Last updated 3 years ago
The Cardano Ecosystem is missing an open source wallet which is capable to handle Digital Identities.
Develop an Open Source Wallet which can handle DID's and VC's and provides a reference implementation as a springboard for new Projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Open Source Identity Wallet.
Develop an Open Source Wallet which can handle DID's and VC's and provides a reference implementation as a springboard for new Projects.
Software development (Frontend & Backend) & UX Design (20+ years). Plutus Pioneer and Atala Prism Pioneer.
The motivation of the Proposal is to develop Open Source Libraries for components needed to develop Identity Wallets on the major Platforms:
• Web based / Browser Plugin
• Android
The Concept is to implement those Libraries in C in order to be able to use them in Android & IOS as well as in Web via WASM.
• Each Implementation should cover the following base functions:
• Client Side: Generate and store DID's (Decentralized Identifiers)
• Read / Write Encrypted Data.
• Agent Layer to interact with Verifier's and Issuer's and other Holders (Request for Proof, accept Notifications, send signed messages etc.)
• A thin UI Layer built in a crossplatform System like Flutter. The UI Layer is mainly meant to give reference on how to tie all parts together in one App. Future Implementations should be able to develop their own UI Layer.
Working out the detailed architecture will be part of the Project. Point of reference will be the Hyperledger Indy Wallet Components
How This Proposal impacts the challenge and addresses the challenge Question
To grow the adoption of Decentralized Identities, the Cardano Eco System is missing a crucial part to drive User adoption and growth – an Identity Wallet.
Many Projects are ready to start implementing projects within the Decentralized Identity Space build on top of Cardano, led by Atala Prism. But a good an Open Source Identity Wallet which will be the Gateway for customers to interact with Issuers a validators is still missing.
The intention of this Project is *not* to develop the "standard" Identity Wallet for each and every one. The intention is to deliver the needed building Blocks & Libraries wrapped together under a light UI Layer for reference.
By those means, the Proposed Wallet should be the perfect starting point to build Specific Projects on top.
Definition of success:
3 Month:
• Detailed specification and API Definition for the Wallet Components, including Wireframes.
6 Month:
Reference implantation Ready for at least:
• Web
• Android / IOS
12 Month:
• Implementation for the missing platform (IOS / Android)
• Full documentation and Source Code online.
Expected Public Launch Date:
1.6.2022 the first Wallet implementations launch, including Source Code & Documentation hosted on public Repo under
Budget Requirements
• SW Architecture for the Wallet Components. $4000
• Libraries development: $28000
• Light UI Layer UX Design: $4000
• Implement Cross Platform light UI in Flutter: $10000
• Setup Continuous Deployment Pipeline for Android: $1500
About the Team
Jochen Leinberger:
Specialist for lean & user centric digital product development.
UX Design & SW Development, Digital Product Development & Digital Product & Software Development at German Car manufacturer. Former advanced projects at Deutsche Telekom new Products & Innovations Department Bonn (Smart Home, Entertain, Retail Solutions, Payment). Given Lectures at several universities in the Field of Innovation & UX Design. Co Author of the book "Prototyping Interfaces".
Loves the Mountains at all heights, Terrains and times of the year. Claims to be the best cook in the Team.
Dennis Mittmann:
20+ years of experience with high traffic web services in high availability environments and scalable real-time data services. Database Architect, Payment-Systems, Statistics
5+ years Tech Lead Database Developer, 8+ years Team Lead Web Developer, Blockchain since 2011
Joseph Frankiewicz
Software architect and mobile app developer with ~20 years of development experience, focusing on front-end applications. Co-founder of the Cardano EAGLE pool. Developer of the Pool Peek mobile application, which allows users to view and select Cardano stake pools.
Tim Brückmann:
Architect of the team, MBA (marketing, controlling, economy East Asia ), CMO, Co-Founder and stakepool operator of [AZUL], co-founder and former CEO of wunderwerk eco fashion & wunderwerk e-commerce, 25 years marketing and sales expertise, expert in sustainable lifestyle products, 10 years climbing partner of Jochen CTO, 25 years coop with Tim CEO, PADI Divemaster, winner Bundespreis ECOdesign, winner PETA award
Tim Heidfeld:
has operational Know-how and strategic expertise from e-Commerce and electronics marketplaces Scout24, Allianz24,,, Tim has a direct personal connection to the business cases and the telcos based on his operational work. His core competence is business development. Racing bike Enthusiast.
Software development (Frontend & Backend) & UX Design (20+ years). Plutus Pioneer and Atala Prism Pioneer.