Last updated 3 years ago
Homeowners can only realise their equity % gains of ownership upon sale of asset whilst seeing money outgoing each month.
I am trying to provide a real time realisation of the equity owned within the asset and staked allowing their asset to generate income apy.
This is the total amount allocated to Mortgage Equity Realisation.
I am trying to provide a real time realisation of the equity owned within the asset and staked allowing their asset to generate income apy.
Experience within the property development & planning sector, with knowledge of blockchain and proptech problem solving
Funds will be used over the next 6-12 months to create and test a platform capable of performing required functions in an efficient, secure, user friendly manor.
Approximately 500,000 mortgage applications are completed each year in the UK alone, predominantly millennials and will become Gen-Z over the coming years. This target audience is crucial in the adoption of blockchain infrastructure and values will align with the platforms function as it has become increasing harder for young generations to become homeowners.
The function is to allow for people biggest asset they purchase in life, to becoming income generating monthly rather than waiting for appreciation over years and only accessing that increase upon sale of asset. This allows customers to pay stake their mortgage equity and receive monthly reward for doing so, which can be compounded into their mortgage effectively creating full ownership off assets quicker than traditional methods.
Experience within the property development & planning sector, with knowledge of blockchain and proptech problem solving