Last updated 3 years ago
AI and Machine Learning systems have well-know problems stemming from hidden biases and prejudices. How to address these ethical problems?
We will deploy data sets for machine learning, neural nets and Bayesian nets that (1) identify biases and (2) teach ethical standards.
This is the total amount allocated to Ethical AI for Singularity/Cardano.
We will deploy data sets for machine learning, neural nets and Bayesian nets that (1) identify biases and (2) teach ethical standards.
Professor of ethics and law, machine learning, logical theory, mathematical logic, AI, business systems consultant.
The partnership between SingularityNet and Cardano represents a golden opportunity. At the same time, it is a teachable moment. How should AI resources be deployed on Cardano in order to meet reasonable moral standards and, more importantly, aspire to higher ethical ideals? As Zarathustra suggests: "I teach you the Overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him? ... The time has come for man to set himself a goal. The time has come to plant the seed to his highest hope." Part I, Chapter 7, "On Reading and Writing"
The challenge states: "I want a world for my kids and community where Artificial Intelligence's goals are as beneficial and ethical as Cardano's." We propose to create a network of AI and machine learning specialists, ethicists and lawyers to tackle the interdisciplinary problems of teaching moral standards to intelligent computing systems.
Ethical issues come in all shapes and sizes: from mundane issues of little hidden biases, to the overwhelming challenge of teaching AI systems fundamental values such as respect for individual rights, privacy, non-discrimination, and non-manipulation. How to tackle these problems? At the outset, we don't have all the answers. Our aim is to develop plausible conjectures. As such, we seek to build an engaged community for SingularityNet drawing on the Catalyst model. Problems will be framed in a set of challenges. They will then be taken up by groups as ideas that are cultivated into proposals that are put to the test. The results of the tests will be shared so that all members of the network can learn from one another.
DAVID WATTS, business systems oriented on the problems of blockchain scalability.
JEFFREY DOWNARD, philosophy professor of ethics, law and the logic of inquiry.
TOM DIETRICH, law and policy
STEPHEN LENHART, machine learning, developer, philosophical logic, philosophy of science
Board of Advisors:
IP: Open conference and workshop sessions on Zoom in both a live and recorded form. The educational resources we develop will be publicly available via a Youtube channel under copy left permission. The ethical standards and policy recommendations will be published as a set of white papers.
Months 1-3: Outreach to ethicists, lawyers and developers who are engaged with ethical AI and machine learning via social media (3000)
Website development social media and Youtube channel: (2800)
Months 2-4: Creation and editing of an integrated set of video tutorials on the ethical legal issues concerning AI and machine learning being developed and deployed by SingularityNet. (4500)
Months 2-5: identification and curation of machine learning datasets for ethical AI to train neural and Bayesian nets (5000)
Months 3-5: Development by the network of a set of paradigmatic case studies of AI systems capable of varying degrees of ethical governance (5000)
Months 3-5: Workshops for AI and machine learning developers to study the ethical issues, write model code and develop paradigmatic examples of training sets. (3500)
Months 1-5: Project direction (4000)
Months 1-5: Project oversight and evaluation by members of Board of Advisors (3500)
Total: (31300)
Phase 2:
Months 6-9: testing the beta versions of the learning models
Phase 3:
Months 10-12: developing a funding model to sustain the community and the ethical AI project.
Conference and Workshop website
Gilian Hadflield, Rules for a Flat World.
Stahl, Bernd Carsten. "From computer ethics and the ethics of AI towards an ethics of digital ecosystems." AI and Ethics (2021): 1-13.
Eitel-Porter, Ray. "Beyond the promise: implementing ethical AI." AI and Ethics 1, no. 1 (2021): 73-80.
Biswas, Debmalya. "Ethical AI: its implications for Enterprise AI Use-cases and Governance." (2020).
Professor of ethics and law, machine learning, logical theory, mathematical logic, AI, business systems consultant.