Last updated 2 years ago
The problem is Japan has few Catalyst proposers. Because Japanese ADA holders are just normal investors, not highly motivated entrepreneurs.
The solution is to recruit young entrepreneurs with high motivation, raise them, and help them propose their new ideas to the next Catalyst.
This is the total amount allocated to Fostering Japanese young proposers.
The solution is to recruit young entrepreneurs with high motivation, raise them, and help them propose their new ideas to the next Catalyst.
I am a student aiming to become a blockchain entrepreneur and have enough experience to lecture Catalyst in the Japanese community.
Problem Statement (In detail)
Compared to the size of ADA holders, Japan has less involvement in the community, especially the number of Catalyst proposers. The reason is that most Japanese holders already have their main business and cannot afford to participate as proposers. In addition, they are getting enough rewards from staking. That's why they are not ambitious to raise funds in Catalyst. Therefore, it is difficult to increase the number of new Catalyst proposers from the current Japanese community.
Solution (In detail)
To increase the number of new Japanese proposers, it is necessary to attract new proposers who have plenty of time and are highly motivated to raise funds—for example, young entrepreneurs, including students on the outside. However, at present, Catalyst is not well known in Japan. Therefore, we will hold an online seminar to explain Catalyst's potential. And we will gather young entrepreneurs interested in Catalyst and support them to propose their new idea in the next Fund.
Related Experience (In detail)
We hosted an online meetup for the Japanese community at Pretix in July, attracting more than 100 participants. In that meet-up, for those who are not familiar with the potential of Cardano, I explained the mechanism of blockchain and the features of ADA in comparison with BTC and ETH. In addition, we attend the Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Meeting every week to promote Catalyst. I am explaining the potential of Catalyst and how to participate there. And every time, 40 to 50 participants are gathered in the breakout room in Japan.
Team Members (Role)
Issa Ichikawa (Leader): Waseda University Student / Sophomore (Lecturer at the seminars)
Toshiaki Miyatake: IOG Japan Campaign Manager (Holding seminars)
Yuta: Official Cardano Ambassador, Fund2 Catalyst Proposed Fundraiser (Assistant at the seminars)
Masao Ichikawa(My father): Official Cardano Ambassador, Content Creator (Supervision of seminars)
Ranket: A community member familiar with cryptocurrencies (Supervision of seminars)
* Miyatake, Issa, Yuta: Support after the seminar
The Main Target is Young Entrepreneurs
Our goal is to increase Japanese Catalyst proposers, especially young entrepreneurs, including students interested in using blockchain. There are two reasons to make the main target a young entrepreneur.
First, since I am a sophomore, I can use various campus resources, such as club activities and entrepreneurship training programs, to approach students who want to become entrepreneurs.
Second, if young entrepreneurs can use Catalyst's resources, they have a high probability of succeeding in their business. For example, Catalyst can provide the following resources.
1, Catalyst funds proposers without investor connections
2, Catalyst gives various feedbacks of the proposer's ideas
3, Catalyst provide proposers with Cardano blockchain technology
If we can teach young entrepreneurs about the existence of Catalyst and how to use it, they will definitely participate as proposers.
How to Attract Young Entrepreneurs
To achieve our goal, it is necessary to approach a wide range of people who are even a little interested in Cardano ADA. Therefore, we take the following approach.
・ By holding online, we can gather participants from all over the country.
・ We will share the seminar archive with those who applied for the seminar from the event portal site. Therefore, even those who could not attend on the day can see the seminar contents.
・ The members who participated in this proposal are well known in the Japanese community and are connected to many SPOs. Therefore, we will ask them to spread our seminar.
・ At Waseda University, where I attend, there are several entrepreneurship training programs, and I have also participated. Since such programs have frequent events and lectures, we will also aim to cooperate with such programs. If we can work together, we can bring many students to our seminar.
Our strategy is divided into two. The main seminars attract new proposers from the outside. And the sub seminars activate the current community. Details of each strategy will be described below.
・ Holding the main seminars
We will hold a two-day online seminar every month using the event portal site and zoom. We are planning to hold a total of 4 times. And the first seminar will be held in November. After each seminar, we will recruit people interested in Catalyst proposers and create an SNS group with them. In that group, experienced proposers, including myself and Yuta, will fully support them from proposal to implementation in Catalyst and increase the number of Catalyst proposers.
・ Holding and continuing the sub seminars
1. Activities at the Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Meeting
We attend Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Meeting every week and promote Catalyst in our breakout rooms in Japan. We will continue these activities in the future.
2. Cardano blockchain promotion activities in rural areas
We will also work on promoting the Cardano blockchain in rural areas. We have already received a request for a lecture from the general incorporated association "Kittamu," which is working on regional revitalization in Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima Prefecture.
・ Gather more than 50 participants at each seminar
(We will gather all people interested in Cardano ADA, including students and young entrepreneurs)
・ Gather 5 or more new proposal participants in one seminar
(Increase 5 proposal participants, including team members, not increase 5 new proposals)
・ Increase the number of Japanese proposal participants by 20 or more in 4 months.
Seminar Contents
Prat1 (Day1): "What is a Blockchain? What is a Cryptocurrency?"
・ Mechanism of blockchain
→ Review the blockchain mechanism for beginners while comparing it with cloud data
・ Characteristics of BTC and ETH
→ Explain the characteristics of BTC and ETH, which are typical examples of cryptocurrencies
・ Electrical problems and Scalability problems
→ Mention the problems facing BTC and ETH
・ Overview of Cardano ADA
→ Please give an overview of ADA, which can be a solution to these problems, and help them understand the potential of ADA.
By looking at Prat1, even those who were not interested in blockchain and cryptocurrencies will understand the potential of ADA.
Part2 (Day2): "The uniqueness of Cardano ADA, and The chance to start a business!!"
・ Staking pool and delegation system
→ Explain the staking mechanism unique to Cardano
・ Catalyst project
→ Explain the new concept of on-chain governance
→ Get to know that Catalyst has the best environment to start up your business
・ Comparison with ETH2.0
→ Explain the difference in performance and future potential between ADA and ETH 2.0
・ Catalyst proposal method
→ Explanation of the flow from proposal to funding and introduction of actual funding cases
By looking at Prat2, even those familiar with cryptocurrencies can understand the uniqueness of the Cardano ADA. Also, by understanding Catalyst's potential, we can attract young entrepreneurs, including students, as new proposers.
・Slide preparation for the main seminars=40h x 2 types x $ 15 per hour
・Slide preparation for the sub seminars=30h x 4 types x $ 15 per hour
・Salary of the main seminars=$ 250 x 4 times x 3 people
・Slide supervision of the main seminars=$200 x 2people
・Slide supervision of the sub seminars=$300 x 2people
・Salary of support after the main seminars=20h (monthly average) x 4 months x $ 15 per hour x 3 people
・ Environmental improvement for online seminars=$1,170
(zoom license=$220, zoom 100GB cloud rental=$60 x 4 months(Used to save the archive), headset=$300, webcam=$150, Krisp license=$70, Grammarly license=$140, greenback=$50)
Total Costs = $11,770
However, the calculation of labor costs is just an estimate. Also, some team members suggested deciding the labor cost later. Therefore, in this Fund, labor costs other than proposal leader will be charged after Fund7.
Fund6 Total Costs = $6,370
My name is Issa Ichikawa.
I am a sophomore at Waseda University in Japan and plan to start a business related to Cardano blockchain. My father was one of the Official Cardano Ambassadors, and I heard about Cardano from him. When I heard Charles Hoskinson's speech at TED, I was so impressed with his vision and decided to start a business related to Cardano. After studying Cardano for several months, I am currently working as a presenter who lectures the basic knowledge of Cardano for beginners together with Toshiaki Miyatake: IOG Japan Campaign Manager.
I have two strong points in implementing this proposal.
First, I am good at explaining difficult content in an easy-to-understand manner, and the participants highly evaluated the past three presentations I actually gave. Since I studied blockchain from scratch, I understand the points that are difficult for beginners to understand.
Second, I'm familiar with the problems and needs of student entrepreneurs because I'm actually a student. Therefore, I can provide more appropriate support to student entrepreneurs than others. In addition, if this proposal goes through, I can share my funding experience with them. As a result, they will be able to imagine how to participate in Catalyst concretely.
提案の日本語訳(Japanese translation of the proposal)
問題提起 (詳細に)
市川一茶(リーダー):早稲田大学生 / 2年生(セミナーの講師)
Yuta:公式カルダノアンバサダー、Fund2の Catalyst提案資金調達者(セミナーのアシスタント)
1, Catalystは提案者に対して、投資家との繋がりなしに資金を提供してくれる
2, Catalystは提案者のアイディアに多様なフィードバックをしてくれる
3, Catalystは提案者にカルダノのブロックチェーン技術を提供をしてくれる
私たちの目標を達成するためには、Cardano ADAに少しでも興味のある人に幅広くアプローチする必要があります。そのための方法を以下に示します。
私たちの戦略は2つに分かれています。 メインセミナーは、外部からの新しい提案者を引き付けます。 そして、サブセミナーは現在のコミュニティを活性化させます。 それぞれの戦略の詳細は以下のとおりです。
1. 東半球タウンホールミーティングでの活動
2. 地方でのカルダノブロックチェーン普及活動
(学生や若い起業家を含めたCardano ADAに興味のある人全般を集める)
・Cardano ADAの概要
→これらの問題の解決策になりえるCardano ADAの概要を説明し、ADAのポテンシャルを理解してもらう
Prat2 (2日目):「Cardano ADAの独自性と起業のチャンス」
(zoomライセンス=2.2万円、zoom 100Gクラウドレンタル=6000円×4ヶ月(アーカイブを保存するために使う)、ヘッドセット=3万円、ウェブカメラ=1.5万円、Krispライセンス=7000円、Grammarlyライセンス=1.4万円、グリーンバック=5000円)
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
I am a student aiming to become a blockchain entrepreneur and have enough experience to lecture Catalyst in the Japanese community.