Last updated 10 months ago
Devs and Entrepreneurs do not have a comprehensive understanding of the Cardano DeFi space and require the training and education to scale
Create a learning environment for Devs and Entrepreneurs looking to create and scale DeFi businesses, find a team and submit proposals
This is the total amount allocated to DeFi for Cardano - Learning Portal.
Create a learning environment for Devs and Entrepreneurs looking to create and scale DeFi businesses, find a team and submit proposals
Through WADA's growing expertise in curriculum development, specifically in Haskell and Plutus programs, we can leverage resources needed
Main Deliverable:
Pilot: A 6-week training program focused on:
- The basics of DeFi
- The Cardano DeFi Landscape
- Current Projects and Success Stories
- How to find a team for your DeFi idea
- How to get your DeFi project funded with Catalyst
--------------- IMPACT -----------
How does this proposal fit into this challenge?
Helping DeFi teams scale over the next 6 months must include an element of education and collaboration.
How will this campaign add value to our ecosystem?
By providing a platform for Devs and Entrepreneurs who are both inside and outside of the Cardano ecosystem to learn how DeFi can be applied and scaled. This means more talent is brought in, more projects are created and more innovation takes place, where teams are sharing knowledge, collaborating and receiving expert advice.
Outlook and future challenges?
The end-game for this proposal is a learning and collaboration portal solely focused on the DeFi ecosystem within Cardano. This will be done, first, with a pilot program of 25 applicants, then with a larger pilot, and finally with a new cohort every 3 months who would follow a well-defined, but ever-evolving curriculum for 'DeFi for Cardano'.
This will be split into a 3-phase proposal process to gauge the community's ongoing support for this initiative and to ensure fiscal sustainability.
------------ FEASIBILITY------------
Reference (Past Successes):
WADA is already building a learning management system (LMS) as well as a membership platform, where new DeFi teams can be onboarded, trained and access the network resources, including developers, designers and software architects.
Currently, there are Haskell and Plutus curriculums under development at WADA as well as a proposal for multilingual support, catering to those in French and Arabic-speaking countries. There is also a Catalyst Virtual Startup Bootcamp that will run in conjunction with this program and aim to support it through access to team members, proposal editing and business advice.
After successful funding:
First 60 Days:
Next 30 Days:
Launch Program (Feb 15th):
Post Launch:
Core Team & Roles:
Josh F - Project Coordinator and Finance Lead @ Wada
Sidney - Diaspora Lead @ Wada
Mercy - Coordination Lead @ Wada
Megan - Education and Events Lead @ Wada
Main Stakeholder: WADA (
Other Stakeholders:
A range of experts, educators and DeFi businesses that will provide training sessions, office hours and technical support. For formal education backing, we are already in contact with:
Frankfurt School of Finance & Business Management - Blockchain Center and Thinktank (
University of Nicosia - MSc in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Education since 2013 (
Relevant Partners:
Blockchain Education Network (BEN), providing access to thousands of prospective students ready to be trained and onboarded
PATF who run quarterly blockchain events with previous topics including AI, DeFi and Supply-Chain Management
Catalyst Swarm who are the foremost leaders in Catalyst collaboration and facilitation
Budget breakdown:
Team fees $8000
Curriculum Development $4000
Platform Costs $3000
Incentives $2000
Marketing $1000
What success looks like:
At least 2 successfully funded DeFi proposals and 80% approval rating of the program by the pilot program attendees. Recommendation rating of over 50% and at least 3 members who sign up for the post-pilot DeFi mentoring program.
Key Metrics:
Risk Management:
Level of interest: Interest will be gauged by the voters and community members throughout Fund 6
Timelines until launch: No delays are expected given the length of time (60 days) to build the curriculum is reasonable.
Quality of education: WADA is currently delivering multiple educational programs, created by teachers and software developers. Their partners (BEN) are also seasoned educators with an already well-established membership and training platform.
Quality of proposals: WADA and partners are long-time Catalyst members with several successfully funded proposals, as well as assisting others on their Catalyst journey.
Future sustainability: Ongoing training and onboarding for the cohorts after Phase 3 will come from membership fees, sponsorships, investors and referral bonuses.
Affiliated Proposals:
Catalyst Virtual Startup Bootcamp:
Defi and Microlending for Africa:
WADA Outreach Program:
WADA Proposer Workshops:
Project brief:
Interested in contributing or partnering? Get in touch by sending a private message
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Through WADA's growing expertise in curriculum development, specifically in Haskell and Plutus programs, we can leverage resources needed