Last updated 3 years ago
Atala PRISM DID as a gateway to the Cardano blockchain & ecosystem, requires use cases to enable market penetration besides just government.
Develop DID to deploy to a ready market of tens of millions who can bring $54B/yr volume to Cardano and can use the benefit DID can offer.
This is the total amount allocated to DID for the Masses.
Develop DID to deploy to a ready market of tens of millions who can bring $54B/yr volume to Cardano and can use the benefit DID can offer.
3 Atala PRISM Pioneers, Beefchain Founder, NFTDAO Founders, enterprise architecture expertise, startup experience. We know the target market
$600B of commissions between 2009-2017 or $54.5B average per year. Imagine if this commission volume ran through the Cardano blockchain—which today is only a $46.3B market cap.
Where can we get this volume, a small country? No. Yet they are bigger than 212 of 235 countries. A force of 60M people belong to organizations as direct sellers who earn this commission volume. That's bigger than 90% of all Governments! Only 23 countries in the world are larger than 60M (
We are planning a solution using DID that will positively impact and rapidly grow the Cardano network by adding large numbers of new users as their DID is homed on Cardano. There are 10's of millions of potential users that could use our solution that gives them a DID to transact business and create affinity in ways not presently accomplished in their current systems. It also gives them dominion over their own data and self-sovereignty as well as a means to track and add valuable secondary services for their cohorts. Imagine an insurance plan or a medical plan added to DID holders and the revenue flows from those example added services.
We will develop and use it in our DAO as an Alpha and Beta test, then make it available for wider use. And we have the deep connections into the direct seller market to facilitate this growth.
Interoperability between existing DID platforms is a core principle in our architecture to allow participation across multiple communities and institutions as described by the Patterns of Commoning.
We are an emergent DAO community as the NFT DAO, LLC formed in Wyoming March 9, 2021 and self-governance is on our 2Q22 horizon where we will deploy our DID technology and submit our DAO election (we already have a WY lawyer who wrote the law). We recently added the former Head of Governance of Aragon to our team who will help us achieve this goal.
We plan to use DID for Reputation, Compensation and Services within our community. We also plan to introduce the concept to organizations of common interest, like direct sellers, where we also have relationships and participation.
One of our missions is college scholarships and internships with UWYO and therefore the certifying of skills tied to NFTs and DIDs is a core concept we will factor into our design. This is also applicable in direct seller organizations who manage leader boards and reputation awards.
As NFT DAO, we are keenly aware of the many uses of NFTs and thus our Boxcar technology accounts for these different kinds of NFTs especially as related to supply chains and their market participants who can become DID users. Imagine a NFT Marketplace for direct sellers to receive their awards and services tokens. DIDs are a central part of so many things that can be done in this space.
Use decentralized identifiers (DID) as a core element in how one engages with the DAO and with other organizations like direct sellers that aren't governments, but are larger than 90% of Governments.
Build back-office organizational use model that deploys the tech stack and wallet that allows DIDs a prominent role as the key means of identity.
This includes an application and method of registering an organization and joining an organization, and the reference of recognizing the DID history and reputation.
Detailed Project Plan
For this initial phase, our plan is to deliver code that can easily be built and deployed that will allow the issuance of a basic self-sovereign identity (SSI) with basic identifiers via the Atala PRISM framework and infrastructure and begin the process making that SSI credential interoperable with other leading DID/SSI blockchain platforms as well as other internal Cardano and DAO centric in-progress applications and systems; thus bringing the beginnings of a truly open system where credentials and all other desired actions can cross from chain to chain, without walls and hindrances.
The following is a list of projected general activities with effort estimated in development hours:
Architecture design (80 hr)
Framework setup and configuration (Nodes, Servers, Infrastructure) (80 hr)
Workflows and wireframe mockups (80 hr)
Design middleware app structures (160 hr)
Middleware layer implementation (80 hr)
Interoperability Testing (80 hr)
Documentation (40 hr)
Testing and debugging (80 hr)
The total duration based on the team committed time to the project is 17 weeks.
The budget is calculated at a rate of $100/hour. The team is composed of 3 developers.
Based on the development effort above, our budget is:
Architecture design: $8,000
Framework setup and configuration (Nodes, Servers, Infrastructure): $8,000
Functional workflows and wireframe mockups: $8,000
Design middleware app structures and integrations: $16,000
Middleware layer implementation: $8,000
Interoperability Testing: $8,000
Documentation: $4,000
Testing and debugging: $8,000
TOTAL BUDGET: 680 hr @ $100/hr = $68,000
Project Tracking
The project implementation will follow Agile management. Additionally, reports will be published with project progress, major milestones and risk assessment.
The basic identity creation and identifiers along with basic interoperability integration is the main deliverable that constitute the metric of progress.
Intermediate progress will be reported and KPIs that show the progress of each development sprint. Additionally, the development will be managed in a public Github repository where periodic commits will be pushed and that allow the community to audit and validate the work.
Risk Assessment
We have identified a concern regarding the Atala PRISM SDK, that is not fully available and may also change during the implementation. This is a potential risk to the project.
Definition of Success:
Month 1-3:
Month 6:
Month 12:
NFT-DAO - Team with various degrees and backgrounds, full team of developers and contractors from around the globe, several full stack engineers, several marketing members
Larry Beck - VP of Engineering with a 25 year history in IT, software security systems, technology, worked in CC security for Goldman Saks, Apple, and others.
Icaro Capobianco - Full Stack engineer, Altala PRISM Pioneer, building web applications and blockchain tools.
Justin Thwaites - Full Stack engineer, Atala Prism Pioneer, API integrations specialist
3 Atala PRISM Pioneers, Beefchain Founder, NFTDAO Founders, enterprise architecture expertise, startup experience. We know the target market