Last updated 3 years ago
The Portuguese fund distribution and assessment is a complicated process and lacks transparency from government and companies.
Creating a verifiable credential tree for Portuguese government fund distribution to ensure the right to redeem the funds.
This is the total amount allocated to Verifiable Credentials Tree.
Creating a verifiable credential tree for Portuguese government fund distribution to ensure the right to redeem the funds.
Lead Software Engineer, Plutus Pioneer, Atala PRISM Pioneer, Emurgo Cardano Architecture and Design Developer Professional
How does the problem look like?
In Portugal (as in so many other countries), the Government have to distribute funds to other entities (departments and companies). This process lacks transparency as it is not clear who can access the funds and under which conditions. We found that this is being tackled by adding more layers of complexity making the process cumbersome and difficult for small businesses to participate. Apart from that, it's difficult if not impossible for the citizens to ensure that the funds are being well spent.
To participate in these funds, the private companies have to register on a platform. After that, a government department will select the companies that match the criteria. This process lacks transparency and the funds can't be tracked by the stakeholders.
How will we solve the problem?
All the intervenients (issuers, holders and verifiers) in the process must be registered on our truth registry. This information will be publicly accessible. We will create a framework to validate that our funds came from the root issuers and that each branch has access to that fund. The Atala PRISM verifiable credentials framework will allow storing the issuers' information on the blockchain to improve transparency, security and interoperability.
Trust framework
* Issuer
* Holder
* Policy Maker
* Relying Party
* Point of engagement
Trust framework Summary
Our goal is to create a framework for government funds distribution. The government will issue credentials for the holders to access determined funds. The holders issue new credentials to sub-holders that are able to access part of these funds. The verifier should ensure the chain of credentials and process accordingly. The result will be a tree of credentials where holders can access their corresponding part of the chain.
Attached diagram details
1. The Bank of Portugal registers on our system all the available funds
2. The entities (Government Department A, B and Company A) with access to those funds ask the issuer (Bank of Portugal) for the access credential
3. After being issued verifiable credentials, each entity can create in our system categories. This will allow that entity to issue verifiable credentials to other stakeholders (entities/departments/employees). The categories branching can have an infinite depth, meaning that each holder can potentially become an issuer in our system. This is the example of:
4. The leaves in our verifiable credential tree are the holders that haven't registered in our system in any category. In practice, this means that this entity will have access to all the funds in his category depth. As we can imagine, as much granularity we have the best, this way we can best identify who is spending what. A great example of this is Company A, which tracks each fund at the employee level. Company B doesn't have registered as an issuer, meaning that we will not have visibility to what is happening below his category level
5. It will be possible for a holder to have multiple credentials to access different funds. This is the case of Company A, employee 2
Roadmap (a.k.a. definition of success)
(partially funded by fund 7)
(partially funded by fund 7)
(not funded by fund 7)
Staff team
Pedro Pepê: Lead Software Engineer (
Carlos Pais: Chief Financial Officer (
Public Launch date
It is expected the first version to be released in early Q3 2022.
As a result, we will have three deliverables:
Lead Software Engineer, Plutus Pioneer, Atala PRISM Pioneer, Emurgo Cardano Architecture and Design Developer Professional