Last updated 3 years ago
It becomes harder for small farmers to support a high demand of fresh, local food with industrial standards and keep sustainability.
Our solution is to help farmers to make standards NFT of their products in order to be more valuable for consumers, industrial and services
This is the total amount allocated to Digital Twin NFT for Farm products.
Our solution is to help farmers to make standards NFT of their products in order to be more valuable for consumers, industrial and services
Engineer msc, emurgo blockchain student, startup for sustainability in farmers collective
💸 Market perspectives
Globally, 500 million smallholders produce more than 80% of the food production and contribute directly to feed 2 billion consumers. Agriculture accounts for 30% of the global workforce and for 70% of water use [1]. The agricultural and food market is valued at more than 8 Trillion USD worldwide and 1 Trillion only in the US [2]. This sector is highly centralized, in the US 4 dominant trading firms control more than 89% of the grain sector [3] where in France, 4 central markets share 91% of food market turnover. 2019 data showed that the agro-food supply chain (ASCs) produce 75% of food systems GHG where 26% of waste is generated by food service and 13% from retails [4] . ASCs lead to intensive food production that have severe consequences on the food autonomy and resilience. Smallholders that directly contribute to food autonomy and resilience, essential to preserve ecosystems, are collapsing. France and Germany report a lack of 200 000 smallholders workers (Deloitte) where ⅓ disappeared from 2000 to 2016 and another ¼ will disappear in 2030 (CRATER) .
COVID-19 pandemic increase the need for local and transparent food, which can be empowered by blockchain [5]. Blockchain traceability solution will reach 886 million in 2025 with IBM Food Trust partner, and iTradeNetwork (Hyperledger), Agriledger and AgUnity that compete to link farmers and industrial. However all actual blockchain solution are permissioned and highly centralized thus tends to raise the technological barrier for farmers and increase inequality between large farmers and smallholders.Thus we need to develop a new solution that can decentralized agriculture and raise mass adoption of farmers for the blockchain.
🍅 Product
A public and decentralized Public blockchain technologies can offer transparent traceability , public data about freshness and quality labeling but can also protect and reward smallholders for their productions and contribution to a safer and secure food system.
Digital Twin (DT) is a representation of a physical product that mirrors its states, behavior, position across its lifecycle. DT for Farm products can store products' details ( shape, weight, taste, variety) current production state (seeding,growing,harvesting), freshness, and transaction (importer, stockage, reseller). [6] [7] DT can help provide best-before-date and guaranteed shelf life that can directly reduce food waste [8] and helps farmers to collect data and make better product management and sales decisions.
Our product is a free access platform with comprehensive tutorial to create a robust NFT for farmers that include the following features:
NFT simplified design
Universal standards
Technical Embeed
Then NFT should show the actionable insight:
🎯 Acquisition
We need to prove to the farmer that this solution is an easy and costless process that can have multiple advantages compared to other Blockachain traceability solution:
🧐 Monopoly
The platform is open source and made for farmer to increase Cardano NFT mass adoption. NFTs will be build on the Cardano blockchain, GPC standards and design to evolve with farmers and IOT inputs.
We will provide research effort to design the NFT and create a user-friendly platform that help farmers to build and store their NFT. Thus we will develop a bigger ecosystem to of application and services to support their work.
This platform will be a first step for consumers, farmers, cooperative, government and NGO to collaborate in an universal NFT framework for farm products and build a decentralized agriculture beneficial for the entire society.
💰 Show us the money
This project needs a Cardano associate developer and an agro-industrial researcher both granted $5k for the following deliverables:
As a written agreement, the proposal fund receiver is engaged to deliver funds to the main contributors of projects deliverable. Community followers are warmly welcome to help for the project development.
🚗 Getting on the road
For the next 3 months create the first functionality of the NFT maker and work on the first part of the research paper.
For the next 6 months the research paper will be completed and submitted, we will improve the platform functionality to integrate iOT and farmers input and associatie with farmers for a beta testing. We will also attract funded to keep on progressing and offer more services.
For the next 9 months the platform will be fully operational and farmers will be able to generate and manage their own tokens and interact with several services of traceability and transaction.
Defining success
Our mission is to open NFT to farmers for them to become a maker with the same level of technical, legal and bargaining power as agro-food industrial and decentralized agriculture.
By creating an online platform for farmers to become NFT maker we hope it will protect their ownership, products and prices, improve the supply chain freshness and access credit from collateral. Production will become responsive to local needs and supply chains will be structured around value creation.
📃 References
1. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The future of food and agriculture: Trends and challenges. Food & Agriculture Org.; 2018.
2. Ag and food sectors and the economy. [cited 21 Aug 2021]. Available:
3. Clapp J. CRFA - ABCD and beyond: From grain merchants to agricultural value chain managers. CanFoodStudies. 2015;2: 126–135.
4. Environment UN. UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021. 4 Mar 2021 [cited 21 Aug 2021]. Available:
5. Document card. [cited 21 Aug 2021]. Available:
6. Pylianidis C, Osinga S, Athanasiadis IN. Introducing digital twins to agriculture. Comput Electron Agric. 2021;184: 105942.
7. Verdouw C, Tekinerdogan B, Beulens A, Wolfert S. Digital twins in smart farming. Agric Syst. 2021;189: 103046.
8. Defraeye T, Shrivastava C, Berry T, Verboven P, Onwude D, Schudel S, et al. Digital twins are coming: Will we need them in supply chains of fresh horticultural produce? Trends Food Sci Technol. 2021;109: 245–258.
9. Semianiaka N, Silina E. The role of global data identification standards for supply chain visibility: the case of GS1. 2012. Available:
Engineer msc, emurgo blockchain student, startup for sustainability in farmers collective