Last updated 3 years ago
According to the world Food Programme 24,000 people a day die from hunger. The world is not on track to achieve UNSDG2 Zero Hunger by 2030
Effect the largest one day transfer of wealth from the richest people on the planet to those in most need, transferring $300bn in a day
This is the total amount allocated to End world Hunger in a Day.
Effect the largest one day transfer of wealth from the richest people on the planet to those in most need, transferring $300bn in a day
As COO of SingularityNET I have the capability to organise execution of revolutionary change
Harnessing the power of the Cardano and Snet technologies and communities, conduct a very well managed marketing campaign leading up to a single one day viral social media campaign to reach the wealthiest people on the planet and convince 300 million people to donate $1000 dollars each, or 'A Dollar a Day for A Thousand Days' to end world hunger. The pledged money would be held in escrow until the full amount, or a meaningful proportion is reached at which time the pledge will be activated. High Net worth earners will of course be welcome to donate much higher amounts, and teams will be able to club together to share the $1000 pledge.Â
The $50k Catalyst funding requested would pay for: a) overall research and co-ordination of community developers from Cardano and SingularityNET and beyond; b) data research and gathering; c) some development of AIs that would optimise the search engine and social media algorithms on the End world Hunger Day to ensure that the top 1% of earners on the planet are reached in that one day. The AIs will be run from the SNet platform and Cardano will be utilised as the pledge ledger, utilising Cardano eUTXO's.
Everyone who is verified as having participated in the pledge will receive an NFT.
As COO of SingularityNET I have the capability to organise execution of revolutionary change