Last updated 3 years ago
There is a worldwide housing shortage! Cardano can solve this with NFTs & Blockchain while creating employment & quality homes globally.
Build houses in local factories using local materials & workers, delivering finished modules to the site which are installed in hours
This is the total amount allocated to Building Affordable Houses Quickly.
Build houses in local factories using local materials & workers, delivering finished modules to the site which are installed in hours
Trading & investing in Real Estate for 40 years including offsite Modular construction of buildings (In Factories)
Introduction to Offsite Modular Construction of Housing which is "Faster, Better, Cheaper & Greener!"
(Please watch the Video Below)
The fastest & most cost-effective way of building housing is offsite modular construction in factories, because production line techniques can be used & there are no delays for events like bad weather.
Benefits of the Cardano Blockchain with modular construction.
Modular Housing Factories can be built anywhere in the world that has a housing shortage & needs employment, using a standard basic model we save money, then exterior & interior finishes will use local materials suitable for budgets and the environment.
Cardano Blockchain would control the materials supply-chain, transportation & assembly of the modules, each housing module can be held in an NFT, an NFT can be created for the plot of land and finally there would be an NFT that would record the marriage of the modules and the land in the package.
The land & building ownership would be held in an NFT and registered on the blockchain, there will be a tangible uplift in value as the parts are being put together and then the "marriage-value" of the modules with the land will create profits.
Housing factories can be created all over the world, materials and pricing can be tailored to the local economy.
Real time tracking will be displayed online to co-ordinate works in the factory and on the building plot of land to ensure a smooth installation on the day of delivery.
Benefits of Offsite Modular Construction
Faster – Quicker delivery
The Modules and pods can be installed on site in a matter of days for smaller homes and a few weeks for say a block of flats, the upside is obvious but I would highlight the number of lost working days with traditional building methods due to bad weather – this is not an issue with offsite modular construction particularly as the modules are normally weather proof on delivery.
As our buildings are constructed inside factories we are not effected by delays caused by bad weather, bad light or theft.
Better – Higher Quality
As the modules that make up our buildings, and the fitting out of them, is completed inside a factory the quality can be monitored more easily and quality control maintained.
Also as we primarily use steel to build our modular building units we can achieve millimeter accuracy in the construction and fitting out. This accuracy is maintained through the life of the building due to the higher strength of steel as our primary building material.
Cheaper - Lower prices
Mass production of standardised modular units and pods which are assembled on a production line basis will drastically reduce the overall cost, the reduced time for workmen to be on site is also a hidden cost benefit along with theft of materials and equipment which is identified as a significant cost with traditional building methods.
Greener - Ecological & sustainable
As mentioned, before we can employ the very best recyclable materials and finishes which will be mounted on steel modular frames, these materials offer the best thermal resistance in both the heat and cold making the resulting home much better and efficient to live in.
Better water management
Due to the flexibility of design, we are easily able to collect rain water and run it into a grey water management system which can be used to flush toilets etc. reducing the demand on the main water supply which in turn reduces costs to the home owner.
Efficient use of utilities
Overall, the above benefits will reduce the usage of heating & cooling within the home, it will allow the easier maintenance of the ideal ambient temperature. We can also add elements of solar power generation to reduce the reliance on external power sources.
The modules are built with special module measurements with a steel frame to withstand shipping and strength requirements, manufacturing takes place in the factory.
Structural integrity
Currently, the modules can be built up to 6 floors without additional structural support.
Design Flexibility
Opportunity for different expressions, due to the modular elements you have a greater variety of optional layouts that are quickly implemented.
Environmentally Friendly
Environmentally friendly production as the materials and modules can be recycled after use and reused.
Efficient Energy Solutions
Well insulated using the most up to date efficient materials which are constantly reviewed. We can easily incorporate the very latest ecologically beneficial facilities such as solar power generation and grey water management, all installed in the comfort of our factory.
Smart Technology & Internet of Things
It is much easier to incorporate WiFi, Solar panels, internet access wiring etc. in a factory setting.
Fulfills Planning Requirements
The modules are built according to national and local planning regulations resulting in stronger more durable buildings, new homes are also insured for up to 10 years.
Advantages of offsite manufacture for construction
1. What are the opportunities offered by offsite manufacture for construction? What are the likely drawbacks? What factors are likely to influence clients, architects, design engineers, contractors and the supply chain in deciding whether to choose offsite manufacture?
a. OPPORTUNITIES: "Deliverability";
i. Affordable residential housing
ii. Filling the UK housing shortage needs
iii. Providing jobs in highest areas of unemployment
iv. Positioning offsite factories where there are skilled people
v. Better comfortable working environment for employees
vi. Efficient production line techniques can be employed
vii. Develop efficiency by standardisation of many elements
viii. Robotics can be used to complete repetitive actions
ix. Potential to develop specialist factories as part of supply chain
x. Just-in-time delivery schedules can be employed for materials
xi. Bulk delivery of components and materials possible
xii. Reduction of pollution due to less transport movements
xiii. Factories can be positioned to take advantage of both road & rail
xiv. Intermodal transportation can be used by designing to ISO sizes
xv. Reduce negative impacts around building sites
xvi. Certainty of development completion timescales
xvii. Reduction of delays caused by bad weather
xviii. Ground works completed at the same time as the building is built
xix. Centralisation of components and materials
xx. Inclusion of more recyclable & sustainable materials such as steel
xxi. Opportunity to supply modules both B2B and directly B2C
xxii. Websites can be created where people can "design your own home" and a full quotation automatically created (excluding the cost of land) and payment taken.
b. The cost of a modular home does not vary because of the geographic final location, the only geographic variable is the cost of land.DRAWBACKS: "Education";
i. Resistance by traditional (House) builders
ii. Resistance by the brick & slate industries
iii. Acceptance by the public
iv. Acceptance by the mortgage market
v. Incorrect perception that this is lower quality construction
vi. Memories of post-war "prefab" housing.
2. Offsite manufacture of housing can lead to;
a. lower costs, faster delivery and increased quality;
b. increased productivity;
c. improved health and safety;
d. greater provision of new, affordable housing.
What is the evidence for this?
a. lower costs, faster delivery and increased quality; Generally through centralisation of labour and materials with reduced transportation of employees and materials. The key to faster delivery is that groundworks and the creation of the building take place in parallel resulting in a potential saving of 50% of the time required to complete. As all buildings are completed inside factories the conditions are totally controlled; heating, lighting and employee's facilities. With the availability of specialist equipment, leading materials available and production-line techniques the highest quality can be maintained.
b. increased productivity; Due to the totally controlled working environment potential stoppages and downtime due to weather are eliminated also better working conditions leads to happier more productive workers.
c. improved health and safety; Once again through the controlled working environments possible matters such as visibility is increased, errors caused by cold or wet hands avoided and systems and processes can be put in place more easily in a factory environment.
d. greater provision of new, affordable housing; As our evidence is titled offsite modular construction of housing is: "Faster, Better, Cheaper & Greener!"
Generally taking 50% of the time, Higher quality in structural and thermal qualities, due to time saved, transportation reductions, reduced financing periods and quicker delivery to the open market a minimum of 25% can be saved which can be 'passed on' to the open market & local government (Only land value will fluctuate around the country).
Modular construction will allow a wider range of housing solutions, infilling on small sites (uneconomic for traditional builders), self-supporting housing using air-rights (over shops, commercial buildings, carparks), both temporary and permanent housing (Houses and flats) can be provided to suit special situations or local authority requirements. Land can be developed quickly and efficiently avoiding the requirement for land banking to create a "pipeline" of developable land.
Potential barriers to wider use of offsite manufacture
3. What are the drawbacks to offsite manufacture for construction?
a. We do not see any drawbacks to the efficiencies provided by this method of construction.
4. What re-skilling of the construction workforce is required to facilitate a change to more off-site manufacture for construction?
a. A large part of the industry will have to get used to working inside in clean and efficient factories.
b. The industry will have to get used to using new more efficient materials.
c. Builders will become more technical and use more specialist tools and automated systems on production lines.
5. Can the benefits of standardisation and factory manufacture be realised without hampering architectural ambition? If so, how?
a. Due to the wide range of construction materials and finishes architects will be more liberated and have a wider scope for design creativity.
b. Many more ecological and energy saving technologies can be incorporated into the very fabric of the buildings, even becoming part of the structure.
6. What R&D is needed, and by whom, to realise fully the potential benefits of off- site manufacture?
a. Entrepreneurs running private organisations will be the very best to develop this opportunity.
b. Passion, dedication and competition within the market place will produce the best results.
Thank you for reading this proposal, I hope you see the need for a better approach to housing supply.
Best regards,
Carl Henry
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Road Map - Overview
This project has been ongoing for some years, funding from Catalyst will help to accelerate the adoption and integration of the Cardano Blockchain and tokens.
Roadmap - 3 Months
Roadmap - 6 Months
Roadmap - 12 Months
Social Media - Carl Henry Global
Cardano IdeaScale - 27 Insights & 10 Projects Submitted
Carl Henry Global is committed to working with the Cardano Ecosystem and working to improve it, if you would like to see our other submissions please visit our profile:
Budget Line Items (Phase 1 Development)
$15,000.00 Website with design and specification software
$8,000.00 Administration, data entry & Research
$2,000.00 Translations
$2,000.00 Consultation fees for launch of a Cardano Native Token
$10,000.00 Marketing & social media costs
$11,000.00 Content writing, publishing & posting
$20,000.00 Architect update modular housing designs
Trading & investing in Real Estate for 40 years including offsite Modular construction of buildings (In Factories)