Last updated 3 years ago
The language barrier should be lowered with solutions that bring content in many languages.
We would like to translate 50 episodes from Lovelace Academy Channel.
25 about programming languages and 25 about general subjects.
This is the total amount allocated to Lovelace translation Portuguese.
We would like to translate 50 episodes from Lovelace Academy Channel.
25 about programming languages and 25 about general subjects.
I started my journey on Cardano as a translator in Cardano Ambassador Program I am also an Educator
We will translate the episodes to Portuguese manually as the automated translation is not able to deliver an understanding message.
By doing it we will achieve the goal to expand Cardano Plutus and Marlowe programming languages do a broad audience, and also will be able to help the platform to understand our content and do a better job in its automatic subtitle. Getting better subtitle will give as the chance to grow in many other languages already used by YouTube.
I started my journey on Cardano as a translator in Cardano Ambassador Program I am also an Educator