Last updated 3 years ago
We have already many translator-hubs, but rugularly they organize themself and dont collaborate with other hubs, project or Proposers.
We provide one main platform for every translator-hub, that we have one collaboration standard among our whole ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Translator Collaboration Platform.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We provide one main platform for every translator-hub, that we have one collaboration standard among our whole ecosystem.
Jonny and Alain already live-translate regularly the weekly TownHall Meetings. Jonny is also an an active translator in the Cardano-Forum.
Our Main Focus:
"Create a collaboration platform as bridge between local Translation-Hubs"
This project in a nutshell:
The main problem:
Only 9%* of the world speaks English = Cardano can't reach the unbanked! *English as their first or second language
We need to give people the chance to understand Cardano in their own language.
Our work:
We already translate the weekly Catalyst Town-hall meeting into German and French, reaching about 40% more people. And we've already developed the CTS_Community collaboration platform:
This translator platform is part of a larger global translating project "" which includes 3 major pillars:
Our project:
We are already well-known translators in the cardano and ProjectCatalyst community. We see that there are already local Translation-hubs out there. People speak with each other, collaborate, make projects and create cool content. We dont want to create even more hubs, we want to build an bridge between these hubs. We all united by our love to the cardano ecosystem and we are only divided by our languages. So we should support the translators, because they are the bridge that we need.
We already build up an collaboration-platform, where every one can work with each other. We give them the opportunity to create projects on their own or with others. They also can join projects that are already running. Every work, every data, every thing that you have done is in one main place - on this collaboration platform. The best is, you only need this one platform, this one account, to work with ever project that it part of our network.
Now you ask "Why one central platform and why an platform at all?"
Decentralization is great sure, but the decentralized hubs need to work with each other. We live in an global world, where only the language divide us as people. If we dont connect every hub on one platform they isolate themself. These Hubs are in the end only local groups of friends. Every Hub have their own tools, have their own apps and so on. Someone is using Google, another maybe Slack, and also other maybe have an own App. In the end they dont can work together. We provide one platform for every Hub, every project that they can focus on their local community. The best thing here is, that the software for this collaboration platform is open-source.
For the Translators, the bridge between every hub, this have one big advantage: They just have one translator account and can work for every project that is part of this network. And because every data is connected with this platform, they dont translate twice or create content twice. Finaly our best thing is that with this platform, we enable second layer translations. In the moment there are just Translators from ENG to their local language. With this platform, we could also onboard Translators from for Example Russian into Chinese.
We are not an business - We are part of the community. We dont take money - If you fund us, you fund the community.
Why a new collaboration platform?
Yes, we know that there are Discord, Telegram, Google Forms, Google Meet and so on out there. But imagine one place where you can have all of this. One place where you chat, create forms, make meetings and store data. Imagine you just need 1 App for this, imagine you could chat and call people who doesn't have these Apps.
You dont need to imagine it, we have made it: The ProjectCTS - collaboration platform.
It is one tool for every need. This is time efficient and could safe toolmakers and translators many time.
Security of the platform and the data-sytem
Our platform is secured under the highest industrial standards and is certified with the ISO/IEC 27001:2013. To ensure that no data is getting lost, there will be made several backups daily and to avoid attacks the server are behind multiple firewalls and there were setted up geo-redundant. In the dialog with our hosting provider we already defend over 20 deep attacks on our server.
Our roadmap:
Starting Point:
We already startet the platform in August 2021
In the next 3-6 months:
Further steps:
Our financial plan:
Q: Why is the financial plan calculated over 12months?
A: The cheapest payment method for hosting are anually. So somehow we are a little bit cheaper
over the long term to calculate from year to year insted of months.
website-hosting and security:
19€ per month apx. 23$
23$ * 12months = 276 USD
**website coding and design:**699 USD once
commercial and presentations:
109,99 per year apx. 130 USD
collaboration plattform:
45€ per month - Plattform
+ 2€ per month - Domain
+ 3€ per month - Security
SUM = 50€ per month apx. 60 USD
60$ * 12months = 720 USD
30€ per month apx. 35$
35$ * 12months = 420 USD
60€ per month apx. 71$
71$ * 12months * 2admins = 1704 USD
Financial Reserve:
4,000 $ requested - 3,949$ sum of all above = 51 USD
Requested Fund: 4,000 USD
Success and measurement-metrics:
Success after 3 months:
finished to onboard 10 language-hubs
finished to onboard 3 projects
translated the website into 3 languages
Success after 6 months:
finished to onboard 20 language-hubs
finished to onboard 10 projects
supported at least 3 projects to translate them and reaching out more users
Success after 12 months:
finished to onboard 30 language-hubs
finished to onboard 20 projects
supported at least 7 projects to translate them and reaching out more users
*1 language-hub is counted as one unique language with more than 1 translators - this goal is regarding to the challenge metric "How many new Hubs were launched in the next 6 months?"
1 project is counted as one unique group of developer or an organization who want to develop something for or with the cardano-ecosystem - this goal is regarding to the challenge metric "How many developers did this community-focused challenge bring into the cardano ecosystem?" and also "How many external organizations did this community-focus challenge bring into the Cardano ecosystem?"
"supported at least 1 project" is counted, that one of the projects (definition is mentioned above) already could increase their own success and outreach by participating in our translation-network. The additional outreach to an new language can be counted and could fit into challenge metric, but here we are not sure which one.*
Jonny and Alain already live-translate regularly the weekly TownHall Meetings. Jonny is also an an active translator in the Cardano-Forum.