Last updated 3 years ago
Brand owners hate for feedbacking the content, but even with a professional content writer, they usually need feedback at least 2 times
AI will helps content creator to optimize the content by rewarding and recommending the best and most effective sales driven content.
This is the total amount allocated to CONTENT MARKETPLACE SUPPORTED BY AI.
AI will helps content creator to optimize the content by rewarding and recommending the best and most effective sales driven content.
Founder has +10 years working on content industry, also sold 20+ types of content development service packages in 2 years for this project.
Not all brand owner loves the process of content production with content writer, there are a lot of problems that make them being exhausted. Including:
On the content writer side, there are also many problems:
To help brand owner shine with accordant style
- Objective of this phase is to show the key interface to customer and learning about how customer react with product & pricing.
- KPI - acquire user: 500
(After finish the MVP and running sales in 3 months)
Released features in this phase mostly based on the result of problem interview, but it will include these basic features:
- Basic AI includes abilities:
o Crawling content from pre-made data
o Suggest the content that fit with requirements
o Suggest scheduled content based on time and date
- Brand zone interface
o Input requirement with pre-set values
o Suggest idea content for week, month, specific day
o Contact content writer for develop special content (inhouse team)
In this phase, inhouse content writer team will procedure the sample for limited industry.
Develop to solve the first top problem
- Release Alpha 2.0 with basic AI
o AI can learn from surround environment of brand channels to suggest idea & content better (we will teach AI)
o Crawling data from social media, google
- Smart contract for content production
Receive feedback and fix from Prospects that are using demo
Founder: Alfred Pham - have 10+ years working on marketing industry, currently running a content company with 80% of staff is freelancer for helping brand drive traffic to their channels. That make me well understanding the problems of brand owner when developing content for their channels. Also, with our current business model, we know where is the key pain point of freelancer when working with brand.
All my processes and results will be updated in my youtube channel.
And future will be also on my blog:
We also have core partners working developing channel content for various brand from small business to big corporation, from low quality to unique and high quality. That can not only help us well understanding brand's insight to develop this project, but also teaching our AI on the right way.
- Ms. Linh Nguyen Thi Cam – High class content Freelancer Leader :
Leading team to producing content for big corp: Ba Na Hill, Vietnam Airline…
- Ms. Nhung Vo Thi Hong – Operation manager at Hiip Asia:
Leading KOL and buzz marketing for brand of big corp: Romano, Vinamilk, Ajjinomoto…
Salary for 1 AI engineers in 3 months: $3000 * 3 = $9.000
Salary for 1 software engineer in 3 months: $2000 * 3 = $6.000
Salary for 1 UX/UI in 3 months: $2000 * 3 = $6.000
Total: $21.000
The budget will cover the cost of core HR of technical development in early of phase 2.
We will raise fund on next Funds after forming the detail roadmap of product and team members.
Channels we developed/ co-developed:
- Group
- Fanpage
- Fanpage
- : Fanpage & Group
- Fanpage
Founder has +10 years working on content industry, also sold 20+ types of content development service packages in 2 years for this project.