Last updated 2 years ago
Accelerate the adoption of decentralized identities (DIDs) in the Cardano Community.
Create verifiable credentials (VCs) for the Cardano Indonesia Community for membership and workshop certificates.
This is the total amount allocated to DID for Cardano Indonesia Community.
Create verifiable credentials (VCs) for the Cardano Indonesia Community for membership and workshop certificates.
Cardano Ambassador, Atala PRISM Pioneer, Software Developer
We strongly believe that self-sovereign identity (SSI) technology will positively impact many communities. Our goal is to start small by focusing on the adoption of DIDs in the Cardano Indonesia Community.
SSI technology is very new, and we feel that building within our Cardano community is the best way to draw exposure to Indonesia. As the technology matures, we will explore expanding the use case into other Cardano communities and other fields of interest.
Cardano Hub Indonesia will roll out consistently our workshop program twice a week starting from the beginning of 2022 and spanning 24 workshops on the other proposal. This would be the perfect opportunity to implement the lessons learned from Atala PRISM Pioneer Program by providing verifiable credentials (VC), such as memberships and certificates using Atala PRISM technology in Cardano blockchain (testnet and/or mainnet).
SSI/DID Trust Diamond:
Why Is It Important?
Indonesia with it's current population of 273 million is at this very minute exploring creating a national Digital Identity. The vision is for their citizens to be able to use their mobile phones to interact with the governments public services. This effort is currently being spear-headed by Kemendagri (Ministry of Home Affairs) in collaboration with Badan Pusat Statistik (Central Bureau of Statistics).
As per Ministry of Home Affairs, this effort is an action to realize the governments goal of having an integrated database of its citizens. This is galvanized by the President's mandate, Perpres 39/2019 which mentions "Satu Data Indonesia" meaning "One Indonesian Data".
The challenge that Ministry of Home Affairs and Central Bureau of Statistics currently face are the unsynchronized data of non-permanent citizens between the two institutions. Their solution for this is to do a physical tracing of those citizens. All this indicates the seriousness of Indonesia's government in implementing their vision of "One Indonesian Data" ("Satu Data Indonesia"). An opportunity that must not be passed by Cardano. The Indonesian government is interested, and the technology is available. The spark of opportunity is here. Cardano and Atala PRISM could be the catalyst to start the fire.
That is what we are trying to start to formulate. By having a proven use case at a small scale through Cardano Hub Indonesia, we will learn, iterate and perfect the technology till it reaches a level of maturity where we are confident enough to explore opportunities to present Atala PRISM to the Indonesian government.
How Does Success Look Like?
We will provide workshops on SSI, DID and Atala PRISM for Cardano Indonesia Community while simultaneously issue memberships & workshop certificates using VC as our pilot project. This will increase understanding about SSI technology and capabilities to our direct Cardano community who will act as catalyst either to enter Atala PRISM Pioneer Program or become distribution channels to their respective wider community.
Key Metrics to Measure
Our metrics to measure success are:
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months (next plan)
Deliverables & Time Frame
We aim to host 6 successful workshops about SSI/DID/Atala PRISM in 6 months. And also adopt the DID usage on our local community hub for memberships & educational workshop certificates. We will run the project first in Cardano testnet and then to the mainnet.
Our estimated public launch date for the project is February 21th, 2022 and we expect to have successfully carried out all the workshops & verifiable credentials by the end of 2022.
Auditability (How to track our project progress)
Every successful workshop can be tracked via the Meetup account and we will also post the summary of each event in 🇮🇩 Cardano Forum (which you can find here: including uploading video of the workshop in Cardano Indonesia Official YouTube Channel.
Cardano Forum (Bahasa Indonesia):
Cardano Indonesia Community (Discord):
Cardano Indonesia Community (Telegram):
Cardano Indonesia Community (Instagram):
Cardano Indonesia Community (YouTube):
Cardano Hub Jakarta (Meetup):
1) Partnership and collaboration with Daniel Bonfil Penella from "Latam Community DID" @danbonfil
2) Partnership and collaboration with Lance from "Open Source Credential Wallet" @LanceB
3) Collaboration with (APPP) Atala Prism Pioneer Program from IOG
4) Collaboration with Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall - Catalyst Innovate
Our Team
Andreas Sosilo, Atala PRISM Pioneer, Software Developer, Cardano Ambassador (Indonesia), Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Team Member, Catalyst School Extended Team Member, Catalyst Veteran Community Advisor (vCA)
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Cardano Ambassador, Atala PRISM Pioneer, Software Developer