Last updated 3 years ago
AI can enhance our human capabilities. We don't own and control our data. We're not capturing our own data. No data. No power over use of AI
Collect, store & give the users control over their data using blockchain, games & test centres. Process data for them to harness AI benefits
This is the total amount allocated to BioCrypTricks (A Human 2.0 Project).
Collect, store & give the users control over their data using blockchain, games & test centres. Process data for them to harness AI benefits
Mark Valmoria, Cambridge UK. Entrepreneur, Qualified Clinician, Health Service Delivery Developer, Project Manager, and Atala Prism Pioneer.
Human beings have enormous potential using AI and Blockchain Technologies. But without real and meaningful data from the indivudual, they are not going to be able to harness the benefits of these technologies. We aim to provide a platform that will allow the people to collect their data effortlessly. We aim to be the biggest data collection service in the world.
It's very hard for everyday people to understand blockchain technologies, let alone explore its potential and trust its use when all they can hear in the news are cryptocurrency hype, FUD, scams and heist, putting people completely off. We in the Cardano community already know of the true potential of our blockchain.
We could have built Defi, NFT platforms or any fancy use case. But it still does not solve the problem of how you get common folks to come into our ecosystem. You can put the best solution in front of people but if you are competing with eyeballs from the likes of TikTok, Youtube, Netflix, Twitter, gaming, podcasts and other streaming services, more than often you lose that users attention.
In order to achieve this, we have to appeal to human being's subliminal dark side, our subconscious desire to be the best version of ourselves. We will provide our users with the best tools to enable the achievement of these desires. By giving users these tools that are simple, fun and easy to use, we are hoping that we can keep them enaged and continue to use our platform and find real utility of it and use it on a daily basis.
It is our thesis that if we get people engaged in our platform, it will be easy for us to introduce them to the other aspects of blockchain like Real Fi, DAO's, NFT's, and to AI Services like Personalised Healthcare, Shopping, Persoanalised Finance and Self Development. They want to be onboarded because it is engaging and simple not because they have to. They need something that they can use today that is equally worth spending their time.
Our project is called BioCryptTricks "The Human Version 2.0 Project". The project comes as a three part strategy. First, we needed people to have an easy way of capturing their own user generated data so we will introduce an online and mobile game called "The Crypt". Second, we also needed people to be able to capture real world data about themselves through formal testing, so we will be creating a network of brick and mortar businesses that will be able to provide these services to the users, called "ADA Hubs". And lastly, we will let them make use of their data generated from the Game and together with the data generated by the Hubs, to provide personalised AI services. "Maxx" will be your Personal AI Assistant.
This is the true vision of the Human 2.0 Project. The human upgrade does not look like The Terminator or Ex Machina. Our upgrade makes use of our own data and AI technologies to augment our capabilities in order for us to be efficient, healthier and happier, enabling us to develop into our fullest potential, living purposeful and meaningful lives.
As the famous chess master who got beaten by AI, Garry Kasparov said, "Intelligent machines will take over the menial aspects of cognition and elevating our mental lives towards creativity, curiosity, beauty and joy." I hope he is right.
The Crypt. Is a Tamagotchi like game wherein the player carefully nurtures and trains their "Tamagoch" through the stages of its life into a smart and independent adult. In our game, you power up your character "The Crypt" by completing tasks and challenges. Tasks and challenges will be curated from the pillars of wellbeing: like fitness, money management, work life balance, emotional and mental well being and many more.
We've made tasks and challenges easy enough and fun that users will enjoy completing them. Tasks could be as mundane as sparing 15 minutes of your day to be grateful about things in your life; or complete a fun challenge, belting a song by Meatloaf stuck in the middle traffic on your way to work. For the daring, a physical HIIT exercise challenge perhaps; and for the bonkers, dancing to a TikTok challenge about how much they really love themselves in front of unsuspecting audiences. All in good fun. Designing the game in such a way, allows us to collect meaningful data without bludgeoning the user with a 100-part boring questionnaire.
The Crypt is also our "Metaverse Play". There will be many Metaverses coming up in the market and people will play in many of them. Soon they will find out that it is annoying and expensive if they can't carry their digital assets like clothing, skins and actions, that they have to pay to personalise their characters every time they move in between metaverses.
Characters in the Metaverse should be portable. While other Metaverse Projects are working on inflating the prices of their real estates, we will focus on optimising the characters and provide real value to the users. We want The word Crypt to be synonymous with the word Avatar.
ADA Hubs. ADA stands for Assessment, Diagnostics and Activity Hubs. They will be physical locations all over the world that will allow the user to get services like biometric data, physical tests, health diagnostics, body scans and motion capture for gaming and fashion and many more. Hubs are trusted and verified partners that are able to write on the users database. Relationships between hub and users will be governed by Cardano's Atala PRISM tech stack.
Having all of this data and attaching this data to The Crypt, their digital world avatar, binds the user to their character as if they were an extension of themselves. We want people to invest time and effort in curating their Crypts because in doing so, they are actually improving themselves because the Crypt is the actual representation of themselves.
We will design ADA Hubs to have rules and operating procedures to make it easy for the Cardano non technical members to run hubs in their area in the world. It also allows us to partner up with existing businesses like, gyms, health clubs, diagnostic centres, clinics, gaming studios initially, while we build purpose-built ADA Hubs in areas in the world where people really need them.
ADA Hubs allows for other commercial activities that can be put on top of it like a micro finance services, hub and spoke logistics, telecom hubs, healthcare delivery centres and many more. Hubs allows the Cardano ecosystem to onboard people with the Atala PRISM in order to fully embed them into the ecosystem and access even more services.
Hubs are essentially real world nodes as Stake Pools are to the Cardano ecosystem. This will allow us to compound the network effects by being visible in the real world to users. ADA as a name for the Hubs was purposely used as a marketing strategy
MAXX (Personal AI Assistant). Maxx is your personal AI assistant. Maxx is here to make sense of all of your data and make your life easier. Maxx's job is to understand the data from the information you give it. It will help you make choices to make your decisions quicker and hopefully smarter.
There is one thing that Maxx does best that humans are not very good at, Maxx can process very big data sets and gives you the best available information and choices, without any emotions attached. We will design a data-centric architecture of storage and retrieval from ground up to make ingestions of these data by Maxx seamless.
Maxx talks to other Maxx's. So the more people use the AI assistant the more smarter it becomes. Maxx, in the future may evolve from an online companion into a real life companion like Singularity Net's Sophia and Grace.
There are many things that Maxx can do. Max may make suggestions about your diet, ask you to keep fit based on changes to your health data. Maxx can help you be more organised with your daily life by managing your schedule. Maxx can also help you with budgeting your personal and family finances and many other daily mundane tasks to free your time up for more creative activities. You may have to argue with Maxx from time to time when it fails distinguish between rotund and chubby when describing your increases in body weight.
Final Thoughts
Capturing the market for Portable Avatars and Personalised Services through the use of AI will allow us to be leaders in this business category, a high value use case for the Cardano network and a big value utility service for the users. In our humble opinion, whoever wins the hearts and minds of the people and captures this market category, has a real fighting chance of winning the blockchain wars, all while helping the human race evolve to Version 2.0
The funds will be broken down into many business activities. The main purpose is to develop an MVP and a coherent roadmap to get the whole project into fruition. We are hoping to complete the MVP and the business milestones within six months from receiving the funds.
The Crypt Game MVP Budget $30,000( 6 months)
Activities include: Hiring Game Development Studios, Game MVP Development, Integrate Game with Database System, Integrate Game with Atala PRISM
ADA Hubs Budget $40,000( 6 months)
Project Manager and Business Development Lead
Overseee the whole project, Develop partnerships with Body Scanning Companies, Motion Capture Companies, Game Development Studios, Diagnostic and Laboratory Companies, Biometric Companies, Gene Editing Companies, Professional Healthcare Groups, Perfromace and Wellbeng Coaches and etc.
ADA Hubs Manager
Develop the standard operating business procedures for hubs; Identify businesses for ADA Hub bolt-on, Develop a plan for integrating businesses as hubs; Develop a plan for rolling out purpose-built ADA Hubs.
Business Networking Expert
Develop the landing page, Develop and run marketing campaigns, Develop relationships with businesses for hub conversion, Develop relationships with potential hub operators.
AI Development Budget $30,000 (6 Months)
Hire Consultant/Vendor to design the data architecture; Hire AI Expert or work with Singularity Net to co-design database; Write Literature of the Structure of the Data Base; Implement Database Design MVP; Integrate with Game and Hubs; Integrate with Atala PRISM
Our Key Performance Indicators
Working Game MVP by Month 6
Number of Commercial Partners
Number of Potential Hub Operators Signed Up
Number of Healthcare and Well Being Professionals Singing Up
Investor Readiness
Mark Valmoria, Cambridge UK. Entrepreneur, Qualified Clinician, Health Service Delivery Developer, Project Manager, and Atala Prism Pioneer.