Last updated 3 years ago
There is no trustful platform for fundraising campaigns to be used by any entity who wants to run a campaign.
Build a fundraiser platform where Prism verified entities that can run campaigns. Community can donate with trust.
This is the total amount allocated to Trustful Fundraising Campaigns.
Build a fundraiser platform where Prism verified entities that can run campaigns. Community can donate with trust.
Loxe Inc. team, experienced and hackathon winning group of Plutus developers, participants of Gimbalabs PPBL, and experienced web developers
There are several fundraisers that do a lot of good for the society by channelising the resources. However, there aren't enough platforms which allow transactions in cryptocurrency or which allow cryptocurrency but provide assurances against scams. For the causes that people decide to support, they would want assurances that the entity collecting their donations is trustful.
If the entities seeking funds are verifiable by DID then it assures the supporting community of the identity of those who collect the funds.
We believe that by developing a fundraiser platform and integrating with Atala PRISM, we can enable a niche platform in the cryptocurrency domain.
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
May 2022
June 2022
Success metrics
After 3 months
After 6 months
The Loxe Inc. team is behind this proposal. We are a team of Plutus and Prism Pioneers and experienced web developers. We have been funded previously through Catalyst in Fund 6 for the following proposals:
Besides, we are building partnerships with other projects being developed in the Cardano and Catalyst ecosystems, such as the Proposal Mentor Marketplace (
Our team site ( ) has additional information on each team member incl. LinkedIn and/or Github links.
Loxe Inc. team, experienced and hackathon winning group of Plutus developers, participants of Gimbalabs PPBL, and experienced web developers