Last updated 3 years ago
A lot of people get scammed on youtube as also Charles mentioned in his recent video. For example
Create a social media verifiable signature for the Cardano and IOHK officials and make anti-scam ads in multiple languages.
This is the total amount allocated to Stop giveaway scammers.
Create a social media verifiable signature for the Cardano and IOHK officials and make anti-scam ads in multiple languages.
I have technical experience, but for this it is also needed: ads experience, film making and translation skills.
More and more people are joining Cardano blockchain and we still want to grow even further.
But for achieving that we need to protect what we already have!Â
First of all, we are creating multiple mailing lists (in different languages) where we announce people on ongoing scams (here people will have to report it). In addition we will have an website where the scams are announced.
Secondly, we create a short video (max 30s) that will be used for ads on youtube and given to Cardano and IOHK officials to be used. The video will represent the social media verifiable signature and other videos without this "intro" should be considered as scam potentials.Â
The video should just tell that Cardano or the IOHK officials don't give money for free in anyway (here should be said nicer than this). In this way if the scammers want to use the video will just make no sense because will contradict the rest of the scam.
Lastly, create groups to sign petitions to ban/block bad actors.
The solution is not perfect, but at least it may save some people getting scammed.
30h video making x 100$/h = 3000$
Ads campaign budget 12 months x 1000$/month = 12000$
Website to verify scammers = 2000$
Mailing list tools + maintenance = 1000$
 Subtitle text translation 50$/h x 100 languages = 5000$
I have technical experience, but for this it is also needed: ads experience, film making and translation skills.