Last updated 3 years ago
The startup investment industry is largely led by big institutional investors and retail investors are left out of great inv. opportunities.
Our solution at DAOLaunch is to create an open and inclusive competitive environment - the Decentralized Venture Capital concept.
This is the total amount allocated to DAOLaunch: Decentralized VC NFTs.
Our solution at DAOLaunch is to create an open and inclusive competitive environment - the Decentralized Venture Capital concept.
DAOLaunch's team has been involved in crypto since 2015 with extensive knowledge in investment, development, marketing and management.
Problem (in detail)
The startup investment industry is largely led by Venture Capitalists and institutional investors who leverage their capital using great networks and connections as well as their brand, able to negotiate better investment conditions to make substantial ROI. The majority of those deals are conducted in a closed and private environment.
Retail investors don't typically have access to these kinds of deals. For example, if you invested in Coinbase seed round, there would have been 5000X ROI. By the time of listing, VC's have already made a substantial investment and token unlock schedules, often deterring smaller investors. Most recently, retail investors are more attracted to a democratic funding method, some Startups have considered the "Fairlaunch" funding method for that reason.
However, FairLaunch is actually not the most practical method to release a token, let alone fund a business. It's unreasonable to expect adoption from mass retail investors and for them to provide not only funding but also connections and marketing - a core part of what VCs provide today, which is often worth just as much as capital to a project. Now more than ever, a democratic and practical startup investment approach is demanded, to bring more competitiveness and innovation to the startup industry.
Our Solution
Our solution at DAOLaunch is to create an open and inclusive competitive environment - the Decentralized Venture Capital concept.
DAOLaunch offers retail investors preferential investment conditions depending on their investment performance recorded on the blockchain. Recorded investments are not editable, as all negotiations are all on-chain. DAOLaunch investors can brand themselves as Decentralized Venture Capitalists and much like traditional VCs, they can negotiate more favorable investment terms.
DAOLaunch aims to change the structure of shady behind-closed-door investment deals to an open and more competitive deal structure that takes place on the blockchain. This will drastically shake up the startup industry.
Why should startups fundraise with DAOLaunch over traditional fundraising methods? Here are the benefits and features explained below:
Create Token Sale
The token creation function enables users to create tokens for their tokensale. It's an easy and simple step with no coding knowledge required.
Cross-chain Interoperability
This is already adopted in the Ethereum and BSC/Binance smart chain but we are ready to adopt other blockchains such as Cardano.
Tokenmetrics PieChart
Set your token metrics with a nicely designed pie chart and that's shareable to your social media networks. The token metrics function also provides a smart contract token lockup functionality. You can easily set a vesting period for your team's allocation to show transparency to your investors.
Decentralized Fundraising
Users can create a token sale from your connected address without any custodial *Set price, Hard Cap, Soft Cap, duration, and min/max per address. Once your token sale is complete your native tokens will automatically be distributed and the funds will be sent by the smart contract.
Build NFT Farm
DAOLaunch has pioneered an innovative NFT Farm Function. In short, this enables all startups to create a farming pool for users who stake native tokens or providing liquidity. Easily build token utility using DAOLaunch NFT farms, or increase TVL to reward liquidity providers by farming your exclusive NFT.
Startups will be able to apply for grants on our platform and DAL holders have the ability to vote for the startups that they believe should receive the funding.
Support and Guidance
DAOLaunch has partnered with leading crypto VCs to ensure that all the projects that we launch stand a great chance at success so we aim to assist projects that IDO on our platform with advice and support across marketing, PR, community support, business development and
The below will describe features that will be offered to investors and what benefits our platform has for them.
Investors on DAOLaunch are able to build that same leverage and brand themselves using our Decentralized Venture Capital NFT (DVC-NFT). Branding as DVC-NFT will assist retail investors to get more favorable token allocation, seed prices, and other exclusive benefits normally extended to venture capitalists.
Mint decentralized venture capital NFTs (DVC-NFT), vote, and record the investment performance on the blockchain whilst negotiating better investment terms.
Exits Secured
All startups on DAOLaunch will list on a Decentralized Exchange (AMM) automatically from raised funds, secure STARTUP EXIT using Smart Contract with funds being automatically be added to LP too.
Detailed Tokenomics
Investors are able to check exit information such as "Listing Date/Listing Price/Liquidity '' before investing A project must detail its Hard Cap and Soft Cap. If the Soft Cap isn't met, funds are automatically returned to investors.
Fair and Transparent Funding Process
All negotiations are done on-chain to ensure a fair and competitive environment.
No Central Custody
Funds/Tokens are managed on an escrow address automatically, to protect funds from scams using a smartcontract.
DAOLaunch Current Status
DAOLaunch's dApp is functional and will be ready for public use in December. Here's a demo video of the dApp:
We have recently held our IDO & IEO on leading platforms and backers: Trustpad, BSC Station and, please read this blog to see how much we raised on all 3 of these platforms:
We have features on the following sites which can help you understand our concept better.
DAOLaunch's token will be listed on PancakeSwap and on the 3rd of December 2021.
Coin Market Cap:
DAOLaunch has been unanimously adopted by Stake Technologies, which develops the Shiden Network, and the Shiden community in the "Astar/Shiden Network Builders Program". The Shiden community has allocated approximately $𝟐𝐌 𝐒𝐃𝐍 staking and supporting DAOLaunch:
Shiden DAOLaunch partnership featured in Yahoo Japan (Please translate to read): ステイクテクノロジーズ、紫電ネットワークで「dApp Staking」提供開始(あたらしい経済) - Yahoo!ニュース
Crypto Investors: We are backed by some of crypto's leading investors such as x21 Digital, Meridian Capital, Onebit Ventures and more:
Startup Up of the Year Nomination: We have received a nomination from Hackernoon as on of the startups of the year of 2021: Startups in Mahé, Seychelles | Best Startups by City 2021 ( (Please vote for us :D )
Main2.0 Ver release
DAL token Listing
Build NFT Farm
NFT drop Promote features
Farm/Trade NFT marketplace
Main3.0 Ver release
Decentralized Venture Capital NFT(DVC-NFT
Decentralized Voting features
Negotiate favorable investment terms on-chain functions
Seed token portfolio NFT creation
Auction/Lending market for NFT portfolio
Decentralized Advisor Governance
NFT Portfolio Vault
Integrate DAICO
Easy & Flexible design DAO Governance for startups
Costs breakdown
Coming soon.
What Success Looks Like
Our goal in DAOLaunch is to ultimately bridge the gap between investors and startups by cutting the middleman. We see ourselves building on more chains, of which Cardono is one of the leading chains on our list, and we believe we'll be able to bring tremendous value to the ecosystem with our technology, community and expertise.
Our no-code financial product creation is going to be industry standard, and we're currently pioneering this tech in the IDO and crypto fundraising space.
Social Media Details
Business Decks
DAOLaunch Pitch Deck
80k - We're going to add to liquidity to the adaptation of Cardano when we build on it.
DAOLaunch's team has been involved in crypto since 2015 with extensive knowledge in investment, development, marketing and management.