Last updated 3 years ago
The tech start-up community is growing constantly, but only a hand full of them heard about Cardano and Cardano Project catalyst.
Organizing effective hackathons regularly twice a month; informing candidates and select the top 5 brilliant projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Hackathons for Startups in Ethiopia.
Organizing effective hackathons regularly twice a month; informing candidates and select the top 5 brilliant projects.
A Full-Stack & Mobile App Eng, tested Plutus playground, B.SC in Computer Science, 4.5 years, connections to startups and incubation hubs.
Organizing 48 hours hackathons which will be conducted once a month in different incubation hubs, providing the participants with a good amount of information about the Cardano blockchain and features it supports, the Cardano project catalyst and town halls, business cases examples that are compliant with Cardan's targets, and brainstorming sessions in contextualizing the use-cases into their startups.
Video record the events to share on different platforms.
Have juries with sharp eyes for win-win-type business cases, to filter the top 10 projects from each hackathon.
Reward the top ten project startups in items and/or cashes.
12 Months Budget plan:
The total expense to run this project for a year is 37,800 USD
Success Measurement:
A Full-Stack & Mobile App Eng, tested Plutus playground, B.SC in Computer Science, 4.5 years, connections to startups and incubation hubs.