Last updated 3 years ago
Education should be flexible, adaptable to present global needs. However, TradEdu is career-static & skills can quickly become obsolete.
A customizable education engine that matches action-steps to learning stage, & forms DAO squads of complementary workers for projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Edu-to-action DAO squads.
A customizable education engine that matches action-steps to learning stage, & forms DAO squads of complementary workers for projects.
PhD in human cognition and blockchain/AI ethics, worked w/ SingularityNET, created new governance approaches, partners with WSS (attached).
We endeavor no less than to transform education and work in order to capably and nimbly resolve our world's most pressing issues.
Traditional Education is linear, monolithic, and designed to be career-static. It relies on the status quo of a field of study, teaching skills relevant at the time, and assumes that those skills will be relevant and economically viable in the future, resulting in TradEdu being a resource-wasteful and economically risky for learner and provider. By the same token, work and careers are tailored to such education styles, resulting in yet more waste. Additionally, the existential, planetary scale of today's problems exceed the capacity of the traditional careerist expertise model. A new, more nimble model is needed that is more capably and ethically responsive to the shape-shifting needs of our complex global society.
We aim to solve this by offering an education system and cooperative community, emergent and open to all individuals, that offers tools to do better sense-making of today's global complexity and matches individual's with collaborative action steps commensurate with their learning stage. Aiming no less than to directly address our planetary existential risk (e.g. global inequities, poverty, polarization, climate change, runaway AI), the action steps will pair complementary individuals into sub-teams that collaborate to solve particular domains of issues. These sub-teams will either remain in existence to address longer term needs/capacities that serve the whole cooperative team, or they form squads that spin up and down to complete specific community-devised projects as needed. These squads form interdependent entities that are deployed to external tasks and bring back knowledge and insights that empower the capacity of the larger cooperative team as a whole. The whole team remains cohesive as it is focused on its "true north" of addressing planetary existential risk in all its manifestations, while also being anti-fragile in its learning and action process. This will form the foundation for the organization of the future that takes consciousness-maximizing education and feeds it into applied sense-making and problem-solve to address the world's most pressing issues.
The community will attract its members by way of its mission-orientation of resolving existential risk and though its novel form of education-to-action "spin-ups". Experts and laypersons with skills and dreams can all be onbaorded and brought into interoperable, conscious collaboration in the appropriate sub-teams/squads.
The whole community can operate as a DAO, and each sub-team can also operate as DAO's, and said DAO's may overlap. A new form of self-governance will be devised using smart contracts and decentralized identity, tracking each individual's learning phase/stage and actions, giving currency to meaningful action. Notable points in space and time (contextual coordinates) along the community learning and co-creation process will be NFT-able, and a compendium of "statefulness" will developed, wherein context-driven combinations of permissions, credentials, identity, requests, etc. can be used to automate and design education, work assignments and flows, and governance policies.
Decentralized Identity
The education system and paradigm will need new forms of credientials and tracking, especially as it scales. We aim to apply DID primitives and patterns in the following ways:
- Digital identity for all users from the get-go;
- Verifiable credentials (VC) issued for onboarding and for each designated learning stage;
- Verifiable Presentation Request for learning stage VC when attempting to enter a corresponding project;
- Verifiable Presentation Proof of learning stage offered to join corresponding project;
- Cryptocurrency earned for human hours allotted to education and projects;
- Non-fungible token (NFT) issued for unique ways in which individual learned and acted accordingly;
- Governance framework that allows votes and contributions relative to VCs earned, with certain voting scenarios designed to favor fewer VCs (to learn from fresher ideas from newjoiners and avoid stagnation)
Community members and groups interacting with extra-organizational parties will use their VCs to demonstrate unique existential risk-focused educational acumen. With marketing effort, VCs will come to be increasingly recognized as signifying a unique and power learning system rendering the learner capable of addressing complex issues in ways that are rare in today's world. Actions taken by learners extra-organizationally will be matched to VCs that then carry weight internally in the organization. These VCs earned from external action and collaboration will bring in new knowledge into the DAO/organization, expanding its capacity to learn, grow, and scale to meet future challenges and world scenarios.
Definitions of success / KPI's/metrics:
- Application of ATALA PRISM DID to World Systems Solutions members (>50 members)
- Application of ATALA PRISM DID to existing and new DAOs (via network outreach)
- Issuance of VCs and holders to all WSS members
- Verification of VC when going from learning stage to action on a weekly basis for all active members
- Application of DID VCs to the various different subteams in WSS (10-20 sub-teams, each with a different learning process and unique use of VCs. Members can be part of multiple sub-teams, compounding unique sub-sets of knowledge.)
With this proposal, we first aim to pilot ATALA PRISM DID within the complex structure of the WSS and its learning system, which is described above in the beginning of this proposal. This means at over 30 transactions weekly. The WSS is constantly engaging with external organizations (and expanding) in an ongoing collaborative manner; it would be straightforward to utilize DID in WSS's engagement with them,
Furthermore, the proposer has put forward a Fund7 Catalyst proposal to create human resources (HR) tools for DAOs on Cardano. If the DID proposal is successful, we aim to explore applying ATALA PRISM DID into DAO credentialing. For more information, see:
3-months (this proposal):
- proof of concept and pilot within WSS / DAOJob
- DID implemented into WSS social network infrastructure / DAOJob
- NFTs piloted
- DID introduced for WSS members when interacting inter-organizationally / DAOJob
- DID applied to a number of DAOs on Cardanos
- Scale: DID reach increased beyond WSS and multiple DAOs on Cardano
- Potential introduction of cryptocurrency into WSS
Proof-of-concept milestones/deliverables:
- Onboarding of DID to internal WSS members (VC's earned across the board for all onboarded members) and/or beginning incorporation into DAOJob concept;
- Most major learning stages assigned VCs (WSS)
- Requests and Proof tested for action steps that correspond to learning stages (WSS)
- Expansion of VCs to more learning stages (WSS);
- DID incorporated into tech specs (DAOJob)
- Incorporation into basic clickable user interface (V1) (DAOJob)
- Basic clickable prototype developed (WSS)
Risk mitigation:
Risk (1): Immediate hiring need. Developer for ATALA PRISM needed immediately. To mitigate this, we are offering a competitive salary.
Risk (2): ATALA PRISM is not optimal for WSS for some unforeseen reason. The proposer's other proposal related to DAO HR (DAOJob; linked above) will be developed one way or another regardless of its outcome in this funding round. Therefore, there will be ample opportunity to apply this framework in DAOJob's outreach. A clickable prototype can still be developed and incoporated for DAOJob's operations.
Developer: $24,000 ($8,000 x 3 months)
Project Lead/Management: $27,000 ($9,000 x 3 months)
Implementation (WSS): $24,000 ($8,000 x 3 months)
Implentation (DAOJob): $14,700 ($4,900 x 3 months)
TOTAL: $89,700
We will operate in collaboration with the following organizations:
We will also seek to explore collaboration with other organizations in the education, training, and work sectors, such that their platform's expertise and credentialing orientations can synergize with the consciousness and sense-making education and application of our platform.
This specific proposal will mobilize the education- and action-specific aspects of WSS' Social Movement Engine (SME), which is as a whole larger in scope than the education-to-work mechanisms outlined above, though nonetheless.
The contents of this proposal are have been developed by Neural Axis LLC, and the proposal refers to key materials owned by World Systems Solutions (WSS).
Copyright 2017 - 2021, Neural Axis LLC & World Systems Solutions. All rights reserved.
We have a diverse team, including a neuroscience PhD, experienced IT professional, former operations/sales lead, global education expert, and public policy expert.
Team Lead:
**Gabriel Axel Montes, Ph.D. ~**
Gabriel Axel Montes, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist, consciousness educator, leadership coach, and facilitator of personal and organizational development and transformation.
Drawing from over a decade of neuroscience and consciousness research and experience as a facilitator, Gabriel taps latent human capability to optimize processes and unlock value from existing resources and human capital. He works to address today's global complexities and risks through the application of practicable neuroscience- and psychology-informed models and tools that elucidate the subtle habitual patterns at the root of inefficiencies. In his work, Gabriel promotes and teaches meta-learning—the capacity of "learning to learn", adapt, grow, change, and collaborate— to maximize human capability during organizational change.
Gabriel helps organizations synergize the relationship between human capital and technology implementation during digital transformation. He has worked with SingularityNET, the world's premier decentralized A(G)I organization, first by participating in the management of the initial $36 million fundraise as part of the launch team, and more recently he served as Head of People/HR, leading a doubling of staff count during a rapid growth phase and facilitating organizational development, collaboration, and well-being among its staff. Gabriel has conducted research in various subfields of neuroscience and published seminal work on the crucial role of neuroscience and consciousness in the design and ethics of artificial general intelligence (AGI) and virtual and augmented reality technologies.
Gabriel is bilingual (English & Spanish), an author, and an international speaker for diverse audiences on the intersection of consciousness, technology, and human culture, working and presenting at Harvard, Stanford, among various universities. Gabriel is a long-time mind-body/consciousness practitioner and instructor, eclectic experimental musician, and world traveler. For more information, visit
PhD in human cognition and blockchain/AI ethics, worked w/ SingularityNET, created new governance approaches, partners with WSS (attached).