Last updated 3 years ago
Centralized Charity and Donation system all around the world are complicated, not reliable, cost a lot (not 100% received), and takes time.
With Cardano Care we could send donations all around the world. Person in needs could post their project, and we could stake ADA to donate.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Care - Charity Across Conti.
With Cardano Care we could send donations all around the world. Person in needs could post their project, and we could stake ADA to donate.
To donate using our donations will be cut down 40 - 60% for the company's fee. We need to check manually to the receiver.
The plan is to make website integrated with Cardano Wallet for people to post their needs, and other people could donate to the project that they choose.
We could give NFT related to the project with a merit counter system. So people that already helped have a memento for the people that they helped, and also have the chance to brag it in a form of NFT.
We could also make new coin called AID, that can only be received by donating to a project. This AID coin can be given new functions in the future to grow Cardano Ecosystem.
To donate using our donations will be cut down 40 - 60% for the company's fee. We need to check manually to the receiver.