Last updated 2 years ago
Identify verification and asset ownership confirmation in NFT games can be facilitated with decentralized IDs.
Using Atala PRISM assets can be tied to players instead of wallets and the anonymous nature of the blockchain ecosystem is maintained.
This is the total amount allocated to Self Governed Gaming [Revelar+Duo].
Using Atala PRISM assets can be tied to players instead of wallets and the anonymous nature of the blockchain ecosystem is maintained.
A decade as a Tech Founder & CTO + Plutus Pioneer + Fund 6 + alongside a full team of engineers. (See below)
In a value driven ecosystem such as NFT gaming, trust is important and needs to be maintained to protect both the players and the developers. Players can own multiple game assets (NFTs) which can be distributed across multiple wallets. In order to maintain the distribution of value, games need to be able to trust that players are using genuine game assets. This creates a 3 way trust relationship between a game, its NFTs (assets) and the players.
Players should also be able to partake in this ecosystem without having data security concerns. Decentralised gamer IDs would give players sovereignty over their digital identity within NFT games, without placing the burden of trust on the game itself. DIDs would also allow for games to be able to tie assets to players instead of wallets. Game developers can therefore validate the ownership of assets to players
Within a decentralized community this trust needs to be established in a truly decentralized manner, i.e. through decentralized IDs. In Cardano, Atala Prizm provides a means by which to do this.
By incorporating Atala into the game engine, any game using Revelar could then perform asset and player id verification in a decentralized manner without needing to trust the player or even Revelar itself. This would also remove the need for a game development team to be concerned about the cybersecurity related to storing KYC or player identifiable information within their own system.
The use of DID would also allow for greater ease by which regulatory compliance within games can be established e.g. age verification. Instead of the game itself needing to gather information in order to enforce its age verification policies, it can request for age verification via a DID.
DIDs would also help control spoofed and bot identities within games. One way to do this would be to require that all players have a valid DID. DIDs that are tied to players are not as easily disposable as email based game accounts.
We therefore seek funding to incorporate Atala Prizm into a game engine (Revelar) and develop the NFT gaming use-case for it. Our contribution to the broader community would be a case-study for how DID can be integrated into a game.
Measurables (Auditability)
Certifications of completion for development team
Community article on how to incorporate Atala into a game (development flow)
Community article on testing results found by incorporating Atala and using a Discord pre-alpha gameplay as a testbed
Published use case for asset verification in a game
Timeline (Audibility)
10 Weeks : Get a dev team trained in Atala
4 Weeks : Build an asset verification test-case using real minted NFTs
4 Weeks : Test the DID using Duo discord server as a testbed
Public delivery date: July 31st 2022
Costs & Use of Funds (Auditability)
$0 : Get a dev team trained in Atala
$2500 : Build an asset verification test-case using real minted NFTs
$2500 : Test the DID using Duo discord server as a testbed
Proposers: Jason Toevs
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter: @JasonToevs
- Discord: âłussieGingersnap | DUO#1037
Benjamin Beer
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter: @bigbenbeer
- Discord: KarooSeun | DUO#2202
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
A decade as a Tech Founder & CTO + Plutus Pioneer + Fund 6 + alongside a full team of engineers. (See below)