Last updated 3 years ago
The typical accelerator model is not adapted to a global distributed system and structurally underfunds underrepresented communities.
Conduct a research project for a radical decentralized blockchain accelerator that nurtures teams that are worth investing in any context.
This is the total amount allocated to Distributed Autonomous Accelerator.
Conduct a research project for a radical decentralized blockchain accelerator that nurtures teams that are worth investing in any context.
For over a decade we've been running entrepreneur incubation & acceleration programmes. We advise startups & co-found fintech ventures.
Detailed Plan
The existing entrepreneurial start-up scene focuses on fast-tracking the revenue generation of a portfolio, built around a "winner takes all" approach; a hoped-for Facebook or AirBnB Unicorn.
This inhibits under-represented communities, wastes potential and leaves promising projects on the drawing board.
We seek to accelerate and enable projects that intend to deliver public goods with many different kinds of returns, many of which have no place in the current portfolios.
For example, delivering a repository structured to keep an accurate record of a country's laws, maintained as an on-going, foundational, open-source project, for and by citizens, which enables multiple business rules for governments, entrepreneurs, businesses, impact investors and other public-goods initiatives, like 'citizen-ledgers' to be built.
With blockchains, tokens and DeFi/RealFi investment models the community is the store of value and the source of value creation. Our plan is to research and articulate the requirements needed to deliver a Distributed Autonomous Accelerator that acknowledges that fact.
This is nothing less than looking to transform incubation, acceleration, and mentoring.
Our Team & Experience
Our project team is experienced in undertaking community research, connecting community resources through workshops and meetups, developing feasibility studies and business cases. They have grown entrepreneurial ecosystems, engineered financial market software, led product management and design, tech start-ups, impact investing and quality assurance. Team members are also active in organizing a legal-tech community, the Catalyst Eastern Townhall and contribute widely to the Catalyst Community.
Jo Allum: Designer, Impact Entrepreneur, Ecosystem builder, Co-founder of a community-led coworking space, Entrepreneur Support Organisation (including incubation, acceleration programmes) and a country-wide network of ESO's for Impact entrepreneurs. Contracted to support Angel Association New Zealand's Investor network and member of the committee of New Zealand's Open Source Society. CA F7, F6 Funded Proposer, Challenge Team member at Improve and Grow Auditability.
Yoram Ben Zvi: Impact Entrepreneur and mentor with international board, operations and startup experience and a strong global network of startups, incubators and accelerators. CA F6 and F7, Funded Proposer, Community manager at Cardano4Climate.
Robert O'Brien: Distributed Systems Software Engineer (Financial Systems) and Entrepreneur. Co-Founded three start-ups in Financial Data Analytics, International Trade Payments, and Impact Investing. Plutus and Atala Prism Pioneer. Co-organiser of the Catalyst Eastern Town Hall, a Cardano Catalyst Community initiative.
Stephen Whitenstall: Academic, community and business project organiser with global corporate Test Management and Quality Assurance Management experience (IBM and BNP-Paribas). Develops, maintains documentation and provides technical project management support for Catalyst Swarm, serves on the Catalyst Circle, multiple funded proposals and founder of QA-DAO.
Our Solution
Venture investing approaches today are based on a common assumption that only a few projects in a portfolio will succeed. A venture capital fund, often with a 10-year lifespan, will achieve a 70/20/10 ratio e.g. 10% succeed, 20% are zombies, 70% fail. The rationale is that a Unicorn will generate such a high financial return that it makes up for the failures. An upstream consequence of this economic model is that incubation and acceleration organizations only focus on prioritizing the revenue generation potential of their portfolio of companies.
A Distributed Autonomous Accelerator (DAA) flips this model. The current economic model for venture investing assumes a high transaction cost to both discovering new opportunities for investment and coordinating the investments. Blockchains radically change the economics of investing. Project Catalyst demonstrates the ability to "unleash the crowd" ( for discovering new innovations. This lowers the cost and extends the reach of investment to diverse communities.
When combined with low-cost tokens, property (NFTs), smart contracts, continuous investment markets (DeFi) can reward ecosystem participants such as accelerators and mentors. Smart contracts and blockchain transparency heralds new approaches to monitoring and auditing investments.
Taken together we can flip the economics of venture investing. In turn, flipping the economic models of accelerators and mentors and opening the door to a raft of new highly investable assets, ventures, teams, and communities.
Our methodology is to co-create solutions with the Catalyst community. We will leverage the global Catalyst network that has evolved into a distributed incubator of ideas with a growing community of passionate, purposeful people.
Many people in our network of networks have 'professional-grade' experience in venture acceleration, incubation programmes, mentoring, investing, financial markets, impact and global networks. This experience has led them to Cardano to seek investment from the Catalyst community's treasury for their proposals. They are already breaking new ground on every level and our initial research has indicated that everyone in the community wants to meet the intention of creating the future we want to see. The talent, energy and will is available to "do this properly", this research project will extract and distill this knowledge and assist the network to formulate a solution.
The accelerator we imagine will create more winners, more often. Taking more successful small steps for the betterment of all, with consistent resourcing and investment, alongside the opportunity for contribution and benefit for all who participate.
What we will do
We will co-create the foundations of the Distributed Autonomous Accelerator (DAA) by:
The foundations of the DAA will implement the structure and elements needed for a self-regulating strategic entity together with the Project Catalyst's community. We will facilitate the accelerator collaboratively. An entity (such as a council) will be formed that will communicate, co-ordinate and enable collaboration towards the intention shared by our funded proposal teams, accelerating their progress.
Weaving together the people, their values, activities and funded projects, the tools and processes being experimented with across the Cardano ecosystem we will develop a theory for how the DAA might work. We intend to connect community members, community services and projects to innovate our innovation commons, in common.
Incommons: Betterment Accelerator
Impact on Challenge Metrics
The DAA will have a significant impact on Project Catalyst metrics defined by the challenge team, only on a different timeline. It will create the ability for Cardano to deliver on one of its core aims to realise the highest potential of human collaboration – the betterment of people and planet.
Scaling the accelerator function, way beyond current incubation and acceleration models, will be made possible by combining the technologies and projects initially identified and referenced below for this proposal.
After producing the paper we'll adopt an impact investing approach to project proposals in collaboration with the community, reporting and measuring the progress towards standing up the DAA.
Deal flow globally will be achieved via adoption of the DAA's protocols, methodology and digital infrastructure by Incubation, Acceleration and Investor networks connected through the proposal team and Catalyst community, for example; Kampul, Seedstars, Techstars, International Business Incubation Association, Capital Institute, Asian Business Angel Forum, Angel Capital Association to name a few.
The diversity of these existing Acceleration and Incubation networks connected through the Catalyst community range from national youth entrepreneurship programmes serving 8-16 year olds, to highly specialized military and border control programmes and everything in between. This diversity brings qualities and strengths which cross not only domain, technological, country and cultural boundaries, but generational ones too. Creating the DAA from within this community enables this community to leverage its network to gain adoption.
Key Performance Indicators
These are the KPIs for the initial phase:
The ultimate objective is to deliver a Distributed Autonomous Accelerator as part of what we're terming Cardano's Betterment agenda. The process to achieve this deliverable will be in multiple phases.
The objective of this phase is to socialise and test the concept of a DAA within the Catalyst community, access the community hive-mind to solicit requirements, perform literature reviews and build a strong platform to deliver future phases. It is envisaged that future phases will lead into each other in quick succession, however, this is predicated on securing funding in future rounds.
What Success Looks Like
This is our roadmap to deliver a Distributed Autonomous Accelerator.
Delivery will be in multiple phases, with each phase separately funded. The funding requested is to complete phase one.
The design and build is a collaborative effort and we expect up to 100 community members to be active participants (investors, mentors, services, etc.)
After One Month (Phase 1):
After Three Months:
After Six Months:
After Twelve Months:
Published content will be licensed under the Creative Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike International (CC BY-NC-SA) License v4.0. The specification will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license.
The team will dedicate the next 3 months to working with the community to deliver the phase 1 deliverables.
The resource of 2 full-time equivalents will be needed as follows:
Total funding requested $55,000
Affiliated proposals
The initial list of proposal teams and communities to connect with and engage in this project (not dependent on funding being allocated to their proposals). Note: The proposers are already connected and have reached out to, or are working with, teams on all of the following;
F7: Catalyst Accelerator & Mentors
F7: Boosting Cardano's DeFi
F7: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms
F7: Nation Building Dapps
Previously funded proposals
F6: Proposer outreach
F6: Developer ecosystem
Challenge teams and ultimately proposers in Fund8 including
Catalyst community governance projects
Expert resources
The Future of Distributed Finance:
Requested funds
Launch of project (phase 1)
February/March 2022
For over a decade we've been running entrepreneur incubation & acceleration programmes. We advise startups & co-found fintech ventures.