Last updated 3 years ago
DAO Net provides rapid sustainable funding for DeFi teams however deploying DAO Net will require a market for DAO tokens.
Integrate with DAO Tokens with existing DEX and Automated Market Makers to facilitate the exchange of DAO Tokens for ADA.
This is the total amount allocated to DAO-NET: DAO Token Market.
Integrate with DAO Tokens with existing DEX and Automated Market Makers to facilitate the exchange of DAO Tokens for ADA.
An experienced team of Blockchain developers, Plutus pioneers, SPO operators, Community Advisors and Solutions Analysts.
Cardano Ecosystem Value
The value and exchange of DAO tokens, underpins the entire DAO-NET value proposition which in turn drives the expansion of members, DIDs and DAOs in the Cardano ecosystem.
Action Plan Details
The DAO Token Market is an example of how the DAO-NET smart contract template for DAOs can be used to quickly start up new DAOs to fund operational costs of projects and activities pertaining to a specific community, cause or of a specific type. These examples are to show specific use case on how the DAOs can be used to provide ongoing funding for solutions to any challenge fund problem, any Community Hub or any cause so that once the platform is deployed that others can start up their own DAOs with DAO-NET.
Operational funding for DAO Token Market activities will be assigned using the DAO-NET Treasury hourly funding disbursement that allows members to assign a portion of the Treasury to those DAOs or projects that they support. Details of the Treasury funding mechanism can be found in the DAO-NET proposal linked below and that same funding mechanism is used by DAO Token Market to allow members to allocate the DAO funds received to those projects or activities within DAO Token Market that the member supports based upon a proportional vote.
The tokenomics of DAO tokens are radically different then the traditional initial token offerings or ICOs which mint millions or billions of tokens to sell for startup capital. To start there are 0 DAO tokens and the only way that DAO tokens can be minted is through the CryptoFusion Funder process (see proposal by that name linked below for details) which mints DAO tokens whenever the community, funders and proposers reach a free market price point at which they agree to fund a proposal. This token minting process is believed to be completely free of potential SEC rulings of being a security however legal counsel will be sought to confirm through the DAO-NET proposal (see link below).
The number of DAO tokens in circulation will be minimal initially, likely numbering in the thousands for the first week, tens to hundreds of thousands for the first month and is unlikely to surpass a million tokens until 2-3 months after launch unless there is a large early membership adoption. This limited token pool size is likely to be problematic for most DEX or Automated Market Maker solutions as a reserve pool of tokens is required for the market to function.
This proposal is to bootstrap the initial DAO token market by creating a temporary smart contract that will purchase a fixed amount of DAO tokens at the floor price of 0.25 ADA per DAO token using a small seed capital from this proposal, possibly donations and some of the potential surplus if many of the DAO-NET proposals are funded. If all 12 DAO-NET proposals are funded then an estimated $30K USD in DAO tokens would be purchased through the temporary smart contract. When the initial token purchases are complete then the $30K of Dao tokens along with $30K in ADA would be transferred to an existing Automated Market Maker solution to form the initial market reserve.
If the CryptoFusion Funder proposal is not funded then the budget portion of this proposal related to the temporary smart contract and the seed capital are not to be released by Project Catalyst until the CryptoFusion Funder or some alternative DAO token minting process is successfully implemented.
DAO tokens are only minted as part of the CryptoFusion funding process and require Moments tokens that can only be earned at a fixed rate by each member. DAO tokens therefore scale up with increased total membership time within DAO-NET which is a much more equitable and scalable solution then the current ADA solution.
Imagine if Cardano achieves its goal of a billion ADA users in 5 years. There can only ever be 45 billion ADA in total, which would be an average of 45 ADA per user however there are several users with tens of millions of ADA currently which would lead to massive unsustainable inequality as most users would only have a fraction of an ADA each.
If there were a billion DAO-NET users then up to 1.46 trillion DAO tokens could be minted per year (1460 DAO per user). Individuals can still accumulate large DAO holdings compared to others however the idea of becoming a trillionaire simply by sitting on a cryptocurrency for a few years won't happen in this more sustainable model.
The total possible market size for DAO tokens is deterministic and can be calculated as 4 times (the sum of each member's total number of days as a member). The total actual market size of DAO tokens is reduced to 4 times (the number of Moments tokens successfully used to fund proposals in the CryptoFusion funding process).
The Token Market DAO has a potential market of every holder of DAO tokens, which is expected to be in the tens of thousands during the first year after launch.
Acquisition Plan
Initial outreach via relevant Discord and Telegram forums.
Skills Required
Product Manager
Lead Developer
Plutus Developer
Product Manager: Dwayne Collard - 20 years+ IT Consultant, Solutions Analyst, IT Manager, Community Advisor
Lead Developer: Jude Ben - 9 years+ Software Development , Plutus Smart Contract Development , Cloud and Infrastructure Engineer
Plutus Developer: Contractor to be determined.
DEX: Partners to be determined
AMM: Partners to be determined
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
May 2022
June 2022
July 2022
Key Performance Indicators
Success Definition
3 months
6 months
12 months
Plutus Developer ($4000/month): $24,000
Initial Reserve Pool for AMM: $10,000
Product Manager ($500/month): $3,000
Algorithmic DAO Smart Contract*: $10,000
Total: $47,000
* Algorithmic DAO Smart Contract budget is for a very scaled down unaudited DAO solution, including hosting services, which is required to make this proposal deliverable in a stand-alone funding scenario however if the DAO Deployment Platform proposal is funded then this budget will be used to cover additional contractor expenses if required including for smart contract audits otherwise it will be added to the DAO Token / ADA reserve pool mentioned in the DAO Token Market proposal. If the DAO Deployment Platform is not funded however 4 other DAO-NET proposals are funded then the DAO Deployment Platform will be fully implemented with the combined funds of the 4 DAO-NET proposals.
Future Funding
Subject to legal review, DAO-NET intends to have a Bootstrap Funding contingency as further incentives to contractors, in which a small percentage of the DAO-NET Treasury can be set aside in a smart contract to retroactively fund contractors.
Proposals for additional enhancements to the DAO-NET ecosystem and new DAOs will be submitted in future Project Catalyst funding rounds.
If the CryptoFusion Funder proposal is funded then DAO-NET is expected to be self-funding when launched on the mainnet including the ability to fund other DAO proposals.
All intellectual property is intended to be freely shared with the world so that any insights can be duplicated in other experiments to rapidly advance decentralized governance therefore:
All software developed as part of this proposal will be Open Source under Apache License, version 2.0
All documentation will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
1 ) Likely regulations hostile to DAOs and decentralized blockchain applications
Risk Mitigations
2 ) Bias by some Community Advisors and Voters against large solutions being divided into multiple proposals
Risk Mitigations
3 ) Recruitment of contractors required
Risk Mitigations
Related Links
DAO Net Proposal:
CryptoFusion Funder Proposal:
An experienced team of Blockchain developers, Plutus pioneers, SPO operators, Community Advisors and Solutions Analysts.