Last updated 3 years ago
Governments & UN official have too few occasions to hear about Cardano. How can we convince them that the millennium goals can be solved ?
Organize a major event in Abidjan with the African Bank, the UNDP and (2 or 3 ministers) and European commission representatives.
This is the total amount allocated to Involve more gov. & UN officials.
Organize a major event in Abidjan with the African Bank, the UNDP and (2 or 3 ministers) and European commission representatives.
We have close contacts of officials (3 ministers, European representative) and already organized seminars on blockchain.
It's a matter of defining the agenda.Â
We are think of a panels talk with invites from abroad notably people Josh's team in Ethiopia and WADA experts.
We make the local arrangement to get officials from the Ministry of Plan, Education and Research, Continuing Education, African Bank of Developpement, UNDP the European commission, to attend.
Abidjan is renowned in Africa for hosting international gathering. This would be a small one focused on Blockchain and Cardano.
We have close contacts of officials (3 ministers, European representative) and already organized seminars on blockchain.