Last updated 3 years ago
There are no platform that puts the Maker in the front seat around their ideas, or what a product have been used for after it is sold.
We are building a rapid prototyping platform that will incentivize the Makers and provide a red thread back to the industry.
This is the total amount allocated to Rapid prototyping ...made easy.
We are building a rapid prototyping platform that will incentivize the Makers and provide a red thread back to the industry.
Project started in 2012.
First iterations was built in Drupal 5 to 7, found a better fit with Magento 2 in 2016, smart contracts are pending
It's hammer time!
Currently there are over 70 million Youtube videos on DIY projects, but no proper way to incentivize the Makers who explain how something is made.
Youblob is an online makerspace for collaboration and blueprint sharing around all these ideas and creating an eco-system around idea sharing back to the industry in order to create new opportunities on new levels of interaction and data sharing.
Take ownership of your idea in the open source space, allow others to create iterations from it, show the industry who you are and what awesome things you can build with their products!
We are allowing open collaboration across all subjects, all while maintaining the high level of documentation around iterations and how something is made, along with creating incentive models on top of this to put the idea maker in the front seat of the whole solution. We even go so far that you can be incentivized by AI on what it produces in the future.
Our motto: Rapid prototyping ...made easy (even for AI)
So what have we done so far... almost 10 years of iterations lul
2012 - Implementation of Drupal, investigating e-commerce (first time we did this)
2013 - Distribution agreement with Sparkfun, investigating distribution chains and order handling
2014 - Investigating sales and stock handling
2015 - Investigating manufacturing
2016 - Implementation of blueprints and investigation around rapid prototyping, + migration from Drupal to Magento
2017 - Process analysis between manufacturer - distributor - sale - and Maker (missing link)
2018 - Includes analysis around physical makerspaces and other organizations and their pain points
2019 - We ran out of money and had to put everything on ice
2020 - Still no money, but I started working as Test lead for a wind turbine simulation company.
2021 - Got money, hired a Designer to rework the old MVP/POC (now it truly kicks as... it stand)
Currently pending;
Implementation and updates to the Magento 2 platform - Ongoing (also already hired)
Implementation of smart contracts - Starts in Sept. (hire imminent)
Implementation of AI prototypes - Starts in mid 2022 (hire pending)
Definition of success:
3 months: Implementation of the new design, along with initial smart contract functionality
6 months: Extended smart contract functionality which Adaptive Paypal payments can not handle, along with NFT on Blueprints and idea sharing functionality
9 months: Implementation of Wolfram Mathematica integration solutions
12 months: Implementation of SingularityNET and AI functionality
The platform can launch publicly after 3 months, once the new design is in place and we have the basic ledger system in place that conforms to Cardano.
What we need:
Designated business developer from IOG to align the solutions properly.
Designated solution architect from Wolfram Mathematica for correct data flow around AI handling.
In house developers and designers, instead of being outsourced.
What we can give in return:
The next industrial revolution.
Extra information to enlighten questions asked by Users:
Q: Which Cardano functionality/smart contracts are you planning to implement?
A: For the initial stage, the User will get their own wallet on the platform when registering.
This will be used for the incentive solutions along with NFT sales, marketplace sales and referral bonuses.
The User is also able to register a business on our platform, which will designate a separate wallet for the business/organization, to maintain different ledger systems accordingly.
Smart contracts will be handling collaboration with teams to build Blueprints together and make a fair/modular incentive solution.
The smart contracts will also handle easy checkout, (buy from several/pay once), along with other e-commerce functionality, and we plan on bringing all this information back to the user dashboard with some fancy graphs etc to make it easy to understand how to become even more successful (what works/what needs more love)
Q: Why do we need funding?
A: We need to hire people to make it happen, apparently I'm the only one that have worked for free for 10 years.
Trust me, I've asked several people to come onboard, but they are to busy, and need it as a full time job or as a freelancer job.
Q: What are the terms of the capabilities you will have and the services you will be able to provide?
A: We enable a free platform for anyone to join and collaborate with. This also includes organizations/Makerspaces to register and handle their members and stock, to companies within manufacturing and e-commerce with their distribution networks to get a better solution, as we enable some smart backend solutions to make life easier for everyone.
In the long run, once the site is populated with Blueprints, it will also be used as a learning resource for students and alike, as we map out what every component is used for in different categories.
Q: How does this integration add value to the Cardano community
A: Global Adoption and new use cases, plus we want to share our smart contract solutions with the community and help build up a library of functionality.
Q: How does the funding your asking for break down across your "definitions of success"?
A: The funds we are asking for, is a 6 week development sprint, and we need to ask for funding again in F7.
I've spent around 200K$ of my own money up until now on this project, and I need any help I can get.
Q: How does this relates to the challenge category and the questions it proposes?
A: Youblob supports 10 out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals
UNSDG 1: No poverty
The Youblob platform is free to use. If you have no money, you can still use Youblob to earn money.
It is also possible to set up your own business on Youblob to learn how it is to run a business.
UNSDG 4: Quality education
As more and more Blueprints are published on Youblob, we believe this will be used as a learning platform, giving free easy access to schools and their students, and enabling new ideas in the local communities on how to optimise and make things better
UNSDG 5: Gender equality
Youblob supports Gender Equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
Through our platform we want to change the bad social norms that exists in certain societies by promoting and helping diverse communities that includes females.
UNSDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Our platform creates an easy portal into the business world.
Scaling your business or putting it on vacation mode is just one click away.
Youblob makes it easy for End Users to become part of a SMART technological platform aimed towards product handling, commerce and offering services, fully integrated with automated accounting, advanced back-end wallet functions, and scalable solutions aimed to help the end-users.
UNSDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Youblob connects the Industry with the End Users, providing valuable data back to the industry thus paving the way for new innovations at a rapid speed.
Youblob wish to participate in building infrastructure such as automated production hubs around the world. Starting in undeveloped countries first.
UNSDG 10: Reduced inequalities
Developing countries needs to be given access to the correct tools for an efficient and stable collaborative effort. Youblob enables such by giving an easy way for new B2B relationships to form, along with enabling B2C and C2B solutions on the same level.
Reducing inequalities in our society, by making everyone understand they are equal as the next person might be the one that takes the product to the next level.
UNSDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
The Youblob platform makes the different iterations created in the different local communities easy to share and iterate on using local materials. Thus supporting the least developed countries through technical assistance, know-how and establishing an understanding of what works best in the different regions.
UNSDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
Blueprints explains how Users can build upon and reuse recycled material, and will be a key factor in ensuring that the people get the relevant information and awareness for a sustainable development, reducing waste and the reuse of materials.
UNSDG 13: Climate action
As part of awareness-raising, impact reduction and education of the people around Climate Actions. Youblob provides a platform to strengthen the institutional work with technology transfer, development actions and individual capacity building.
UNSDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Youblob enables science and technology cooperation non-excluding.
Youblob is part of enhancing global microeconomic stability.
Q: How can Cardano enter in global partnerships with United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Group, to leverage mass adoption?
A: That is why we are asking for a business developer from Cardano in our proposal to join our team. We are also looking for Solution architect from Wolfram, UNESCO representative and a UNSDG representative.
I hope this enlightened the questions we got, and we look forward to an exiting period ahead
Project started in 2012.
First iterations was built in Drupal 5 to 7, found a better fit with Magento 2 in 2016, smart contracts are pending