Last updated 3 years ago
We need to create a partnership of equals, mass adoption will come from a respected crypto-funded NPO/NGO that helps the world improve!
Build a Worldwide Crypto funded NPO/NGO focused on improving our planet & living sustainably by curating & funding innovators & innovations
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Powering Planet Improvement.
Build a Worldwide Crypto funded NPO/NGO focused on improving our planet & living sustainably by curating & funding innovators & innovations
I have 43 Years of business experience in Finance, Real Estate, Internet, Corporate & Lifestyle including not-for-profit & waste management
Welcome to our Proposal!
If you prefer you can watch this plan in the video below (Does not include the List of Projects which is below).
PLEASE NOTE: Even though commenting is turned of here on IdeaScale, you can still comment, suggest and chat on - I am looking for co-submitters, collaborators, Projects to fund when we launch our iHEAR Native Token (12 Sept?), do you know about tokenomics? Haskel Code - Our aim is decentralisation ASAP if you can help improve this proposal - Please get in touch!
Contents of this Proposal
The Primary Objective of our Proposal.
The Cardano Blockchain needs to build an International non-profit & non-governmental organisation on a par with the biggest international organisations. This is not only for respect, this will also drive mass understanding of the industry and thereby facilitating mass adoption & use of cryptocurrencies & blockchain based services.
By building our own organisation we can participate in the projects of other organisations on an equal footing.
We should create our own global organisation targeting all of the common objectives of United Nations Development Program, World Bank Group and others, totally funded and managed with cryptocurrency. Then we will have the attention and cooperation of these entities together with mass adoption of the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
Our organisation would benefit from becoming a fully decentralised autonomus organisation (DAO), ensuring that the activities deal with real lifestyle problems articulated in plain language by the people it effects, using digital industry governance and voting models promoted by Cardano in this Catalyst experiment we will eliminate politics and bureaucracy. Our governance model should be agile & responsive, able to take action quickly and make corrective adjustments as necessary.
I would like to introduce you to iHEAR Trust "Using CryptoCurrency to Solve the Planet's Problems" A Not-for-Profit Company. iHEAR Trust was incorporated as a registered UK Non-Profit Company in 2018.
Why International?
In order to make effective improvements we must use joined-up-thinking. We must also re-balance the differentials between developed and developing countries in terms of access to technology, information, investment, housing and sanitation.
Why Housing?
The biggest negative effects human beings have on this planet revolve around where and how we live. Dealing with our poor recycling efforts, the throw-away society, old styles of construction amongst many other issues will have a positive impact on all aspects of our climate and ecosystem.
Why Ecology?
Operating purely for financial gain would be a big mistake and missed opportunity. Using our housing as a focus to reduce our negative impact on the planet is a natural and efficient way to address concerns about the deterioration we have created to the land, seas and sky.
Why Affordable?
Most corporations are run with one objective in mind: ever growing profits for the shareholders. Add this to the well-established fact that there is a worldwide shortage of appropriate living accommodation, it can be no surprise that the cost of housing has risen far more than the increase in household incomes. We will work to use profits, created in the developed world, to subsidise projects in the developing worlds and find innovative methods of reducing costs or introducing new affordable financing models.
Why Recycling?
There is value in our rubbish, much of it can be reprocessed & reused, even landfills can be emptied to create energy & useable materials.
It has been established there are more precious metals available in our electronic equipment than is feasibly left to mine below ground, except for a small number of organisations there is little effort to recover and reuse these rare assets.
Why CryptoCurrencies?
We will achieve our objectives by using the power of cryptocurrencies, asset tokenisation, blockchain ledgers, smart contracts, and decentralised applications. Because this will facilitate our operations with borderless financing, an international network of people, interested in our objectives, who can supply the necessary skills to bring our mission and vision to fruition.
You can Download our White Paper Below
Why Cardano?
We see the international vision of IOG & Cardano perfectly in line with our own ambitions, we believe we will benefit greatly from the way the Cardano Blockchain has been built & developed and how this 3rd generation ecosystem will facilitate interoperability with existing dApps and the new ones to come.
About Us, Team & Team Building
Since 2018, when iHEAR Trust Limited was incorporated, all of the funding, research & development of this project has been funded by and developed by me through my primary business, Carl Henry Global
It is now time to build a brand-new team that will focus specifically on developing iHEAR Trust, this will include executive directors, committee leaders and members of the sub-committees that will run the projects around the world.
iHEAR Trust is born out of my 40 plus years (Since 1978) in business drawing from several of the businesses I have operated including Finance, Real Estate, Internet (since 1998), Corporate structures, Lifestyle businesses and all types of marketing.
Carl Henry Linkedin:
If you are interested in joining the iHEAR Trust team, offer help, propose projects or ask questions send an email to or through one of our social media channels.
iHEAR Trust - Projects
Who is iHEAR Trust for?
Simply, everyone and everything living on our planet earth. Our work will be guided though our focus on housing, ecology, affordability & Recycling. Our aim is to help "join-up" the thinking around the world so efforts are more co-ordinated.
iHEAR Trust - International Projects & Activities
What iHEAR Trust will do?
iHEAR Trust, a non-profit organisation will raise funding by launching a Cardano Native Token called "iHEAR" as soon as decentralised exchanges are created on the Cardano Blockchain (12th September?). It will be the first global non-governmental organisation entirely funded by cryptocurrency and all operations will be run on the Cardano Blockchain.
Our Token Listing:
We will use the value created, by selling our token, to deepen our research, reach formal relationships with partners & innovators, build our multi-lingual international team, become an incubator for new technologies and projects that will help our planet, improve living standards internationally, support new projects, developing open-source techniques, and supplying financial & manpower resources.
Here are specific examples of projects and activities we will focus on initially:
iHEAR Trust - Housing Projects
iHEAR Trust - Ecology Projects
iHEAR Trust - Affordability Projects
iHEAR Trust - Recycling Projects
We will be welcoming project proposals that need funding and other support to help solve the key planetary problems.
United Nations Development Programme & World Bank Group Activities
The two organisations mentioned in this challenge are the United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Group, I have studied their activities in order to align our efforts & also to fill any gaps that exist. Both organisations welcome co-operation & involvement of other organisations in their projects. Here are my general findings on their primary activities:
United Nations Development Programme -
NB: There are 17 Sustainable Development Goals but the list above is where the focus is currently.
World Bank Group -
The Conclusion?
The Cryptocurrency and Blockchain industry must show it is not just, playing "money games", we should show that we are fulfilling a Global leadership role, in things people care about and we can build an international non-profit & non-governmental organisation.
We can show how an organisation build for the benefit of people can be governed by the people who speak ordinary language and talk about properly identified problems to solve. The sustainable development goals of the United Nations do cover the ground necessary but are mere statements of the obvious, if you try to read the detail you will see it has been written by bureaucrats using complicated language that seems to aim to please the reader rather than identify core daily problems to solve.
Thank you for reading our proposal, looking forward to responding to any queries.
Best wishes,
Carl Henry
Roadmap - to date (Completed)
Incorporation of Not-for-Profit Company: July 2018.
Registered details:
Building website & social media.
Extensive research into housng, ecology, affordable & Recycling.
iHEAR Token created on Cardano Assets:
Submitted insights & Proposals to Cardano IdeaScale.
Roadmap Overview - 3 Months (Requesting part funding for this phase)
Launch the iHEAR Cardano Token on a Cardano DEX (Decentralised Exchange), finalise tokenisation, build token liquidity and Market capitalisation. The target for this is the end of September if everything goes smoothly on the 12th Sept 2021.
Build administration & marketing team.
Appoint Committee Organisers for 9 main areas of the world: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Asia & Australia.
Work with the committee organisers to start building full committees for their countries and languages that will identify projects and assess them.
Build the number of holders owning the iHEAR Token & increase market capitalisation.
Begin identifying core activities that can be decentralised and run by smart contracts, then developing the required code or working with existing suppliers of Cardano based dApps.
Begin formal reaching out & negotiations with identified projects for further research, partnerships, funding requirements and proposals.
Set up a structured IdeaScale account (Or similar) for the submission of ideas & proposals.
Roadmap Overview - 6 Months (Not a Fund 6 Project)
Continue to work with the committee organisers to build committees for their countries and languages that will identify projects and assess them.
Build the number of holders owning the iHEAR Token & increase market capitalisation.
Reaching out & negotiations with identified projects for further research, partnerships, funding requirements and proposals.
Begin dialogue with the United Nations Development Programme, World Bank Group and others to identify potential areas of mutual co-operation.
Roadmap Overview - 12 Months (Not a Fund 6 Project)
Build the number of holders owning the iHEAR Token & increase market capitalisation.
Reaching out & negotiations with identified projects for further research, partnerships, funding requirements and proposals.
Continue to work with the committee organisers to identify projects and assess them.
Start funding suitable projects with the United Nations Development Programme, World Bank Group and others.
Social Media
Facebook Page:
Facebook Group:
Cardano IdeaScale - 27 Insights & 10 Projects Submitted
Carl Henry Global is committed to working with the Cardano Ecosystem and working to improve it, if you would like to see our other submissions please visit our profile:
Budget Line Items
$5,000 - Administration, data entry & Research.
$3,000 - Translations.
$5,000 - Consultation fees for launch of iHEAR Token.
$2,000 - Marketing costs.
I have 43 Years of business experience in Finance, Real Estate, Internet, Corporate & Lifestyle including not-for-profit & waste management