Last updated 3 years ago
All projects need off-chain data feeds. These feeds are expensive and may prevent projects without adequate funding/support to launch.
Charli3 has price feeds and randomness. We will allocate 100% of funding (and match funding at least 1:1) to run feeds for projects in need.
This is the total amount allocated to Community Oracle (free) Price Feeds.
Charli3 has price feeds and randomness. We will allocate 100% of funding (and match funding at least 1:1) to run feeds for projects in need. is a decentralized oracle solution with a working prototype ready to support projects for launch.
Plan: community oracle price-feeds
Our proposal is to allocate 100% of the funding towards setting up and maintaining free community price feeds (through our decentralized oracle solution) for the top cryptocurrencies (e.g. Bitcoin/Cash, Ethereum, Cardano, Binance, etc) for at least 12 months -- accessible to an unlimited number of projects.
1:1 Match of funding
The Charli3 team will match 1:1 (potentially more) the level of funding we receive from Catalyst too! So, 25,000USD becomes 50,000 USD for the community. Our goal with raising more funds is to increase the period these price feeds will be available and to offer a greater variety of price feeds or even randomness generation.
Building a long term community price-feed
We see the funding as a chance to kick-start a long-term program to support new projects. It would be great to have the Cardano Foundation, IOHK, and perhaps other partners match the Catalyst funding to further enlarge what's freely available to the community right off the bat! :)Â
As an instrumental middleware component of the Cardano ecosystem, Charli3 is in a great position to support under funded but high value projects that will form the foundation of the ecosystem.Â
Our ultimate goal is to maintain these feeds for many years, even forever!
Charli3's Community Price Feed Mission:
1 month goal: community price feeds for approx. the top cryptocurrencies are available to all projects (ETA. before launch)
3-6 month goal: projects using our price feeds successfully launchÂ
12 month goal: additional data feeds are included to the community, we are able to extend the availability of these feeds for 3 more years
Achievement Goals:
1: ZERO Cardano projects delay or cancel launch due to lack of basic crypto price feeds
2: Over 1000 active Cardano projects using our price feeds. is a decentralized oracle solution with a working prototype ready to support projects for launch.