Last updated 3 years ago
Bitcoin and ethereum's proof of work ecosystem has done huge damage to the environment due to the computations required for mining.
Leveraging NFTs and gamifying it as well as cooperating with real world environmental projects to reverse much of the damages done
This is the total amount allocated to Engaging eco-NFTs for the Planet.
Leveraging NFTs and gamifying it as well as cooperating with real world environmental projects to reverse much of the damages done
Collective 20 years software development
5 years of graphic design
3 years marketing
Our team is experienced in launching NFT projects
Our mission is to utilize Cardano's eco-friendly technology to push back the damages proof of work blockchain techs have caused.
We plan to make a real difference by directing community funds raised into environmental projects. We want to reflect an action an user takes in this 'game' to directly plant a tree in the real world.
We also believe that a project which highlights the environmental benefits of the Cardano technology, through an engaging NFT game will help bring more users to the ecosystem.
The game
A farmville-esque game, users will be able to buy saplings and land to grow their trees. In the user's land, they will be able to design their garden to their liking.
The trees will grow based on real-world time but sped up by a multiplier. Each tree will grow and evolve to different stages - each stage having a randomized look with the original genesis trees bought by early supporters having unique looks to the rest.
Grown trees can be "trimmed" to obtain an offspring sapling (iterating the generation) which can be sold or planted again.
We plan to cooperate with environmental and sustainability projects so that when certain actions occur in game, it'll have direct impact with the real world.
E.g. We pledge to plant a tree per sapling created in game.
We sincerely hope to offset as much of the carbon emitted by previous blockchain technologies.
User incentives
Wallets in the cryptocurrency world can be traced back and reviewed in a way in which the damages done by a wallet can be calculated.
There are many corporations and individuals who have the desire to be viewed in a positive light. We can leverage this by creating a leaderboard system on our platform, which allows people to visibly see rankings of individuals who have contributed to repairing the planet.
This will create competition and interest which can keep the community engaged and interested.
Trees will need to be looked after periodically. We will have a caretaker functionality that allows anyone to tend to somebody else's trees in exchange for payment, using a trustless system.
Milestone 1 â 3 months (October launch)
Build website landing page
Build smart contract for minting plants and land
Build infrastructure for the game
Create artwork for genesis trees and land
Open limited pre minting for trees and land
Milestone 2 â 6 months
Build 2D game for managing farm of trees and land
Begin marketing and collaboration with charity organisations
Create artwork for next generation of trees
Milestone 3 â 9 months
Open minting and release game
Foster community interest
Milestone 4 â 12 months +
Create additional isometric map of the game
Create a caretaker platform for player interaction between farms
Funding breakdown
Development Cost = 50%
Marketing Cost = 15%
Growth/Adoption Plan cost = 10%
Artwork design =10%
Partnering with environmental projects = 15%
Requested funds in USD 20,000
The above funding breakdown indicates the costs of getting the project through to the third milestone. Once the major features are developed, and the tree and land artwork has been created, the distribution of the funding will be shifted to focus on growing our community and growing relationships with third party environmental projects.
Collective 20 years software development
5 years of graphic design
3 years marketing
Our team is experienced in launching NFT projects