Last updated 2 years ago
How can Atala Prism exchange credentials with Hyperledger Indy where most of the credentials reside?
Providing Atala Prism with two interoperability layers with Hyperledger Aries: DIDComm communication protocol and credential mapping.
This is the total amount allocated to Hyperledger-Prism Interoperability.
Providing Atala Prism with two interoperability layers with Hyperledger Aries: DIDComm communication protocol and credential mapping.
Strong academics and 25+ years of proven experience in architecting and developing software solutions. Developed sidetree-cardano in Fund 6
One of the most used SSI frameworks is Hyperledger Indy from The Linux Foundation. It was adopted by many governments around the world, being Sovrin the most popular permissioned SSI deployment of Hyperledger Indy. That lead to that most of the Verified Credentials were issued and reside in Indy platform, making Indy the ideal target where Atala Prism should prioritize interoperability.
This project is about providing open-source code to give Atala Prism two layers of interoperability with that framework:
This kind of interoperability will open a great opportunity for new projects to interact with already established solutions. For example, the following project implementations were deployed on Sovrin:
If we can open a door to some of those solutions, we will put Cardano in a favorable position to be the leader as permission-less technology in the Self-Sovereign Identity space.
LAYER 1- DIDComm v1 communication layer
Hyperledger Indy is a complete SSI framework that provides tools, libraries, and components for providing digital identities. After it's initial release, the framework was being reshaped to separate components to be reusable and agnostic from each other, based on The Linux Foundation primitives. As a result, Hyperledger Aries became the AGENT part of the solution providing a reusable toolkit focused on creating, transmitting and storing verifiable digital credentials.
Hyperledger Aries communication layer is based on DIDComm v1 so since Aries is open source the plan is to port that layer into an Atala Prism Agent. Doing so we will enable agents to "talk" to each other in a secured and more standardized way.
That communication layer will allow the full range of credential use cases such as requesting, offering, sending and receiving, and requesting and answering proofs.
LAYER 2- Mapping mechanism to convert Verifiable Credentials both ways
Having a channel of communication between agents is not enough. At this time, Atala PRISM credentials do not fully conform with the W3C data model so in order to share credentials with Aries some conversions will be required.
The goal in this second part of the project is to provide open source code with a basic framework that enables the mapping of Hyperledger Aries credentials into Atala Prism Credentials both ways. The code will be flexible enough so each implementer could easily create its own mappings.
LAYER 1- DIDComm v1 communication layer:
LAYER 2- Mapping mechanism to convert Verifiable Credentials both ways
The project implementation will follow Agile management based on Jira Cloud tools. Jira users can be created for follow up and auditability. Additionally, a bi-weekly report will be published with project progress, major milestones and risk assessment.
There are two deliverables that constitute the main metric of progress and success:
As a commitment to the transparency of the allocated funds, we expect payments based on above deliverables without the need of advance payments.
Intermediate progress will be reported as Sprint Burndown, a KPI metric that shows the progres of each development sprint. Additionally, the development will be managed in a public github repository where periodic commits will be pushed and that allow the community to audit and validate the work.
During developing of this proposal, two concerns/risks were identified and came up with mitigation plan in case it is needed:
This proposal was elaborated by Rodolfo Miranda. His Linkedin profile can be find at
His background includes a MS EE degree at Stanford University and more than 25 years of successful work experience in both large multinational companies and owned startup projects. His main activities involve architecting, developing, and implementing large scale software solutions for the Telecommunication Industry. He leads multi-disciplinary and multinational teams in the Caribbean and Latin America.
More than 40 years of self-taught programming with advanced knowledge on many coding languages. Lately, he was engaged in blockchain technologies and joined Cardano community where he:
For this personal project he will allocate sufficient time resources to cope with the project. An additional developer will be included if needed. The final selection of the developer will be made among already known developers from Latin America that were part of other projects. Note that the developer does not require a full understanding of Cardano blockchain, but a great knowledge of Javascript and Python languages and ability to understand specifications and protocols.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Strong academics and 25+ years of proven experience in architecting and developing software solutions. Developed sidetree-cardano in Fund 6