Building software of ADA payment plugin on COTI platform for online commerce payment using smart contract.
Business owner; Digital marketer; Full-stack developer; Software product manager.
- There is a limitation of application for ADA holders to use in real life
- There is a limitation of payment methods to protect sellers/merchant from fake request/offer
- There is no simple enough plugin which non-technical users can use to integrate with their website
- The retailers who wish to use ADA for their buy/sale functions: Online shopping platforms like Shopify accounts and Online retail websites
We will develop plugins for some popular shopping online platforms like SHOPIFY, WOOCOMMERCE, and SINGLE RETAIL websites which enable buyers to pay their order by ADA through COTI API in a SEAMLESS UX process.
- Each merchant/buyer will submit to to get an account with an ADA address to perform payment with ADA
- The plugin will modify the current store database to add this ADA address to the shop record
- Each product Item listed on the shop will have ADA price reference in real-time converted from USD to ADA
- Add pay with ADA to the shopping cart which includes the following
- QR code includes: Merchant address and the Total pay value on ADA (converted from USD in the realtime)
- The client at this step will have 02 options: 1) Pay directly on the shopping page: ADApay login; AdaPay request with given ADA amount and receiver address(merchant address); The client accepts payment with a given amount; Merchant will receipt the notification that the buyer has been submitting the payment. And 2) Pay by its mobile phone with COTI wallet app by scanning the QR code then accepting payment
The plugin is named cPAY
✍Main functions
cPAY plugin software allows to package its product as a set of plugins, it is distributed on the cloud computing platform through a SaaS product.
Customers are e-commerce sites, retailers, or internet platforms that need to pay online via ADA cryptocurrency.
cPAY plugin software will integrate directly on the customer's goods payment website through a software package downloaded from cloud computing that we have already deployed on it.
cPAY plugin has the following main functions:
- Link API Key with the platform provided by COTI.
- Integrate into the website and enable fast and secure ADA payments.
- Custom interface according to customer's device format or website structure.
- Review transaction history and transaction queries
- Depending on the payment interface (simple or full), support Qr code payment ADA
- Multi-language function according to the local language.
- The function of CRM administration and end-user customization.
- Function to set features on cPAY software.
✍How success look like?
- By distributing the payment plugin as a SaaS product, we will quickly serve a variety of customers with different website platforms as well as customizations on smartphones.
- In addition to the core value of COTI's ADA payment platform, we wanted to add value to the cPay plugin payment tool with a user interface experience. Customers can change the interface, customize it according to simple or complete features.
- In the future, when completing the project and having the target number of customers reached, we will add many new features in addition to payment such as customer transaction reporting function, customer statistics function. We will develop paid plugins in ADA or COTI, this part lets us fund for updating plugin changes such as:
- Update API Key from COTI.
- Add new features to the plugin.
- Design a more custom user interface.
- Marketing for the project and expanding the scale of customers.
- In addition to focusing on customers paying online for the first versions of the project. We are also planning a mobile payment offline version on the COTI platform, It will target local retail customers.
- Plan the project, identify customers, and target platforms.
- Build and design system for payment plugin software.
- Set up a server system on cloud computing.
- Build core-source code for plugin software.
- Integration Coti API Key into core-source code.
- Unit test source code with Coti API Key.
- Design payment software interface (UI/UX).
- Programming the interface of the software.
- Testnet local for system work follows.
- Testnet local integration plugin payment for an eCommerce site.
- Multi-language integration in the plugin user interface.
- Maintest system payment plugin.
- Build up software payment plugin to system Cloud computing as SaaS product.
- Building a customer support portal for the software.
- Integration SaaS (plugin) for all customers and platforms.
- Integration for offline retail commerce as Pos, mobile payments.
- QA Test and release full version.
- Update and maintenance products.
✍Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
In the 3 next months after approved
- Build system for cPAY plugin development (% of delivery) - 100%
- Coding core-source code of cPAY plugin software (% of delivery) - 100%
- Research and Analysis among 10 customers of eCommerce.
- Integration Coti API Key into cPAY plugin (% of delivery) - 100%
- Complete design user interface for the plugin (% of delivery) - 100%
- Research and Analysis among 50 customers of eCommerce.
- Integration plugin pilot website for customers eCommerce (3 customers).
- Build up the community who is interested in ADA payments (5 social media)
- Research and Analysis among 100 customers eCommerce, and build a customer database.
- Launch cPAY plugin as an MVP version to verify all software logic and test with REAL LIFE situations.
In the 6 next months after approved
- Build a product that meets proposal expectations
- Test all the functions
- Launch cPAY plugin software version 1.0
- Integration for more than 10 customers uses the cPAY plugin for paying ADA via Coti API Key.
In the 3 next months after approved
- Marketing to promote this product to all merchants include:
- Retailers who run a business on a platform like Shopify
- The retailer who has an online shopping website
- Get the feedback and improve software
- Release cPAY plugin software full version with many template user interfaces.
- Integration for more than 50 customers uses the cPAY plugin for paying ADA via Coti API Key.
✍Breakdown budget
The budget consists primarily of the development of plugin software. Budget breakdown is as follow:
- $1.200 - Architecture design for cPAY plugin software: 40h x ($30/h)
- $1.800 - Design UI/UX for cPAY plugin software: 60h x ($30/h)
- $4.200 - Build coding for cPAY plugin software: 120h x ($35/h)
- $1.200 - QA & Test plugin: 40h x ($30/h)
- $3.500 - Integration plugin for website of customers eCommerce: 100h x ($35/h)
- $900 - Demo & documents: 30h x ($30/h)
- $400 - Environment setup plus cloud costs
Total request: $13.200
✍Risk management
There are some potential risks below:
- The stability of customer transactions is highly dependent on the stability of COTI's platform API Key. 🙅♂️
- The actual needs of customers who want to pay with ADA cryptocurrency have not been assessed yet.🙅♂️
- At this time, the hardware infrastructure for the project has not been calculated. However, with the use of cloud computing as a plugin development platform, we will be able to account for an increase in customer usage. 🙅♂️
- Difficulty in reaching customers who need to integrate with the new payment method by ADA. 🙅♂️
Some solutions to the risks:
- We will build multiple API Key connections to ensure the plugin always has a connection to the COTI platform, which may require COTI to provide us with additional fallback API Keys. One of them will be activated instead when there is an issue with the previous API.
- With funding in the next Fund combined with the revenue from paid plugins from customers for those versions or upgrading the plugin's interface. We will use a significant portion to promote our products, which make us reach our customers more naturally and widely.
✍Duc Tiger
- Business owner
- Digital marketing
- Community management
- Data analysis
- Marketing management
- Finance management
Social channel:
✍Thang Tran
Software expert along with others to create some of the very successful high volume and high availability critical mission software. With 10 years of experience in software product development and bigData analysis.
- Software design at all levels
- Backend/frontend and mobile development
- Blockchain and hash algorithms
- Skill React Native, Node, Haskell, and Plutus
- Product development
- Data analysis
Social channel:
✍Trong Nguyen
- An IT specialist who worked for many big IT tech firms in Japan such as GNT, ISFNet, and IBM.
- Experienced in software product management, digital content with 10 years of mobile app development for Android and IOS.
- Mentor for startups in mobile content and blockchain, startup founder, dev team maker. He is also a software engineer with many years of experience in internet-based product development.
- Product management
- Digital content
- Project Schedule Management
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