Last updated 2 years ago
Town Hall is attended by highly engaged participants of the Cardano ecosystem. They need a moderated space for discussion and networking.
Organize breakout rooms after each weekly Town Hall to discuss current events. Provide space for funded and upcoming projects and ideas.
This is the total amount allocated to After Town Hall by Catalyst Swarm.
Organize breakout rooms after each weekly Town Hall to discuss current events. Provide space for funded and upcoming projects and ideas.
We are highly engaged fulltime Catalyst Community members and successfully organize the After Town Halls since June 2021
This Proposal is a follow up Proposal to the successful funded After Town Hall proposal in Fund 6. We aim to level up the After Town Halls and to increase the quality and the format. As initiators of the After Town Hall, we are proud that we have been able to establish an open and inclusive space for the community to present ideas, connect and meet with each other and to share visions and ambitions.
The Catalyst Swarm
Swarm is everybody who identifies with the vision to share ideas, visions and ambitions and to collaborate on building the future society of Cardano. We are representatives of the idea of an open, inclusive and diverse network of doers and visionairs, working hand in hand to add value to the Cardano Ecosystem and its community.
(A) Background
Project Catalyst is an experiment to explore the highest potential of human collaboration. Swarm supports this mission.
We explore and maintain environments in which community members can meet, connect and share ideas with each other. Out of these collaborative and incubative Community events, we see that people build relations and trust on which collaboration and whole projects start to emerge.
Offering an open stage to the community allows us as well to come together and to speak and discuss important topics and themes which matters to us and our community.
(B) The Catalyst Swarm After Town Halls
The Catalyst Swarm After Town Halls is a community driven space which opens its stage each wednesday after the main Town Hall. The Town Halls are a weekly event hosted by IOG. Since June 2021 these events are hosted on Zoom and are publicly accessible for everyone.
We could write a bunch of smart things now, about social dynamics and impact, about incubation of ideas, of building networks of trust and what not.. Fact is that it is quite simple what we do.
We invite people to listen to each other
We invite people to understand each other
We invite people to meet each other and to build relations, bonds and projects…
and that's it.. kinda simple. But also very powerful.
By exploring and maintaining open environments where everyone may enter to express their beliefs and visions, ideas and ambitions we provide a space where communication and coordination can flourish and grow. The result is often a healthy collaboration between Community members and their ideas and projects.
By encouraging the Community to host open rooms and to present their project to the community we maintain an open space where people get inspired and empowered to start their own projects or to join those which fit to individual desires and objectives.
(C) How the After Town Hall works
(1) From the side of the Visitor:
Join the IOG Town Halls which take place each Wednesday at 18.00 UTC live on Zoom and enjoy updates and news from IOG and the Community
Then, directly after the main Town Hall, join one of the various breakout rooms in the After Town Hall and meet & connect with the community
(2) From the side of the Host
Sign up via this form and reserve your room:
You will get contacted via mail to confirm your room
You join the weekly Town Hall, we will assign you as Event Co-host
Join the After Town Hall Room we have set up for you where you decided host, the title and topic
Record the meeting via Zoom for those who can't join the rooms
Upload the recorded Video on:
(3) From the side of the Organizer
Outreach to community members and projects which would like to host a room
Confirming Hosts/Rooms which signed up via the sign up form
Updating the After Town Hall intro Slide deck
Setting up the breakout rooms in the Catalyst Town Hall Zoom call
Assigning co hosts in Zoom so they are able to record their rooms
Introducing the After Town Hall
uploading recorded rooms on the Swarm Youtube Channel
(D) Improvements
The current format is, as Catalyst itself, evolving over iterations. From our previous experience we identified some points on which we want to improve the After Town Hall format.
(1) timestamping and structuring recorded rooms
With generally 5 breakout rooms per week/After Town Hall we have a weekly footage of 5 to 10 hours. It is hard for people to watch through this content to find the information they need. Timestamping the videos will help the community to find the informations they are looking for.
(2) research and experimentation with After Town Hall reputation & rewarding systems
The After Town Halls are a perfect environment to experiment with reputation and rewarding models and concepts based on community engagement like hosting, workshops and sessions rooms or participating in meaningful discussions. We want to use the stage to experiment on effective solutions to build reputation and to reward and incentive participation.
(3) Town Hall & After Town Hall - Marketing campaign
The Town Halls and After Town Halls are a great starting point for newcomers joining the community. Currently we are lacking an effective marketing campaign to attract newcomers.
We want to start a very first community led marketing campaign to attract more people into the Town Halls and After Town Halls.
(4) Generating Blueprints and Playbooks
By executing the After Town Halls on a weekly basis we have a format which is iterating in fast cycles. By staying flexible and dynamic we are able to experiment as we go. The earned experience has an amazing value and helps other Projects like the Eastern Town Hall & LATAM Town Hall to grow on the After Town Halls experience. We maintain a close communication, coordination and collaboration with the Eastern Town Hall which helps both Town Halls to improve their performance.
Out of this experience pool, we want to generate Community Event - Playbooks and Blueprints to help other community led initiatives to explore and establish their format, performance and experience.
(E) Impact.
The Impact of the After Town Hall is a quite tasty one and where would this proposal better fit in as in the Event Challenge which was submitted by the Catalyst Swarm ( Dominik Tilman ) to create a space for this kind of community services.
Town Hall is a weekly event organized by IOG and serves as one of the main entry points into the Project Catalyst. Town Halls are attended by hundreds of people every week and the recordings on YouTube average 2000-4000 views. Difference in YouTube views and live Town Hall participation is obvious. We see YouTube views as leads generated by Town Hall that we would like to convert to proposers. Currently, almost all of the Town Hall participants stay and actively participate in the After Town Hall events which shows community interest in this format.
Significant number of entrepreneurs and developers in other blockchain ecosystems are still underestimating or are not familiar with possibilities on Cardano. We believe that an interactive format like After Town Hall can be a great introduction to knowledgeable and constructive people within Cardano. We believe that these interactions can lead to significant inflow of outsiders into the ecosystem because we recognize the power of the Cardano community, as we have witnessed it on many occasions so far.
(F) Feasibility.
With more than 20 successful organized After Town Halls in a row, we have proven the feasibility of our proposal in action through the last 5 months.
(G) Auditability.
As we track and documentate the After Town Halls breakout rooms and hosts, we provide a transparent and understandable process of this proposal. The Community can check each week if the execution of this proposal is well done by visiting the weekly After Town Halls.
Here all hosted breakout rooms since the very first After Town Hall
(H) Adjustability.
As we create easy repeatable, flexible and dynamic mechanisms, we are able to react and adjust the After Town Halls in a quick and safe manner. We are always able to react to unexpected situations and events and always stay open for improvements.
(I) Roadmap:
General 2022
Organizing the weekly After Town Hall - Events
Feburary 2022
Launch of the After Town Hall - marketing Campaign
Starting first Experiments to explore After Town Hall reputation & rewarding systems
March 2022
Focus on experimenting After Town Hall reputation & rewarding systems
(J) KPIs / OKRs:
Deliver weekly After Town Hall session
minimum 5 breakout rooms with moderators
Holding a retention rate of over 80% of Town Hall participants stay for After Town Hall
Amount of increased participation number by the marketing campaign
Number of recorded, time stamped and uploaded breakout rooms
Generation of a Community Event - Playbook
(K) Budget breakdown
The Budget is calculated for a timeframe of 3 months
Hosting weekly After Town Halls from January 2022 to March 2022
One After Town Hall - 1000 USD
3 Months with 4 Events per month = 16.000 USD
Marketing Campaign
2000 USD
Research & Experimentation on After Town Hall Reputation and rewarding systems
6000 USD
Generating Community Event Playbooks based on the After Town Hall experience
1000 USD
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are highly engaged fulltime Catalyst Community members and successfully organize the After Town Halls since June 2021