Last updated 3 years ago
Decentralized fetching of NFT files is too slow for common use!
We will fix the slow loading of the collectibles by creating a fast prefetch cache of all the NFTs on the blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Fast Fetching Collectible Cache.
We will fix the slow loading of the collectibles by creating a fast prefetch cache of all the NFTs on the blockchain.
We have gained the relevant experience building Adaly Cardano Wallet, that allows listing and transferring of NFT collectibles.
Adaly Wallet allows exploring remote NFTs. Now we want to gather all the NFTs under a single gallery. We want to create a beautiful NFT gallery, that is fast. Being able to list the NFT's in real time makes the development of further services possible (challenge metric).
Decentralized loading of NFT files is slow as there is no central storage. Images are shared over a slow "distributed network file system" called IPFS. This slowness can be overcome by prefetching every distinct CNFT into a cache. We will create a concurrent multi-process IPFS pre-fetcher to seed this cache.
Funding will go into development of the prefetched NFT storage cache.
$11,411 Development of NFT storage cache
Definition of Success
Product is ready before 3/6/12 months.
Date of Launch
December 31th 2021.
We have gained the relevant experience building Adaly Cardano Wallet, that allows listing and transferring of NFT collectibles.