A social design program for individuals and organisations, that gives them a systematic approach to level-up for Web3 / UX 3.0.
10yr+ Sr. UX/UI Designer / ML System Engineer. Founder of the Social Design Academy. Member of Adagov. 13+ months in Catalyst. Funded F6.
Social Design Academy
Humanize & Democratize Web3 Design.
TL;DR - Summary for voters. (Full proposal below this one-pager)
In this proposal we are asking for your support to bring the Social Design Academy and Social Design program to life in 2022. Our mission is to speed up and systemize social innovation in the Cardano ecosystem using social design templates in combination co-creation techniques. See figure 1 - Social Design Program and figure 2 - Co-creation schematic.
The Social Design Academy wants to introduce Social UX/UI; a co-design software method that results in web3 software that is owned by participants and benefits society at large. We strive to make everybody a Social Experience Designer and build Humanware, a new type of software that is owned by Society. Humanware declutters our digital lives and brightens our daily lives, because the future belongs to everybody.
The Social Design Academy design review team has over a 100 years of combined experience from digital product design, machine learning, system design, social science, experience design to meditation and endogenous wisdoms.
You might know us from our funded "F6: In-wallet Onboarding for ADAholders", and "F7: Fund Builder for DAO's"proposal. F7: Social Design Academy, brings these open and mission driven projects to the Catalyst Community.
Help us humanize & democratize web3 software design.
Questions? Want to become a mentor? Reach out on: missiondrivendesign@socialdesignacademy.io
The Social Design Academy Team.
Why do we need the Social Design Academy?
Governance software design needs a new Social UX design method that does not exist. We see 2022 as the ideal year to bring the Social UX/UI program to the Catalyst community. Closing the web3 knowledge gap by introducing a systematic approach to decision making software design for individuals and businesses.
The Current situation
We are building the wrong kind of services in the digital space, software that is only tailored to e-commerce and treats us as the product by harvesting and abusing our data.
The software we build today delivers features for the individual, that's why we call our devices; personal devices. Our software is often a technical set of functions and actions to get something done.
Web3 and digital governance design is different, it adds decision making in our software. Our current UX/UI design methods do not tailor to the social design aspect of digital design, and this is a serious problem. We need to build a new type of software that is successful in bringing new organisational templates and distributed decision making to the people. Scaling decision making to millions, by combining social design with digital product design is our definition of success.
There is not only a large knowledge gap for individuals and businesses to join the web3 revolution, our UX educational materials are out of date.
The Future desire
In the last 18 months we developed a Social Design Program for the Catalyst Community that combines co-design techniques, social science and digital product design. We believe in cognitive diversity; linking moral imagination with social science and spirituality is the key to unlocking our greatest human potential.
The Social Design Academy, an educational platform that ...
teaches everybody how to democratize and humanize software design, as we believe everyone has a role to play in social change.
We will use the following real life projects:
- Catalyst Assistant - In-wallet Onboarding for Adaholders
- Voltaire Assistant - Funder builder for DAO's
These mission driven projects together with our Social UX/UI program will educate Catalyst teams and external businesses how to design social experience maps for decision making software. In collaboration with Adagov - which assists cooperation and coordination around governance software development - we co-create social technology that will declutter and brighten people's daily lives.
What does success look like within 9-12+ months?
- Our mentor network and social design facilitator network is growing, and veteran social design leads raise a new generation of facilitators.
- Educate community members on web3. Develop and create the future of design research as a community and explore the true power of social design
- Businesses level-up their page-based design, and choose digital conversation design to create interactive social designs for individuals and group needs.
- We are building new SocialDesignAcademy Design Review teams (human capital), to scale up design reviews to other Catalyst and External projects.
- At least two revenue sources (See attached 100x Mentor image) are ramping up, proceeds go to a side-treasury using a social contract. (Governed by SDA/Adagov)
- We are starting to receive donations to our Social App sub-treasuries, these are governed by SDA/Adagov. The Voting Center will be the place where people can vote on/donate to Social Apps, people can post Social App ideas and donate to specific Social Apps. When the production budget threshold is reached the specific Social App goes into production. Building what the community needs now is a big success driver.
- The Social Design Academy has successfully reached out to Social impact funds, Cardano Angels, and other interested sponsors and investors. Additional funds are kept in side-treasuries and are governed by SDA/Adagov teams with a predetermined social/smart contract.
- At Social Design Academy we want to look beyond GDP; financial capital is important, but just financial growth for business is not enough, we want to incubate other types of capital as well; Intellectual, Spiritual, Social, Materials, Living, Experiential and Cultural capital; we will actively partner and promote meaningful brands and projects focusing on real positive impact.
For who is this project?
For individuals and businesses that want to run mission driven projects using a systemized approach.
Funded Catalyst Projects(Catalyst cohorts); Who want to master conversational interaction design to turn their functional page-based applications into authentic assistants using the Rebuild as Assistant course. (Funded Catalyst Projects get free access vouchers by providing proof of funding.)
External Businesses; Businesses that start to realize they have a web3 knowledge gap. That want to tip their toes in the DAO-water and want to become a Social Brand*; onboarding employees, partners and customers into the social design program to build the future we want today.
Conversational DAO's; Change makers that believe that DAO's should facilitate co-creation sessions resulting in shared ownership and shared revenue. Teams that want to design virtual assistants instead of applications; using web3 technology to assist people in their daily activities and routine while taking care of our planet.
Cardano Wallet builders & SPO's; Who see value in becoming a trusted access point for onboarding family and friends, by integrating the Catalyst Social Appstore. This will not only create a safe environment, this will add new monetization options to your business, while creating mind share for Cardano.
Investors; Investors that believe that collective human super intelligence can be unlocked with new digital governance software that enables us to organize ourselves in new ways in our digital networks.
* A Social Brand is a new type of brand that (partially) gives brand ownership to participants using social design, social/smart contracts, online co-creation techniques resulting in egalitarian decision making in the digital space.
This Proposal will improve the following challenge metrics
How can Catalyst harness professional firepower to bootstrap an accelerator environment that amplifies and commercializes funded projects?
- Build for Scale (Quality and strength/Distribution of social programmes); The only way to scale properly is through (censorship resistant) software that can involve people through digital conversations. Our in-wallet onboarding and fund builder open innovation projects enable people across the globe to embrace Cardano's mission to make the world a better place.
- Democratize Design (number of projects accelerated); If we want to unlock our greatest human potential, we must unsilo the world and decolonize our design thinking - design with, instead of designing for - in other words the amount of connected businesses in pools that co-create business using the Catalyst Social Appstore.
- Conversation Design Teams (Distribution of social programmes); By providing clear social design challenges, we enable small teams to do their best work and present their Social Apps to the Catalyst Community.
- Humanize Design (number of mentors and investors); By building Social Apps that use digital conversations we provide funded projects with a new way to approach their interface design in a humane way.
- Education Experiences gain traction (Distribution of social programmes); The amount of workshops, methods, exercises, materials, and models we brought online. The courses and workshops gain traction and turn knowledge into power for the web3 community.
- Design Review Teams (number of mentors and investors); A design review process that keeps developed technology social and acts as a gateway process to bring validated decision making systems into the Catalyst Social Appstore.
- Mentor Network for Project Catalyst (number of mentors and investors); Inviting domain experts into additional design review teams gives Project Catalyst access to expert knowledge and thought leaders. (We onboarded 11 people already with an acceptance rate of 100%! So we are onto something; people want to regroup to do important work.)
- Systemize Social Innovation (Quality and strength); We transformed Social Design as an experiment into a systematic approach by combining social science, conversational interaction design and web3 (UX 3.0 / Social UX/UI). We set a new bar for moral imagination, resulting in a flourishing and healthy Cardano ecosystem with a consistent and recognizable front-end interface. We connect our real and virtual worlds in meaningful ways that will safeguard our future. (This will not happen overnight ;)
Impact - Benefits of the Social Design Academy are:
- Mentor Network; We involve experts, mentors and thought leaders and connect them with catalyst proposals through design review teams.
- Democratize web3 design; public design principles, well argumented design, iterative design and public design reviews will open up the design process of Catalyst to the world. (Learning happens, when we open our progress to the world)
- New Business models; Grow the realisation that designing with Cardano is designing with money. We introduce new side-treasury earning models in the Catalyst Social Appstore; pay to own, pay to use, contribute to own, contribute to use, and build to earn.
- Combining social design with web3; Redesign how we organize ourselves and bring decision making in our digital networks, while giving ownership of the technology to the people.
- Promote social brands, social software and social way of working; unlearning and relearning to build humanware for society..
- Professional Grade Education for our youth; After validation in 2022, we want to turn level-up our social design program into a professional Humanware design program for digital design schools and universities. Using modern learning management systems that provide educational experiences for the Project Catalyst community. Enabling the youth to design web3 software that benefits society as a whole.
- Promote Society ownership of web3; Society shall build and own web3 technology for good.
- Promote building Humanware*; Combine social design with digital product design and own and build real social software / public interest technology.
* We define Humanware as situational aware software that provides location based services to assist people in living their best lives, resulting in social cohesion around the globe. The policy of humanware is governed by the people, instead of the select few.
Feasibility - How do we make sure we deliver on intent?
Tell people, they forget.
Show people, they remember
Involve people, they will understand and contribute.
- The Social Design Academy review team has over a 100 years of combined experience from digital product design, governance design, machine learning, system design, social science, experience design to meditation and endogenous wisdoms. We believe in cognitive diversity; linking moral imagination with science and spirituality is the key to unlocking our greatest human potential.
- By making information actionable using conversational interaction design, and using a new permissioned data-model based on circular design and master to reduce, we might have found a way to re-imagine digital product design for blockchain. (Current design research looks very promising)
- By bringing together mentors and investors around subjects that matter we bring in knowledge which might not currently be present in the Catalyst Community. (100% acceptance rate shows that it's possible to connect people around projects that matter.)
- By combining social science, conversational interaction design and web3 into new educational experiences, we can safeguard progression and use feedback to improve our educational experiences.
- Design Research makes potential solutions visual for people. In my career I always see people open up, smile, and start to contribute when they see a solution visualized on screen.
- We systemize social design using the emotion → thoughts → actions mental model.
- By using co-design and co-creation techniques we add a multitude of cognitive diversity to build the best tools for the Catalyst Community while mitigating risk.
- By involving wallet builders and SPO's into our network we can tailor to their specific needs and problems, while providing them with new monetization methods.
- By creating visual information maps we reduce the cognitive load, and people learn while participating
- The Social Design academy brings learning and doing together in open source mission driven projects using the Care, Coach, Communicate mantra by Jon Gordon.
- We expect it takes one to two years to bring the Social Design Academy, funded project and course material online in their full glory. We will use an MVP, and iterate forward. We are here for the long haul, will also reach out for external funding and this is probably a life's work.
- We use a - We don't know, but we will find out - mentality; the one who is allowed to fail the quickest, has the most chance to succeed.
- Build Global, Stay local.
Project Deliverables & Fund request - 71.5K
These funds will be used to develop and deliver services, formats and the social design program to the Catalyst Funded Proposals* and external stakeholders.
Social Design Program - 31K
Pre-scan Materials
- Triangles of Truth
- Social Brand Checklist
- Stakeholder mapping
- Pain & Gain Persona
Social Design Material & Workshops (Miro Compatible)
- A Brave New You
- Ethical Foundation (The Road)
- Assistant Vision (The Car)
- Stakeholder Truth (The Destination)
- Social UX/UI (UX 3.0)
Services & Social Format Development - 14K
- Social Design Toolkit
- Social UX/UI Facilitator Training
- Catalyst UX Review in video
- Catalyst Design Review Sessions
- Social Brand Design Services (Brands owned by the people)
- Conversational Interaction Design handbook
Website + Online Learning Management System (LMS) - 18K
Website development
- Design / Look & Feel
- Landingpage
- Courses overview
- Course Detail
- Contact
- Open Projects
- Project stage 1: Proposal Writing
- Project stage 2: Design Research
- project stage3: Cooperative production proposal
Content manager
Initial Marketing & FB Advertising budget
Learndash license pro (LMS)
- Ada payment integration
- Custom coding certificates
- Payment gateway
Blade VPS Hosting, Monitor Tools
Program License Research - 2K
- Education as a service licence research / advice cost
Activation & Promotion - 6.5K
Content Creation & Copywriting
- Article on Social Brands
- Article on Humanware / Personal Virtual Assistant)
- Article on Ways of working + download
Catalyst Design Review Show
- Design video & bumper pack
- Art Direction
- Video bumper pack
- Brand audio logo / Audio design
- Tool Licenses Youtube Pro, Re-stream
- Miro, Principle for Mac, Invision & Sketch for teams licenses.
- Hardware; Atem mini pro, xlr go.
Proposal budget request 71500,- We strive to double funding from external sources/clients in 2022.
* Design Review Team curation process for Catalyst Projects applies. Acceptance based majority vote, Proof of existence and Catalyst funding required.
Because we are developing the Social Design Program materials from our design research projects not all design research will be done in open workshops. Starting 2022 most of the sessions will involve closed deep work, becoming more open throughout the year.
The same applies for our mission driven projects. We want to deliver the design research for In-wallet onboarding for ADAholders and Fund Builder for DAO's in the first 9 months of 2022. If we would open up the whole project to include learning for the Catalyst Community this timeframe would not be possible. But not to worry we will bring the most challenging design research after it has been completed into workshops so we teach others about our findings.
We will ramp up the Social Design Academy from 22Q4, this proposal will help us set up the infrastructure and not waste any time at the beginning of 2022. This project is here to stay, early 2023 we will set up The Humanware Project to build the humane 2030 agenda.
Auditability - How can the community check on progress?
Scope for Fund 7: The Social Design Academy website, In-wallet onboarding- and fund builder for DAO's have our focus. We will bring courses online in our learning management system, and add downloads in our Social Toolkit member sections as second priority throughout 2022.
**We provided a list of auditable items below that will be produced throughout 2022, please consider participation instead of auditing as well, and join our discord:**https://discord.gg/bu74NSXKcf
- [In progress] We created the brand for the Social Design Academy. (3 months)
- [In progress] We provide social brand development services to Catalyst Funded Project. (Whole 2022)
- [In progress] We attract mentors, thought leaders and experts to close knowledge gaps.(Whole 2022)
- We are pleased to report that people are excited to participate in something that benefits society as a whole, acceptance rate is 100% on 11 requests.
- [In progress] Follow the progress of our Social Design Academy website design (3 months) https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/YV120BW38AB9#/screens/460924137
- [In-progress] We built the Social Design Academy website (Dec'21-Jan'22)
- [In progress] Presentation and feedback Social Design Academy at IdeaFest fund 7 (3 months)
- [Vote-pending We installed a learning management system. (22Q1)
- [Vote-pending] We opened up a twitter account, in which we ask digital product designers and non-technical to participate in social design challenges. (3 months)
- [Vote-pending] We created 10 pieces of social media content to promote SDA (3 months)
- [Vote-pending] Production of the Social Design Academy Project Deliverables (Whole 2022)
- [Vote-pending] We create Social Design Academy website section which acts as a progression tracker to track the design of the deliverables. (3-6 months)
- Stage 1: Writing Proposal
- Stage 2: Design Research
- Stage 3: Proposal & request for co-creation
- [Vote-pending] We did 4-6 design review sessions with visual / interface design at the center of these meetings (6-12 months)
- [Vote-pending] Successfully connected with 2 external investors that sponsor our open projects (6-12 months)
- [Vote-pending] We successfully started collaboration and software production with Adagov. (6-12 months)
- [Vote-pending] Trackable Design presentations and Design review video's on our website (6-12 months)
- [Vote-pending] We create domain specific Activity pair packs (verbs, nouns, adjectives) that clearly separate centralized, decentralized and distributed language, so teams can download those as a quick start for governance design. (6-12 months)
- [Vote-pending] Developers are contributing to the Cardano Digital Conversations framework on Github. (6-12 months)
- [Vote-pending] We are launching/tuning materials on our website on a regular basis. (Whole 2022)
- [Vote-pending]We successfully are building the Social Design Academy community mailing list making access to voters and digital product designers easier.(Whole 2022)
- [Vote-pending] We investigated social impact funding and found traction in our mission to double our fund request throughout 2022. (9-12 months)
- [Vote-pending] We have participated in a social design award (12+ months)
Our Team
**Social System Engineer / Design research lead.**Niels Kijf, sr. Social System Engineer & Design researcher for blockchain based software.
Design Review teamThe design review team will vet and review educational materials and design research.
Ro, sr. Machine Learning (Full Stack)
Kerstin, phd (des), digital education researcher/ lecturer
Antoine, co-founder of Suki Editions
Christopher, co-founder and leads Regenerating Sonora
René, mechanical engineer
Timothy, Systems Engineer
Aharon, Social-tech Entrepreneur Consenz
Merijn, Music/Brand Director
Deryck, Risk Manager/Engineer
Vision statements sheet available on request missiondrivendesign@socialdesignacademy.io
Social Design Academy Roadmap
- 22Q1-Q2: Design research In-wallet Onboarding for ADAholders
- 22Q3-Q4: Design research Voltaire Assistant - Fund builder for DAO's
- 22Q4: Make learning management system operational
- 2022: Vetting Social Design Program
- 2022: Design Review Sessions & Workshops for Catalyst
- 2022: Mentor Onboarding
- 22Q4: Investor Onboarding
- 22Q4-and beyond: Launch of the Social Design Program
- 22Q4-and beyond: Cardano Digital Conversational framework
- 22Q4-and beyond: Catalyst Social Appstore
See visual roadmap in attachments
Good to know
- Social Design Academy will start throughout 2022. (Will ramp-up over the year based on community participation)
- SocialDesignAcademy.io design for wellbeing.
- Adagov.org code for wellbeing.
- We believe conversation design must be at the center of digital governance design.
- We are excited to replace page-based design with conversational interaction design.
- This project is dear to my heart (Niels) and the acceptance rate of 100% of mentors, thought leaders and experts gives me hope that we can turn the tides and build a brighter tomorrow with web3 software.
"Society shall own, build and use distributed technology for good." - NK
References & AttachmentsCo-creation; Choose trust over fear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC6Yt3jfp_s&ab_channel=TEDxTalks
Figure 1 - Social Design Program 2022
Figure 2 - Co-creation Schematic
Figure 3 - 100x Mentor Network
Figure 4 - Visual Roadmap
Figure 5 - Stefanie Jansen - Co-creation Paradigm Shift
2 screen design SDA website. (First Iteration - Homepage & Courses overview)