Last updated 3 years ago
Project Catalyst is static and linear causing scaling and delay issues; preventing teams with promising projects from choosing Cardano.
A Fund Builder with Social Appstore deploying side-treasuries to onboard new teams through fast, linear and asynchronous funding tracks.
This is the total amount allocated to Fund Builder for DAO's (Adagov/SDA).
A Fund Builder with Social Appstore deploying side-treasuries to onboard new teams through fast, linear and asynchronous funding tracks.
10yr+ Sr. UX/UI Designer / ML System Engineer. Founder of the Social Design Academy. Member of Adagov. 13+ months in Catalyst. Funded F6.
Proposal Details
Challenge: F7: Catalyst - Rapid Funding Mechanisms
Proposal Title: Fund Builder for DAO's(Adagov/SDA)
Project title: Voltaire Assistant
TL;DR - Summary for voters. (Full proposal below this one-pager)
In this proposal we are asking for your support to bring the Fund Builder for DAO's to life. Our mission is to speed up and systemize social innovation by doing design research for software that delivers rapid funding mechanisms to the Cardano ecosystem.
Voltaire Assistant provides a Social Appstore, that enables Catalyst stakeholders to deploy side-treasuries pilots with Social apps that chunks governance into pieces. This results in a strategy to transfer governance to the Cardano community. The Voltaire Assistant software can resolve conflicts by providing Catalyst Stakeholders governance tools and Community safety measures; like productivity and sentiment KPI's which enable community monitoring of misbehaving side-treasury pilots.
Having software that enables secure and continuous funding of visionary teams by deploying side-treasury pilots with rapid funding mechanisms, will enable IOG to gracefully transfer governance and ownership to the Cardano Community.
The Social Design Academy design review team has over a 100 years of combined experience from digital product design, machine learning, system design, social science, experience design to meditation and endogenous wisdoms adding an extra vetting layer to the design research of this fund builder software.
Voltaire Assistant - Fund Builder for DAO's
In this proposal we introduce design research by Adagov & Social Design Academy; That is pre-work towards a software system that enables Catalyst Circles, Challenge Teams and external Organisations to set up and govern side-treasuries by using clearly defined proposal templates and Social Apps.
At the moment, writing as well as assessing proposals is a linear process. Breaking down the proposal template into individual modules enables a more connected way to communicate ideas and visions. We´re putting the data flow at the center of the system, which enables us to move 'data-sets' through a before-during-after pipeline. This new approach in data-management gives us better tracking options throughout the proposal lifecycle.
Social apps give people the power to grade, assess, and reduce data in a visual interface while compounding mutual effort in proposal creation. Another great advantage of a new data model, is that we can incentivize the community to do translations for proposals that resonate in certain communities with other languages.
The Catalyst Social Appstore
Another important component of Voltaire Assistant is the Catalyst Social Appstore; by breaking important governance topics down into Social Apps, like Fund builder, Proposal Builder, Incentives Builder, and Assessment Builder, we created a strategy to gradually transfer ownership of decision making to the Cardano community. Each builder has governance parameters.
Social Apps for Blockchain projects
By pushing proposal-data through a circular production pipeline based on the 'Before-During-After' model, we safeguard the scaling and successful ownership transfer of Project Catalyst. See Figure 2 -Visualisation of Data-model.
Where are we now?
Biggest problem is that Catalyst uses too many channels and touchpoints; e-mail, discord, telegram, ideascale, spreadsheets, gitbook, forms, ..., this leads to a divergent system that is hard to manage with manual labour, and the primary reason the current Catalyst setup doesn't scale. If we truly want to scale Catalyst a 1000x we need custom software that acts like a communicating vessel; a one channel strategy that uses system thinking and a Social Appstore that can be upgraded with new insights as we embark on the journey to transfer ownership to the Cardano Community.
What holds us back?
Software is commonly designed for the individual, teams are not familiar with building group experiences and engagement in software. We need new ways to design software; meaningful software that assists the community in organising information into novel ideas, without the dominating hierarchy models we have today. We need a new type of Real Social Software (Humanware) that releases our full potential by combining social design and digital product design. Rethinking our approach to interface design is key in this aspect, as you also want to be able to use governance systems on location and in context, not just on the big screen.
Wouldn't it be great if we had..
... A software tool that provides visual building blocks to create, manage, operate and report on workflows, which was powered by a Social Appstore with side-treasuries. A Fund Builder for DAO's that gives circles, teams, and organisations the possibility to build side-treasuries on Cardano. Giving businesses the opportunity to tip their toes into the DAO-water.
Our design research will focus on two funding mechanisms:
1 - Linear funding workflow
Linear workflow like we have today in Catalyst, with stages, acts, and specific roles (.../commenter/ca/assess/proper review of assessment/vca/...) to assess proposals in the challenges. Adding flexibility through Social Apps that for instance auto-exclude members from participation if they propose in certain challenges.
In this linear chat-based system we put data management at the center, and time as the guiding and constraining factor. Social Apps assist proposer (teams) in editing and shaping their proposal, until the deadline for the voting round is reached. And the proposals go into a next stage in which we provide a Social App for assessment logic and after that a Social App for the voting logic. After voting we could disperse participation and reputation tokens, but that's out of scope for this proposal. In the current Catalyst, the merit of participation is lost.
2 - Asynchronous rapid funding workflow
Asynchronous means that Funding round participants can start a funding round at any time within the timeframe of a linear fund. This rapid funding track will be time-boxed in stages and acts, but the stages would be weeks, days, or even hours. The end of a rapid funding track is not time, but quality, which means a proposal continues to run through the network until a certain quality level is attained. Think about asynchronous workflows as a funding track with built in voting. By randomly selecting participants and experts from the network, evidence of bias can be flagged, which can trigger a mediation stage with thought leader logic. We labelled this process of progressing through proposals: "Productive gaming."
Who Is This Proposal For?
This proposal is for people who understand that we need to organise ourselves in new ways today to create a brighter future tomorrow, this proposal tailors to audiences inside and outside Catalyst, to keep taps with the real world.
The '3.5% rule': How a small minority can change the world[3]
What does success look like within 3-6 months?
This Proposal will improve the following challenge metrics:
Increased meaningful participation; By introducing the Social Design Academy we are onboarding and educating change makers in mastering seamless, frictionless and fluid UX for their Catalyst projects using our new Social UX/UI design system.
Improved Funding Speed; We have provided design research that a fund manager using stages, digital conversations, time-boxing, and turn-based incentives that help speed up rapid funding to weeks instead of months.
Improved Scaling; We have successfully proven that a different approach to data-models, downloading Social Apps and (offline) conversational scripts into Virtual Assistants can lead to an enormous scaling improvement.
Iterative & Trustworthy interactive governance; In contrast to page-based software design, digital conversations can be easily iterated, are flexible and can be linked to conditions, we track the efficacy of conversational governance scripts with UX KPI's. [1]
Proof of Inclusion and diversity; We successfully showed that we are able to co-design open-source design research using diverse cognitive design review teams and the catalyst community.
IMPACT - Benefits of Voltaire Assistant are:
With this design research for the Fund Builder for DAO's we provide a design strategy that shows how we can successfully transfer governance from IOG to the Cardano Community in a controlled environment using the Catalyst Social Appstore.
Feasibility - How do we make sure we deliver on intent?
Project Deliverables & Budget - 37K
Design research for Voltaire Assistant; A Fund Builder with Social Appstore deploying side-treasuries to onboard new teams through fast, linear and asynchronous funding tracks.
Check deliverables details for description of the Social Apps.
Deliverables Details
1 - Circular Data-model
If we build tools around our data streams we might find a better data-model that is compatible with blockchain. Rethinking our data-model makes it possible to minimise data storage, and 'burn' only outcomes to chains. This would also reduce information overload, and data-clutter. See figure 1. (attached images) for a simplified mockup.
2 - Gravity UI
A visual view of what happens in the network based on energy distribution. We often measure functionally (amount of proposals, votes) but social design focuses on energy in motion; being able to see where the energy goes in your system can help raise the quality of funding rounds, by pushing attention to challenges or proposals that need energy.
3 - Catalyst Social Appstore
This is a simplified appstore like we know from Apple or Google, but Social Apps give access to Social features that enrigh functionality around governance subjects. Social apps are designed for the before, during, after stages in workflows.
4 - Catalyst Fund builder
This is the core of the system, a visual fundbuilder in which you can create linear or asynchronous funding tracks. Visual building blocks help you to create, manage, operate and report your funds and funding rounds. Each end of a funding round gives the stats like the end screen of a (productive) game.
5 - Catalyst Proposal Builder
In this proposal we lock the social template to proposals, because we need one constraint in our design research. To be able to provide as much value as possible we chose the obvious one; a proposal builder using the before-during-after pipeline.
6 - Catalyst Incentives Builder
Incentives are where things get exciting, we will use social research[2] to find what people value, and we will bring the use of ADA into the funding tracks, but we also research non-monetary incentives, as we believe the human aspect in Cardano is just as important.
7 - Catalyst Assessment Builder
This one is important, because our current assessment happens in spreadsheets for the linear funding track. We will provide Social apps to standardise the assessment process and link the assessment to the actual proposal data. This means assessment can also take place in the during and after phases.
8 - Voting centre for Voter Involvement
The voting centre helps us to engage with voters in new ways, not only will we bring the voting into the network, and connect the voting to the actual proposals. We can also involve voters and let them vote on which social apps they would like to see developed. This bridges the current gap between voters and proposers.
9 - Talent Seeker
Design research is the first phase of creating something new, but we need front-end designers, developers and blockchain engineers to make this fund builder a reality, this is where the talent seeker comes in. It's a social app that focuses on a social profile that is built by yourself and others.
10 - Multisig transactions Proof of concept(20% Adagov budget)
The scope for this project is to rebuild the core of Project Catalyst / funding mechanisms using conversational interaction design as taught by the Social Design Academy. We limit ourselves to a linear and non-linear funding track using a proposal template.
By creating the before-during-after data pipeline, we can extend the Social Appstore with all kinds of fund builder templates. These funding templates are for future design research and implementation.
Other out of scope funder builder template* ideas;
* All builder templates use the same before-during-after data-pipeline.
Auditability - How can the community check on progress?
Fund 7 Scope: Two use-cases
We will deliver two use-cases in this design research as pixel perfect design + gitbook documentation; the linear funding track and the asynchronous funding track. We strive to make the design process as transparent as possible by setting up design review teams.
The following list makes it easy to track our progress:
Real world impact
An open-source fund builder for DAO's supporting linear and asynchronous funding rounds powered by a Social Appstore with side-treasuries.
A fund builder gives Catalyst circles, teams and companies access to side-treasuries, while Social Apps give them the opportunity to start using ADA/Tokens in their business environment.
By providing a strategy and approach we create a lively and safe (sandbox) environment that allows parties to 'flip-the-switch' when their community sentiment is confident. Meaning they can play with serious impact.
Why is Design Research & System Thinking important?
Design research investigates in visual design how we can do things in new ways. By making our thinking visual, the Catalyst community can focus on contributing to a solution, in this way we can solidify our thinking in design.
System Thinking is important, because it's the relation between components where the magic happens. Think of an old pocket watch; the minimal precision of the cogs needed to make the deviation of time as small as possible is why design research is needed. The connection and relation between parts is where the magic happens, not the individual parts. System thinking treats a system like a communicating-vessel.
Challenge selection rationale
We chose the Rapid Funding Mechanisms over the Cardano ♥ DAO challenge because this proposal focuses on treasury management and new types of rapid funding mechanisms in software. We support DAO's and other Organisational structures, the Voltaire Assistant system is not a DAO in itself and will be turned into open-source software after the design research is completed.
Our Team
Social System Engineer / Design research lead.Niels Kijf, sr. Social System Engineer & Design researcher for blockchain based software.
Design Review team
The design review team will vet and review educational materials and design research.
Ro, sr. Machine Learning (Full Stack)
Kerstin, phd (des), digital education researcher/ lecturer
Antoine, co-founder of Suki Editions
Christopher, co-founder and leads Regenerating Sonora
René, mechanical engineer
Timothy, Systems Engineer
Aharon, Social-tech Entrepreneur Consenz
Merijn, Music/Brand Director
Deryck,Risk Manager/Engineer
Full disclose and vision statements sheet available on request
Social Design Academy Roadmap
See visual roadmap in attachments
Good to know
References & Attachments
[1] UX KPI's
[2] 30 Incentive research
[3] 3.5% to change the world
Figure 1 - Visualisation Data model - Rapid Funding Track
Figure 2 - Social Design Academy Roadmap
Proposal Meta-data
Supported by Adagov and Social Design Academy
Theme: Productive Gaming
Category: (Rapid) Fund Mechanisms
Tags: SDA, Adagov, Design Research, Software Design, Conversational Governance, Visual Fund Builder, Gamification, Social Apps, DAO support, Cooperation & Coordination Support.
10yr+ Sr. UX/UI Designer / ML System Engineer. Founder of the Social Design Academy. Member of Adagov. 13+ months in Catalyst. Funded F6.