Last updated 2 years ago
The population of Catalyst lacks diversity and thus is in danger of adopting a dominant world view that oppresses underrepresented folks.
Host information events aimed at students and faculty at CSUDH, a traditionally latinx and black University in Carson, California.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano in South L.A..
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Host information events aimed at students and faculty at CSUDH, a traditionally latinx and black University in Carson, California.
Both proposers are graduates of CSUDH. Azbai advocates for equity to resources, Matthias is a dedicated Catalyst community member.
To make the world a better place for everyone, we need to provide education and amplify the voices of underrepresented groups.
The program on Negotiation, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding at California State University, Dominguez-Hills, has agreed to pilot another proposal (Win-Win, a marketplace for mediation) where alumni and graduates of their program will be certified as qualified mediators on the Cardano Blockchain through Atala PRISM.
The plan is to host two virtual events during the Fall 2021 semester for CSUDH.
Faculty and students of all CSUDH colleges are invited including:
- Arts & Humanities
- Business Administration & Public Policy
- Natural & Behavioral Sciences
- Education
- Extended & International Education
Potential attendees are asked to RSVP to the event through email communication through their department. Grubhub gift cards are provided to the first 20 people that RSVP and attend the entire event.
Timeline (day of event):
- Two virtual events via zoom (2h each) for (1) Students and (2) Faculty
- Topic 1: What is Cardano and why should I care? (lecture also includes videos from Charles Hoskinson and community projects)
- Topic 2: Cardano at CSUDH (brief overview of Win-Win)
- Topic 3: Financial opportunity - #wenmoon? A look at the market with lots of disclaimers and how to get ADA.
- Topic 4: How you can start contributing right now - Project Catalyst
- ADA Giveaway
- Q&A
Azbai Arreguin
- Social Worker
- Graduated from California State University, Dominguez-Hills with a Masters of Social Work
- Coordinated many events at CSUDH as President of student organizations and University employee
- Advocate for equity in access to resources
Matthias Sieber
- Software Engineer
- Presidential Scholar and graduate of California State University, Dominguez-Hills
- Cardano Ambassador (moderator of Stack Exchange)
- Involved Project Catalyst community member
- (Students) 20 Grubhub gift cards $20 each = $400
- (Faculty) 20 Grubhub gift cards $20 each = $400
- (Students) $150 for ADA giveaway
- (Faculty) $150 for ADA giveaway
- Flyers, other info and marketing materials $100
- Total budget: $1,200
Both proposers are graduates of CSUDH. Azbai advocates for equity to resources, Matthias is a dedicated Catalyst community member.