Last updated 2 years ago
There is a lack of professional, community driven initiatives to help Funded Proposers building their projects in an professional manner
Building a Community Team of Experts, able to offer Expertise, Guidance and Mentorship for Funded Proposers to move to the next level
This is the total amount allocated to Bridge Builders Mentorship Program.
Building a Community Team of Experts, able to offer Expertise, Guidance and Mentorship for Funded Proposers to move to the next level
Experts in Business,Finance and Management.Veteran-Full Time Community Members,Funded Proposers & Community Advisors,Catalyst Circle members
The Bridge Builders group is an aligned group of highly engaged and committed Catalyst Community members coming together as an community driven Assembly to provide value to their environment. We sensor and identify gaps within the ecosystem to co design and initiate required solutions.
In collaboration with well established community projects, we co - build and design "tailor made" solutions in guideline to the Cardano & Catalyst Philosophy... from the community, with the community, for the community.
We see each funding round amazing projects growing up in the Catalyst Ecosystems. The experiment to explore the highest potential of human collaboration seems to work out quite well. People meet and connect, build relation and trust and build whole projects out of their collaborations. We even see a trend of people leaving their day job and to dedicate their time and engagement full time to Catalyst.
The Problem.. once projects grow and take shape, pass successfully through the Catalyst Process, get voted and receive funds, the funded projects face huge challenges.
How to transform collaborative structures into professional projects
How to build stable and sustainable projects in the Cardano Ecosystem
How to transform projects into "legal bodies"
How to find what you need when you need
How to find collaborative projects which perfectly fits to your project, idea and vision
Many Projects are seeking professional education and Mentorship to move their projects to the next level but the Catalyst Community currently lacks experts and skilled structures to provide fast and effective support to those projects.
That's where the Bridge Builders step in.
We built an initial team with experts in specific Domains to provide tailor made services to funded proposers.
The Team:
**Allison Fromm |**
Allison has 20+ years experience in finance, accounting, and business development. She has actively participated in Catalyst since Fund0 and is currently serving as the Catalyst Circle v2 Representative for General ADA Holders. You can find her complete background here:
**Dean Taylor |**
Dean has more than 25 years of experience in the technology industry including 15+ years at executive management level—including startup and established organizations. His primary experience is in moving companies or offerings through the "pre-chasm" marketing and partnering activities; bridging the business gap that exists as technology moves through stages of innovation into business acceptance and adoption.
As a Linux pioneer during the '90s, he was there at the inception of the open-source movement, working for Caldera Systems as the Vice President of Marketing and Channel Sales. He played a key role in growing the company's market presence and creating Caldera's Initial Public Offering (IPO).
Felix Weber |
Founder and leader of the Catalyst Swarm, Initiator and Coordinator of the Ambassadors Guilds, Initiator and Coordinator of the Eastern Town Hall, Elected Member of the Catalyst Circle version 1, Community Advisor,Challenge Team Member, Proposal Mentor and Community Manager
Nori Nishigaya |
Founder of the Salmon Nation Decentralized Alliance (SANADA), Bridge Builders, and SAMON pool. Member of the Catalyst Circle Admin Team, Cardano4Climate, and Rapid Funding Challenge Team. Cardano Ambassador, CA, and Funded proposer. Passionate about radical inclusivity and community, and devoted to making Cardano the best community on the planet. Nori brings over 30 years of experience in software development, agile methodologies, leadership and managing teams, and founding and running technology startups.
The Services
The services will be provided in 3 main parts
(1) Public - Online Live Sessions and Workshops
(2) 1:1 Online Live Sessions and Workshops for funded Projects
(3) Open Source - Content Creation of educational Resources
We will mainly focus on following aspects:
- Financial Education and plans
- Team structures and agile concepts
- Leadership education
- Tailor made business plans and strategies
Those topics will be covered in different ways:
Online - Open Sessions and Workshops in After Town Halls and Eastern Town Halls
Once per month, we will host a breakout room in the Project Catalyst After Town Hall which is organized by the Catalyst Swarm. In these breakout rooms, we will provide open Workshops and Sessions for the Community. The Workshops will be recorded and uploaded on the Bridge Builders Youtube Account.
As we aim to support as well our friends in the eastsern hemisphere, we will also offer a 2 hour Workshop each month in the Eastern Town Hall to invite people from the Indonesian, Vietnamese, Japanese and East African Community to join our Workshops. The Workshops will be recorded and uploaded on the Bridge Builders Youtube Account.
These Workshops are organized in Collaboration with the Catalyst Swarm & the Eastern Town Hall teams.
(2) Online - 1:1 Team Workshops & Accompagnement for funded Projects
As we believe in "do not measure quality by quantity" we will start with a small number of Projects to whom we offer 1:1 "tailor made" Workshops in private calls. This allows us to develop specific and unique succession plans, Guidance and Mentorship. In the first 3 months, from January 2022 to March 2022, we will concentrate on a maximum of 10 Projects which will have our accompany over an estimated timeframe of six months.
During this time, we will stay in close and permanent contact with the accompaigned projects, provide direct communication streams via the Bridge Builders Slack account and weekly Team meetings.
In the 1:1 Accompagnements we build close relations to the teams and their projects. This close relation is needed to fully understand the projects needs and desire and to co design tailor made succession plans
(3) The Bridge Builders Series. Providing a Series of, open source based, educational content
Bridge Builders Series is a collection point or library of education information, videos, workshops, and items that can be utilized in training, building and growing organizations in their business models and stages of growth. In addition, Bridge Builders will look to the community to assist in building out this series of open-source offerings. Initially Bridge Builders series will focus on providing a library of templates. Some examples include:
Presentation templates for raising funds, sales engagement, and partnering recruitment
Business plans, executive summaries, and strategic plans templates
Marketing, public relations (PR) and launch templates
Other information will continue to be added as the market needs expand and new business models emerge.
The Impact of this proposal defines itself by an Assembly of highly experienced and skilled Experts with various backgrounds working hand in hand to provide impactful tailor made Guidance and Mentorship.
Our efforts will be transformed into powerful blueprints and playbooks which enables further initiatives to build on our experience to provide multiple additional services to our community of funded proposers.
With the Team behind the proposal and the collaborations within the Catalyst Community we are well resourced and positioned to drive this proposal to its success and beyond
All services, actions and operations will be 100% transparently documented and published. We will provide constant updates via Website and Communication hubs and will present achievements and failures in a monthly Town Hall report
February 2022
Launch of the first Public - Public Online Live Sessions, Workshops and 1:1 Online Live Sessions and Workshops for funded Projects
Design of multiple Tailor made succession plans for funded proposers
March 2022
Continuously moving forward and identifying patterns between individually designed succession plans
April 2022
Publishing the first generated Playbooks and best in practice blueprints
Number of organized and hosted public Sessions and Workshops for Funded Proposer
Number of organized and hosted 1:1 Sessions and Workshops for Funded Proposer
Value of generated Playbook/Blueprint
Budget breakdown
5 Experts offering their Knowledge and Experiences, each with a time commitment of 10 hours per week. We reward the Experts engagement with 4000 USD per month for each. The costs will cover all provided services for a time frame of 3 months
5 Experts x 10 Hours per week for 3 months
5 x 4000 USD x 3 months = 60.000 USD
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Experts in Business,Finance and Management.Veteran-Full Time Community Members,Funded Proposers & Community Advisors,Catalyst Circle members