Last updated 3 years ago
Obtaining valid certifications for job recruitment is a major obstacle in labor markets of developing countries
Utilizing Atala PRISM DID in Fairway SaaS system to create, record and leverage contracts and documents related to employment and job market
This is the total amount allocated to Recruitment utilising Atala PRISM.
Utilizing Atala PRISM DID in Fairway SaaS system to create, record and leverage contracts and documents related to employment and job market
Fairway (Company behind the submission) is creating the SaaS already in Ethiopia and plans to integrate Atala PRISM DID to Fairway.
What we believe:
At Fairway, we want to build inclusive technology that provides fair and equal opportunity for anyone to participate in the job market. We believe that the future of the identity management, wether it is related to being a student, job seeker, or buying a property, should happen in a decentralized and free blockchain. We want to create a solution for job seekers that helps them to navigate the job market and leverage their personal job market information in a decentralized system.
For the current recruitment processes, not every aspect can yet be done through a decentralized system. We believe there is still place for private businesses such as ours, that provide digital services to other businesses. It is the role of the businesses such as ours to bring those businesses to decentralized technologies through profit-driven customer acquisition and providing services that leverage decentralization and by doing so, end up being more effective and profitable than the legacy systems.
Lot of our work is directed by creating impact and we are improving at least 3 of the UNs SDGs which are 1. No poverty, 8. Decent work and economic growth and 10. Reduced inequalities.
We believe that the businesses that integrate these technologies and allow their users to leverage their own user data in other use cases and areas of their life will be the most successful in the future of business.
- If you have student credentials given by your university, why shouldn't you be able to use them in a job seeking and matchmaking platform?
- If you have used DID in the payment of your loans, why shouldn't the credit that you built be used leveraged in proving your credibility to the future employer?
- If you have signed a contract using Fairway technology why shouldn't you use that contract to get a loan for your future apartment?
At Fairway, we build things to see a future where we want to live in. One where the market decides the value of the information that you yourself decide to input to it. Fairway Co-founders have been contributing Cardano community members for over three years and what we saw IOHK building in Africa was part of the inspiration for our company.
Fairway has been closely following the implementation of Atala PRISM by the Ethiopian Government throughout its whole existence. During Q3 and Q4 of 2021 we travelled Ethiopia discussing with many government officials, including The Ministry of Science and Technology, Job Creation Commission, and meeting with the Labor Information Director of Ethiopia. We spent a lot of time understanding the market and the current state of digitalisation within these different organisations. What we found is that the need for digital identity in the market is big and integrating our system to operate on Atala PRISM would definitely be the most beneficial approach for our business and for the market itself.
What will Fairway deliver to the world through the use of Atala PRISM:
Fairway technology aims to radically change how people interact with the job market in the developing countries and globally. Fairway brings all the job market related information to the same space where the users can leverage different attributes and experience to find the most suitable career path for them.
Examples of the attributes Fairway technology allows users to leverage:
- Educational certificates and degrees
- Job contracts
- Tasks and roles done within a job
- Successful interviews and other connections with the authorities or other participants of the job market
- Recommendations and referrals from employers and co-workers
All these attributes are used in the matchmaking process on the Fairway platform. However the personal data of those attributes is stored and managed by the users themselves in the blockchain under their own Atala PRISM identity wallet. The benefit is not only user owning their own data and storing it in the blockchain but also their ability to use it in other activities of the economy.
An example of this would be as follows:
- A person is searching a job through Fairway platform and is utilising educational records that are recorded in Atala PRISM. This will increase the trustworthiness of that individual and increases the chances of getting a job. This will also increase the value of Atala PRISM identity.
A second example:
- A person finds a job through Fairway platform. The Job Contract is digitally signed within the platform. The signed copy of the Job contract of the user is stored in their own Atala PRISM Wallet. This contract in the Atala PRISM can now be leveraged to get a loan from the bank under the governmental digital identity program operating in Atala PRISM.
How will Fairway benefit the Cardano Ecosystem:
Fairway is a company with a global expansion strategy, solving problems in a market of billions of potential users who would benefit from such system and its integration to decentralized identity management on the Cardano Blockchain.
Fairway utilising Atala PRISM on Cardano will benefit Cardano ecosystem at least in four major ways:
1. Job seekers becoming users managing their identity on the Cardano Blockhain: through the creation of a user in Fairway platform the job seekers will access Cardano-based identity which will make them more aware of Cardano.
2. The business customers of Fairway will sign documents and issue credits on Cardano Blockchain. Businesses will access Cardano through a clear bridge which will bring them closer to the ecosystem.
3. The governments and organisations such as the Ethiopian Ministry of Education will see this technology they recently started implementing being used actively and bringing new foreign investors and businesses to their country. This will work as a marker for these organisations that their previous decisions to involve themselves to the system were wise and encourage them to expand these blockchain deals to other sectors as well.
4. The governments of countries without these systems will see these technologies benefitting Ethiopia and it will encourage others to join and use them.
- Hiring two additional Full-Stack developers to our team to build Atala PRISM integration these have to have previous DID experience or Cardano/Haskell development experience.
- First dev for 12 months = 12 x 5 000$ = 60 000$ salary costs
- Second dev for 9 months = 9 x 5 000$ = 45 000$ salary costs
- Devoting 50% of two of our existing developer's time to help with the integration for 5 months
- 50 % of 5 x 3 000$ = 7 500$ salary costs
- 50 % of 5 x 3 000$ = 7 500$ salary costs
Total 120 000$ in development costs
This will be 50% covered by Fairway
Our Plan and Goals:
Building Atala PRISM DID connection for Fairway technology to provide job seekers a decentralized system to store their employment data and leverage it on other areas of life through Cardano.
- Fairway Atala PRISM integration will be started and built 50% through Catalyst funding and continued to finish through Fairway team internal development and funding. (Budget €120k only 50% catalyst funded)
- As a part of the process Fairway will provide users a gateway to build identity on Atala PRISM, which promotes usage of it in the markets.
Definition of success:
Start of the project will be in 1.2.2022
3-month goal - Users can create Atala PRISM identity through Fairway
- Launch date for Atala PRISM integration feature will be 1.5.2022
6-month goal - Created digital contract signing feature thats data will be stored in Atala PRISM
- This will increase the amount of verified individuals in Atala PRISM network by verifying them by job contract
- Launch date for Atala PRISM working with our contract signing feature will be 1.8.2022
12-month goal - Have all the employment data of Fairway job seekers in Atala PRISM DID in the initial markets of Ethiopia and others.
- Deployed trust network to increase the reputation of individuals in the job market
Fairway Expertise:
Fairway is heavily focused on delivering high quality technology in conjunction with user friendly product that solves real world problems. We believe that the larger adaptation of blockchain technologies will take place through businesses such as ours, that deliver real solutions to their customer, that just happen to leverage the advantages of the blockchain.
Fairway team currently consists of six people with wide variety of backgrounds. Three people of our team have a software development background, who are able to do full stack development, research and technical sales. This is combined with two service design and business professionals doing business development and operations. In addition a recruitment professional building the best recruitment process in Africa. Our tech, research and sales team is based in Addis Ababa.
For the Atala PRISM integration, we will use part of the Catalyst Funding to hire two additional professionals from our talent network in Addis Ababa Cardano community. On our last trip we had a discussion with Dynal Patel from IOHK about Atala PRISM and a possible future integration. We agreed to discuss the issue on our next trip and Dynal promised to give our team advice in taking concrete steps towards the integration once the funding for the project was finalised. John O'Connor advised us to seek funding to this project through Catalyst and as it would directly benefit the community and help us in hiring the needed talent in the future.
PS. One of the advantages for us participating to Catalyst is finding suitable talent in the future. For this project we are looking for developers who have experience in DID or Cardano related development! Feel free to contact us anywhere and anyhow you can. Main contact is for development recruitments.
Fairway (Company behind the submission) is creating the SaaS already in Ethiopia and plans to integrate Atala PRISM DID to Fairway.