Last updated 3 years ago
People cant build up multilingual resources if the innovation hub (ProjectCatalyst) itself doesn`t reach them in their local language.
ProjectCatalyst and the TownHall-Meetings even the proposals need to be translated, that everyone can take part and engage themself.
This is the total amount allocated to Translating ProjectCatalyst.
ProjectCatalyst and the TownHall-Meetings even the proposals need to be translated, that everyone can take part and engage themself.
Jonny and Alain alredy live-translate regularly the weekly TownHall Meetings. Jonny is also an an active translator in the Cardano-Forum.
This proposal in a nutshell:
The main-problem:
Only 9%* of the world speaks english = Cardano and ProjectCatalyst can't reach the unbanked!
*English as their first or second language
Our Project:
We want to build up an bridge between different languages. They key to this goal are the translators. We already have many people, which can speak multiple languages and could translate. But we all are humans and need food, water, a home and so on. For that we need some money and actual translations doesn't get paid at all. Ok except from the cardano ambassador program, but this one is limited to text-to-text translations. So in our mind, Translators should get paid from our fundings and for all efforts. Also we should give translators the tools and the knowledge to translate even better.
With this proposal we want to reserve an amout of Ada, for the following purposes:
In our mind, we think that we should also establish one standard for every translation. So translators only needed to do what they can - translate.
Our own Roadmap:
public start:
In the next 3 months:
In the next 6 months:
Further Steps:
If you want to go International you need to go Multilingual!
Our Goals and measurement-metrics:
In the next 3 months:
In the next 6 months:
In the next 12 months:
Our financial plan:
75$ per hour of Live-Translation
apx. 100$ per TownHall Meeting
100$ * 4weeks * 3months * 5 translators = 6,000 USD
Reserve for additional translators = 1.200 USD
300$ per Training * 5 translators = 1,500 USD
Website and commercial:
500$ for 6 months
160$ per Micro * 5 Translators = 800 USD
Requested Amout: 10,000 USD
Translation and Languages:
Regarding to an statistic from statista only 510 Millionen people of the world speak english fluently.
We want to translate the weekly TownHall Meeting sustainable**.** We think this Meetings is the megaphone of the whole ProjectCatalyst. To do this sustainable and with the most impact we focus on the 13 most speaken languages of the world excluding english:
*regular speaker are people who use this language as their first or second language in their daily life. We think this is importent that we speak about this complex thematics in an language of their daily life.
For our own measurement we put the translations in an relation to the english language. For an example:
If the TownHall Meeting is got translated into german and france we increase the possible audience by 118 million german speakers and 107 million france speakers, in sum 225 million. 225 million from 510million english speakers are 44,12%. So we increased for this TownHall the possible audience by 44,12%.
The focus of translations is on the weekly TownHall meeting. We believe that the TownHalls meetings are the megaphone of the ProjectCatalyst and concentrate/summarize the complete governance and politics of an week. So this proposal aim to translate the ProjectCatalyst TownHall Meetings as Live-Translators. Why Live? We think it is important that the viewers of the TownHall Meetings are getting the topic live, to participate in the discussion rounds after the TownHall meetings.
The training:
Actual we dont offer trainings by ourself. The price is calculated that every translator can take part of the "Blockchain Masterclass" course by the Frankfurt School. The Frankfurt School is an international known business school and also have it own blockchain research center.
With this training the translator will learn more about the blockchain and crypto topic overall. The translator can understand what the TownHall meeting experts say and can effectivly translate it. If the participant succesfull finish the course he also will get an certificate from the frankfurt school.
This will improve the quality of translations and set the translation project on an professional level.
Jonny and Alain alredy live-translate regularly the weekly TownHall Meetings. Jonny is also an an active translator in the Cardano-Forum.