, depends on the progress.