Last updated 3 years ago
Chinese public cannot realise the utility of cryptocurrency they bought due to crackdown, this can be realised by using an NFT game model.
We can utilise one of Chinese's most popular game genres to stimulate the spending and adoption of Cardano by creating a F2P NFT game.
This is the total amount allocated to Anime NFT game - gap in the market.
We can utilise one of Chinese's most popular game genres to stimulate the spending and adoption of Cardano by creating a F2P NFT game.
4 years in Project Management, vast resource connection in IT. As an South-East Asian, and a gaming enthusiast, I know Asian game appetites.
Twitter Friendly Solution
Vast number of Chinese wallets cannot spend or move their crypto in time due to crackdown. It is dormant money. By creating a Chinese targeted Cardano NFT mobile game, it creates a way for them to spend it.
Asia has more crypto ownership than all other continents combined.
The recent crackdown in cryptocurrencies in countries like China and Iran, has forced miners to look elsewhere. Although many institutional monies have moved out, there are still many individual holders who remain in China and cannot cash out their money.
The Gap
3 out of 5 top app spending countries are from Asia, with China leading with $30bn USD in 2017, double the figure of the 2nd place - the US. on $15bn. It is projected in 2022 that Chinese spending will reach $60bn, America $29bn and Japan $20bn.
The Chinese crackdown is aimed at official bodies and shops that are based or providing a service in China. Those establishments cannot conduct any business activities in relation to cryptocurrency. This does not limit any public member who already hold a virtual wallet that operates outside of Chinese soil functioning.
This means funds currently sitting in those oversea wallets held by Chinese public cannot be cashed out, but can still be used as it is not illegal to hold, and government cannot stop transactions happening outside of China.
A big part of the project's target audience is aimed at those public, offering a way to spend the stuck capital. As far as Chinese Government's concern, this project is just providing a gaming platform.
Currently there are 8.9 million of mobile apps, and China constitutes 40% of app spending. By developing a play to earn, free to play NFT game that suits the Asian appetite, we can tap into the dormant funds and inspire the adoption of Cardano.
Initially, a website will be developed with the sale of limited founding NFTs for Ada. There will be no marketplace development for the project, but people who bought from us will be able to sell it on a marketplace - CNFT.
The money accumulated from the sale of founding NFTs will be used to develop the next stage of the project - the first phase of the game, which will be coded with Rust langauge. As development progresses, there will be more rounds of funding NFTs for sale. When the game is mature enough, it will be duplicated onto the mobile platform. This will open new revenue streams to fund the game development on a larger scale.
The game will be dubbed as a major Cardano NFT game, sparking the interest of people.
I am a Project Manager within the IT industry for over 4 years. Ran end-to-end bespoke systems and websites projects for clients. Being in a consultancy has given me the opportunity to build a wide array of IT professional contacts. As a native Mandarin speaker, I also am able to liaise with cost effective Chinese IT resources and communities to help shape the project.
4 artists have already started working on illustrations. A Front-End and a Back-End Developer have been identified to deliver the website. I am also in contact with NFTMaker Pro, who has agreed to collaborate.
Roadmap & KPI
Progress So Far
Phase 1 -(2 weeks)
Phase 2 - (~2 weeks for the website, ~4 weeks for the artworks)
Phase 3 - (~4 weeks, in conjunction with website development)
Definition of Success by Milestones
[MVP] By month 3:
By month 6:
By month 9:
By month 12:
MVP Cost Breakdown (3 month goal)
4 years in Project Management, vast resource connection in IT. As an South-East Asian, and a gaming enthusiast, I know Asian game appetites.