Last updated 3 years ago
Games have shown great potential for people to engage. But there is high friction for the creative to publish their game and make a living.
An ecosystem of devs and players governed by smart contracts.
The player can buy coins bound to the game when they achieve certain levels.
This is the total amount allocated to Verifiable Game Achievement NFT.
An ecosystem of devs and players governed by smart contracts.
The player can buy coins bound to the game when they achieve certain levels.
Followed Plutus pioneer program
6 years experience at Google building software
Participated blockchain development (part time) since 2018
(First, to keep things simple at the beginning, let's limit the scope of the games to single player puzzle games.)
An ecosystem of game developers and players governed by smart contracts:
In more details:
Success metrics:
3 months: A working proof of concept
6 months: Launch the first version MVP
12 months: Have 100 games published, and 10000 users
Budget breakdown:
(This is very rough and subject to change when further into the current infrastructure)
* Full time on-chain and backend development 6 month: 30000 USD
* Frontend development 3 month: 10000 USD
* Demo games and assets preparation: 10000 USD
* Designer: 10000 USD
Followed Plutus pioneer program
6 years experience at Google building software
Participated blockchain development (part time) since 2018